ThePhilosophyOfRape #sexist

I live in an apartment right in the heart of college rentals. Sitting right on my front porch, I watch it unfold before my very eyes. It's things I've been cogniscent of for awhile, but after watching this Oktoberfest weekend, I felt so assured of the things I've been tossing around in my mind for years.
Rape served a very important function in mitigating female behavior and keeping it in check. Back in the time of prehistory, a woman couldn't behave as shamelessly slutty as she can today, because of the risk of catching the eye of the wrong male. But now, with "consent" laws barring nature back, and feminism and sexual-liberation perverting whole generations of hearts and minds, we find ourselves in a situation gone way, way, too far.
These harpies need to be humbled. And for their own good. Like the child with absolutely no boundaries and no discipline, they may feel they yearn for no rules, but become absolutely lost without an adult to tell them no! If you've ever met such a kid, the type who can have anyone over, at anytime, and do anything, is miserable. The insertion of an authority figure who deals out punishment is met with intense anger and resistance. But the discipline is what was so badly needed. The slaps and smacks may smart, but it helps the child have some semblance of direction as they develop.
These hussies are so far gone, living in a world that is a virtual macrocosm for them of the home for the child with the completely negligent, permissive parent. Disciplinary smacks and slaps come in a different form for these more grown children (college women), since the situation was more extreme in permissiveness and went on for more years. But the curing power of good ol' fashion physical strength wielded to correct can not be understated.
It's not only morally justifiable to rape such a woman, it's and brave.
At the risk of stating the obvious, this isn't true for all female human beings. We're not talking about nuns or grandmothers or humble, married, women of twenty years.
We're talking about filthy, unmitigated, sluts. Oblivious and loud. Shameless. Belligerent. Entitled. Selfie taking, Tindr-whoring, Teenage-walking-herpes-sores. We are talking about bad, bad, individuals. Unruly, neglicted, children, run-amok. That badly need to be punished. Badly.
For the good of society these women need to be raped.
Here we will teach how to do it safely.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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