
Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

While All in the Family is today considered to be a "groundbreaking" show in the history of television by the liberal media, it is a glaring reminder of Hollywood's unsuccessful attempt to demonize conservatives beginning in the early 1970s. Despite the promotion of liberal values by All in the Family, however, the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s mentioned that audiences looked up to Archie Bunker largely because of his stubborn rejection of the counterculture, and his chair was even included as one of the most famous exhibits in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

Anonymous #fundie conservapedia.com

Honestly, I think non-married sex should be some form of criminal offense. Not a serious one. Misdemonor, perhaps. Just enough to make it very clear to people that they arn't allowed to do it, and will be punished if they do.

Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

The journal Science reports: Dog breeds really do have distinct personalities—and they’re rooted in DNA.[1]

Question: If atheists truly believe that dogs have personalities, then why do so many atheists in the world eat dogs? See: Atheism and dog eating

Conservapeida #homophobia #fundie conservapedia.com

My Little Pony and the Gay Agenda
Season 5, episode 9, titled "Slice of Life", as well as "Equestria Girls" short "All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games" heavily imply that the characters 'Lyra' and 'Bonbon' are in a lesbian relationship. In the episode they flirt, have romantic tension, then cuddle and make up at the end of the episode, in a public place no less. The later is entirely centered on their relationship and ends with them embracing as the scene closes in a heart shape. In addition to this, Season 5, episode 17 "Brotherhooves Social" features a male character (Big Macintosh) dressing in drag for much of the episode, visibly disturbing other characters, including children and his own underage sister. In addition, another unnamed male character heavily flirts with him, even showing up at the end of the episode with flowers for Big Mac, but is unable to find him.

Later on, near the end of season 9, the relationship between Lyra and BonBon is confirmed as they propose to one another and are married as a background event. It is likely that since season 9 was the last season, they assumed that any problems that arose from this would not affect them. In addition to this, the character 'Scootaloo' is confirmed to be raised by her lesbian 'aunts' (confirmed in the book "Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe" and by show staff Mike Vogel). Though they seem to be lesbian only in name, as none of their actions in show indicate this. Additionally, Scootaloo's real parents are still alive, but depicted as dismissive and uncaring, further demonizing the straight relationship.

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

The atheist and liberal evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is quoted as saying: "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak ... homophobic, racist, ... capriciously malevolent bully."[2] As far as Conservapedians are aware, the liberal biologist Richard Dawkins has yet to comment on all the diseases associated with homosexuality nor has he commented on the rather portly figures of many in the lesbian community! Perhaps, that is because there are so many diseases associated with homosexuality! Message to Richard Dawkins and his fans: God is good! Richard, perhaps you need to hear it again: God is good! Richard, do you think one of the many reasons why God forbids homosexuality is because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: "Logic-based proof of God"]

Greatest logical minds proof

1. The greatest modern thinkers, including Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Bernhard Riemann, Alexander Hamilton, John von Neumann, and Kurt Godel, were devoted to the Bible.
2. These thinkers would not be attracted to anything that had a logical flaw.
3. The Bible must therefore be more logical than the alternative.
4. What is more logical is more likely to be true.
5. Thus God is more likely to exist than the alternative.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

It only takes one counterexample (to disprove evolution). Number one in the list -- beautiful autumn foliage -- is enough. The foliage existed before man does, and beauty does not help the trees in the slightest. The theory of evolution is confounded by the beauty, and the best it can say is it happened by chance. But such beauty does not happen by chance

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

10 symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

Symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder include, but are not limited to:

1. Feelings of intense anger, hatred, shame and humiliation associated with having one's worldview or aspects of one's worldview publicly shown to be in error. Among COCD suffers these three feelings often spiral out of control and often reinforce each other. Western atheists who have doubts about atheism and evolution are the most frequent suffers of COCD. In addition, gullible liberals who had fervently believed that Barack Obama and the "stimulus package" would bring about "hope and change" to the United States and to the world are more likely to be afflicted with COCD.

2. You fly into a fury when atheism is associated with clowns or when it is pointed out that the Richard Dawkins and the atheist community most certainly lacks machismo. In addition, you become very irate when the subjects of atheism and obesity, atheism and mass murder, atheism and suicide and atheism and deception are raised. Of course, the bitten dog yelps the loudest.

3. Spending long periods watching or meticulously pouring over the Conservapedia recent edit summary. Individuals afflicted with COCD often review Conservapedia's recent edit summary more than many Conservapedia administrators. Individuals with Severe Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder vigorously reject the heliocentrism and geocentrism astronomical models of the universe and argue that Conservapedia's recent changes log is the true center of the universe.

