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What i've learned from cold approaching over 350 women

What i've learned from cold approaching over 350 women
Past 5-6 months I’ve probably cold approached around 300-400 girls

Things I've learned:

1. Cougars go for young men because they missed out on hypergamy at a young age. Due to FOMO (Fear of missing out)

2. Cold approaching women at college parties, Clubs is as easy as ever. I cant remember a time i got rejected once. I simply go up to her ask her whatever vibe i feel from her. They will never be angry or mad at you or turn you off. In fact women are more than willing to give you their snapchat if you ask. Ive learned that rejection comes from them giving you their social media but never opening your stories ONCE. they simply just used you for validation.

3. Location is very important part in where you cold approach you have a way better success rate @ parties, clubs, and bars but places like the grocery store, shopping, a park will catch a women off guard and she will be creeped out. But when you display high value she then will be interested to hear what else you have to say and honestly its not worth the effort i hate giving girls free validation and attention. my success rate at parties was 9/10. outside of that environment 2-3/10. Las Vegas is probably the easiest place in the world to game and cold approach. Law 4: Always say less than necessary

4. The cure to stop being a beta (which 85-90% of men in the USA suffer from) is to take action and boost your testosterone by lifting heavy ass weights 4-5x a week. Women are attracted to masculine as men are attracted to feminine women. So do whatever it takes to boost your test (I don't advice steroids or TRT). Eat healthy fats (avocados, grass fed beef, eggs, almonds, etc) lift, lift, lift, avoid soy, stop watching porn, and stop fapping everyday. Its proven fact that your testosterone gets a small boost when you stop fapping for a week. Before TRP i was 60% alpha 40% beta and how i cured my betaness was going to the gym 5-6x a week. Instead of being the average guy to make excuses and complain I went out and did the work and what i sowed i reaped. Law 25: Re-create yourself

5. As i got more experience it became very very easy to spot out damaged goods, alpha widows, and BPD. These girls are the empty ones who post nudes or sexual pics on social media or are constantly seeking validation to fill the emptiness. These girls are usually the ones with tattoos, wear lots of make up (to hide the insecurities), wear tight clothes and try to reveal as much as possible, the bigger the hoop earning the bigger the hoe, they give you the thousand cock stare, they have piercings outside of their ears, they talk about their exes, they post on social media EVERYDAY. Damage pair bond is real and its affecting the younger generation more than ever and its because everything is become accepted and apps like tinder dont help, Hollywood music artist like Cardi B & Nicki Minaj promote the dominate female and how being a whore is how to get ahead. The divorce rate in the last 10 years is up 60% and its only going to grow higher.

6. Men SMV doesn't peak till 40. I'm in my mid 20s and i know that if i was in my early 20s i wouldn't be able to have this much success due to my facial features (women like masclinality) so my advice to the young men out here know you are super blessed to discover TRP at a young age. As you see i approach this many women and i dont feel anything special about it. Just like how rich people say money doesnt bring you happiness its the same with women. I didnt find a wife or someone who can raise my kids so i gained nothing out of this. So focus on becoming your best version of yourself, try out monk mode, hit the gym, read as much as you can, learn the stock market and cryptocurrency cycles. When you go out and have fun dont just game girls go out and befriend bros. read as much of the TRP as you can, find a spiritual life, and find balance. Dont rely on anything like drugs,alcohol,women to bring you happiness because its all temporary. Law 29: Plan all the way to the end

7. Young women are more damaged as ever. Pick your poison 1 Hot 2 Single 3 Sane. You can only pick 2

8. If you meet a girl and make plans with her and she flakes ghost her and dont even bother watching her stories or trying to get in contact with her and watch her hamster spin. If she sees youre high value she will hit you back up (FOMO). this works especially with high ego, low attention span millennial girls. (Law 8: Make other people come to you – use bait if necessary)

9. When your friends or others see your success with women they will start treating you like a god. But they are just using you for what you can provide and offer(clout chasers). Dont be confused and think they are your friends they are your enemy. (Crab in a bucket) Drop your loser friends (beta males) Low-T attitudes are contagious. Being friends with emasculated men that are pussy-whipped and passive is toxic. The same goes for your friends that do nothing but drink beer and watch sports highlights on the weekends. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and high-T men have high-T friends Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn to use enemies

10. Women are more attracted to you when they see you with other girls. It hamsters in their brain what does she see in him? I don’t really know how to put this in words but it’s true

Please don't forget to read Part 1 I commented it below.

My background and stats. African/Caribbean.. in my mid 20s, Live in the liberal SF Bay Area, 6'0..

To those asking how do i know i approach this much? My snapchat stories went from 40 views to 300s and majority of the people i added were females.

PLEASE PLEASE READ 48 LAWS OF POWER. Become the Machiavellian women desire. Jesus Christ is King! Happy holidays to you and your family!



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