faithandgrace #fundie

(Talking about Sarah Palin's church, beliefs)

Keep in mind, brothers and sisters, that Palin does make one exception for the murder of babies. Sadly, for a politician, that's considered moral these days. But being a moral politician and a true follower of Christ are two totally different things and I don't think we should lose our minds with excitement over this woman when we don't know that much about her, and one of the few things that we do know is that she, with all the talk about being "as pro-life as any candidate can be", would rather see a baby killed than a woman lose her life. Jesus doesn't support that. I hope and pray that her pastor has counseled her on this. 'course, she might be more pro-life than the pastor. You just never know these days. It's truly sad. Please, Lord Jesus, come soon.



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