4. Begrudging conservative homeschoolers and conservative children at large to have a fun page provided for them that spoofs evolutionism.

5. Excessive preoccupation with discussing Conservapedia which often involves discussing the most trifling of details. Often this leads to having dreams about Conservapedia at night.

6. Obsessing over the total web page views of Conservapedia

7. Engaging in endless speculation concerning various administrators and editors of Conservapedia.

8. Repeated and frequent proclamations that Conservapedia's death is imminent or that it has died already (The reports of Conservapedia's imminent death or death are greatly exaggerated by liberal atheists. Liberal atheists can't bear for the world to see Conservapedia's atheism and evolution articles as they detail the many deceptions and foolishness associated with atheism).

9. Feelings of anger and resentment when the many medical maladies associated with homosexuality are pointed out through the medical literature.

10. Being upset that you have various trigger words and phrases that remind you of Conservapedia such as: machismo, autumn foliage, bunny hole, Keynesian economics, cowardice, clown, obesity, exercise science, bariatric science, kitty, nerd, summo wrestling, and Olé! Olé! Olé!.

RightWolf2 #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

["The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 326 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean God doesn't love heterosexuals--He just thinks they need more supervision"]

I'm sorry, but you are flat wrong. There are over 30 admonishments against homosexuality in the Bible. God specifically states he hates homosexuals and has given them up as servants of the devil. There are 132 passages in the bible where specifcally states he HATES either a person or group of people. God does not love everyone, and he says as much in his word. I know you have heard this soul destroying lie from many people claiming to teach God's word. It simply is not true. RightWolf2 12:58, 19 March 2007 (EDT)

Conservapedia #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia conservapedia.com


Baseball, dubbed the American "National Pasttime" in 1856 (before the American Civil War), is an outdoor sport played between two teams of nine players each, whereby the winning team is the one that scores the most "runs". A run occurs when a player rounds the bases without being tagged out, but while allowed to stop at one of the three intermediate bases in between plays. Each play consists of a pitcher throwing the ball towards home plate, where a batter attempts to strike it with a bat in the batter's attempt to hit the ball where no fielder can catch it or pick it up and throw it to the first baseman before the batter is able to run to first base.

Baseball is considered "timeless" and is unique in not being based on a timer. Games end after nine innings in professional baseball, no matter how long that takes, or after extra innings until a tie in the number of runs is broken after a full extra inning.

Virtually no professional baseball players are homosexual, which suggests that the repetitive playing of this sport tends to encourage heterosexual rather than homosexual proclivities.

Baseball has been intertwined within American life and culture like no other sport has. It has given us record-setting heroes, many of which are still talked about over a century later. It has given rise to movies, songs, books, magazines, and a lexicon of words and phrases which are part of everyday life. Extremely popular within the United States, Japan, and Latin America, baseball is played everywhere from neighborhood sandlots and city streets to its culmination in a best-of-seven championship World Series between two professional teams of the American and National Leagues of Major League Baseball.

Conservapedia #homophobia conservapedia.com

Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy or Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE), consists of counseling or treatment to change someone's sexual attraction from homosexuality to heterosexuality. In 2019, New York City repealed its politically motivated ban on this, just two years after trying to prohibit it. On November 20, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit struck down bans on conversion therapy in Florida.

The Bible and Christian faith are powerful methods of becoming a heterosexual. Because ex-homosexuals exist, this helps explain why homosexual activists have sought laws prohibiting conversion therapy in many states, and liberal California, Oregon, New Jersey, Illinois and the District of Columbia have banned this therapy for minors. But on February 24, 2015, an Oklahoma House committee passed a bill to protect the right to conversion therapy, and the therapy remains fully lawful in the vast majority of the United States. Liberal Dem Governor Andrew Cuomo has tried to ban it for minors by issuing an unusual executive order in New York.

The successful approaches are aided by a change in someone's activities, such as sports, to an elimination of the animosity that someone might be harboring, such as anger towards his father. Conversion to Christianity and regular attendance at church can help; Paul referenced converts from homosexuality to Christianity in the New Testament. Aversion therapy, by which someone is averted from an unwanted activity or attraction by associating it with something mildly unpleasant, is an additional approach.

Sports activities correlated with very low rates of homosexuality are baseball, football, basketball, boxing, martial arts and wrestling. Studies show that 25% of teenagers experience ambiguity in orientation at some point. Central to the homosexual agenda is to recruit as many of those teenagers as possible into the movement, without telling them that they can choose heterosexuality instead.

jp #homophobia conservapedia.com

If you told me that liberal teaching promotes homosexuality, I would have to say hell yes it does. Not only does it promote but encourage such thoughts. Animals do it? WTF? So it is ok for humans? Boy, America is so messed up.*** Thousands upon thousands of years, homosexuals were looked at as deranged individuals. Now, our generation is so smart, smirk. Eventually, the homosexual movement will die out without reproduction. But at the same time, we must not let our youth be indoctrinated to this evil.

