Laura Lowder #fundie

Laura Lowder: Uh .. . No. Sometimes abortions do not "work. Often conversion --- I prefer to call it reparative therapy --- does. Look. there is no evidence of a biological cause for homosexuality. None. There might be some down the pike, but right now it's wishful thinking. Twin studies have pretty much blown the idea out of the water. So - - - Reparative therapy. If we take a broad view, all psychological therapy is reparative -- repairing something that is damaged or not working at an optimal level. Maybe you want help to quit acting out in ways that are offensive to your spirit and self-sabotaging to what you really want out of life. Would you want to be denied help with that by a blanket ban on reparative therapy? Maybe "going straight" isn't what you want, but you want better-balanced relationships with the same and the opposite sex. Don't you have a right as a human being to be able to pursue that goal? Or maybe, like a lot of straights, you find yourself involved with jerks and want to overcome that disposition to become capable of fostering healthier relationships with a more decent sort of person. Isn't that your right? If you agree with me that it is, then you really want to leave reparative therapy as one of your options.

Chip01: Ummm no. Conversation doesn't work. The head of the conversion himself quit. (Exodus International)... I also don't agree with changing the name of something so it won't invoke as horrible of a reaction. (Example: Let's change the name of "torture" to "bunnies" so that it doesn't invoke as horrible of an image... )Nice trick, but a bit obvious. Reparative therapy should be for the group that attacks gay people, and makes them feel like being gay is bad. Donna Cambell of Tx should go first The rest of your comment is from "sex in the city"... Yes, dating is hard for both gays and straight... Why is that? Because people are people. Ps : love doesn't need a "cure". Go sell you're snake oil elsewhere.
Gay is natural. there is nothing wrong with being gay... Your Somme to show your ignorance, as hiv is in the straight community and in some countries rising higher than gay communities... Your mixing social behavior... And trying to use that as an agreement. It doesn't work...

Laura Lowder: HIV is the tip of the iceberg; gay men are vulnerable to a range of injuries and ailments the straight community doesn't think of. As more and more straight couples are being persuaded by pornography to go "creative" those diseases are showing up in more women than before. That is NOT "natural." And even if it were, behaviors are self-determined. And some behaviors are dangerous.


Laura Lowder: There are a lot of people whose testimonies declare that reparative therapy DOES work. Maybe their goals were different from yours; maybe their therapists were more attuned --- Who knows? But your testimony does not legitimate the overwhelming effort to utterly ban reparative therapy for unwanted same-sex-attraction. Gays say, "Who in their right minds would WANT to be gay?" but then they are working hand over fist to prohibit help to get past SSA, to achieve a healthier, better-balanced orientation toward same and opposite sex in all dimensions of human relationship. You do realize that reparative therapy is applicable to someone who just wants help to quit acting out? It's not just about "getting a girlfriend," although learning to orient toward same and opposite sex in all dimensions of human relationship can be part of it.



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