Conservapedia #homophobia #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Gravity Falls)
Inspired by the life of its creator, Alex Hirsch, this mystery/science fiction/horror comedy series follows twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines as they spend as summer in the fictional town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, investigating the supernatural oddities surrounding the town with guidance from one of three journals left behind by an initially anonymous author.
On the one hand, it stereotypes capitalists as either "criminals" or simply being obsessed with money: the twins' Great Uncle/"Grunkle" Stan is introduced as a relatively simple character whose only goal in life is to fool the "world's dumbest people" with a tourist trap dubbed The Mystery Shack and filled with pretend supernatural phenomena, hoping to earn their money. Even worse, throughout the series, recurring incompetent police officers Sheriff Blubbs and Deputy Durland are implied to have homosexual feelings for one another, and this is confirmed in the series finale.
On the other hand, family and redemption seem to be central themes of the series in the long run. When Stan's long-lost twin brother, Stanford "Ford" Pines, returns from being trapped in another dimension and reveals himself as the author of the journals, the brothers come to grips with their personal flaws, and Stan shows how he truly regrets leading a life of crime, wishing things could have turned out differently and calling himself "the screw-up". He gets his chance at redemption when he and Ford together outwit Bill Cipher, an interdimensional dream demon and the series' main antagonist, and erase the monster from existence, which causes them to mend their relationship.

(On Rick and Morty)
While much in the show is vulgar and irreverent, Rick is strongly independent and loathes the interdimensional government.

Conservapedia #biphobia #fundie #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Rick and Morty)
This adult animated series, whose titular characters were based on respective ludicrous caricatures of Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown and Marty McFly from the mostly conservative film Back to the Future (but soon grew into their own characters), is popular among liberals and atheist, Reddit-registered techno-libertarians alike for trying to pass a dysfunctional, atheistic family with a vulgar, drug-addicted, pansexual, alcoholic grandfather (Rick) as humorous. Worse yet, the series' volatile, fanatical fanbase is widely known for stirring up such controversies as rampaging en masse through various McDonald's restaurants in search of Szechuan sauce as if to imitate an example of Rick's unruly, disorderly behavior, which prompted several calls to local police departments, wasting tax payer monies: he seeks to claim the sauce in the episode "The Rickshank Redemption" by traveling back to 1998 when Disney released its China-set animated feature Mulan and McDonald's sold packets of Szechuan sauce with regular purchases as a cross-promotion of the film. Many of the science fiction elements of the show seem to contradict portions of Christian cosmology, such as interdimensional travel, allowing sinners to avoid the logical consequences of their actions. The institutions of marriage and pregnancy are not given the sacred coverage they deserve either. The episode "Rickmurai Jack" shows Morty as a 40 y. o. but looking much more older and much worse than a normal 40 y. o. and is called middle-aged, still too young to be in that age category, and this is weird considering that even Rick, who is 70 y. o. and alcoholic, is better looking than adult Morty here, not to mention his father who is 35 y. o. (just 5 years younger) and is good or normal looking, so ageism isn't missing in this series either.

Conservative #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

My article Gay Christian Movement Watch has received over 60,450 page views. But the external link section was wrong as the website moved to being on a Wordpress subdomain.

I never noticed this matter because I rarely think of homosexuality. Generally, I only think about of the topic of homosexuality when the media mentions the subject.

One of the reasons I rarely think of the subject of homosexuality is the inoculation I received against homosexuality from the John Wayne movies I watched. :) "Fighting soldiers from the sky. Fearless men who jump and die. Men who mean just what they say. The brave men of the Green Beret."


Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Public schools did fine before there was atheistic exclusion of Christianity from them. Public schools have far more money now than before, and yet have far lower quality now.

["Andy that's not a valid argument; it's a correlation-causation fallacy. Again, if Christianity is the root of success in public schools - why is Japan at the top of the list, where a hugely significant majority of the population defines themselves as non-religious?"]

Correlation is often due to causation, and the exclusion of Christianity was clearly a cause of the subsequent decline in values, motivation, safety, and achievement of public schools. It is equally clear that many atheists are the driving force in expelling all things Christian from public schools to this day.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: E=mc2]

Science fiction is great stuff ... as long as one doesn't start believing it, or allow it to take time away from truths, such as the Bible. Suppose I drink a glass of water, which has mass of about 0.5 pounds (roughly 1 kg). Zero calories, of course. Yet do you maintain that my energy increases in proportion to the speed of light squared?

What percentage of people who believe relativity's crass, silly materialism are likely to read the Bible earnestly, or pursue other real truths?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The Theory of Relativity cannot be reconciled with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Search and both and the lack of reconciliation is striking. The Book of Genesis describes a fundamental underlying uncertainty; the Theory of Relativity denies it.

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Neon Genesis Evangelion)
This sexually graphic TV show shows very poor family values as Gendo Ikari abandons his son Shinji, and when he’s 14, he lives with an alcoholic woman who works for NERV.

(On Voltron: Legendary Defender)
This action-oriented series based on the Voltron franchise pushes the homosexual agenda because one of its characters is a homosexual and has a same-sex "wedding", complete with a kiss at the end.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheists use biology and religious studies classes to:

1. Instill the idea that man is just another animal
2. Suggest that Christianity is "just another religion," not inspired truth
3. Belittle those who hold viewpoints opposed to evolution, atheism, or liberalism in general
4. Establish that there are no 'absolute' morals, and belittle those who think there are
5. Hide the facts connecting atheism to crime, poor mental health, and suicide

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #homophobia conservapedia.com

Best arguments against homosexuality

The best arguments against homosexuality are as follows:

Top ten arguments

1. Homosexuality is unhealthy, and it's better to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles[1] See also: Homosexuality and health
2. It's not pro-life - it leads to various diseases, physical and psychological disorders and early death among those who practice homosexual behavior[2]
3. It's anti-Bible - no other conduct is condemned as much by the Bible as homosexuality[3]
4. It's infringing on more important freedoms, like freedom of religion and speech[4]
5. It's another Leftist political movement, which Communists support[5]
6. It's promoted far too much by the liberal media - if the lifestyle were good, then why would liberal censorship of criticism be necessary?
7. People should be (and have been) able to leave the lifestyle if they want to, so why are homosexuals working hard to ban conversion therapy?
8. Homosexuals are wealthier than heterosexuals, so homosexuals don't need any more handouts like benefits for same-sex couples
9. It's an anti-Christian movement - why aren't homosexual activists suing Muslim or Hindu bakers for not serving same-sex marriage?
10. It's a selfish movement - notice how billionaire homosexuals are not setting up hospitals as Christians have?

Additional arguments
A study by the Canadian government states that "violence was twice as common among homosexual couples compared with heterosexual couples".[6]

1. We should believe in real marriage instead. Homosexual men in so-called same-sex marriages generally engage in sexual relations outside their so-called marriages (see: Homosexuality and promiscuity). Homosexual couples have higher rates of domestic violence (see: Homosexual couples and domestic violence). Pathologists have indicated that homosexual homicides are quite common and leading pathologists have noted that homosexual homicides frequently display brutality/overkill (see: Homosexuality and murder).
2. Gay corruption has become too big of a problem in our country and elsewhere
3. There is no "gay gene" and studies of twins prove this, supporting the idea that it is a lifestyle choice
4. The homosexual agenda is the wrong direction for our country
5. Many horrific crimes have been committed by men caught up in the homosexual lifestyle; there are so many examples of this that listing them here would be futile
6. The homosexual lifestyle increases suicide rates by up to 400%
7. States and local communities should be deciding this, not a few liberal activist "justices" in D.C.
8. Churches have rights too
9. Disordered conduct is the wrong direction for individuals and our Nation
10. Ancient Romans committed many homosexual acts, and as a result for violating the Lord's wishes, the Lord struck down the decadent Empire of Rome, until the Christianization of the Roman Empire

(add to list)


1. This argument worries the Left. One hospital recently fired a physician for informing the public about the health risks of homosexuality.
2. Nothing the Left can do about this argument, which resonates well with the increasingly pro-life youth.
3. The Bible even condemns those who approve of homosexuality. See Romans 1:32.
4. The recent attacks on people of faith (like Kim Davis, Colorado baker Jack Phillips, former Atlanta fire chief Kelvan Cochran and Oregon bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein, among others) who oppose homosexuality and same-sex "marriage", which are either not reported in the mainstream media or get twisted to favor the liberal viewpoint when they are reported, bear this truth out.
5. Not surprising, as Communists always want the opposite of what's best for American society, simply for the sake of being contrarian.
6. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-570-x/85-570-x2006001-eng.pdf

Nathan #fundie conservapedia.com

I took my family to see Expelled last night, and I was surprised at how liberal and obscene it was. They don't mention anything about how Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and they include secular music from "The Killers" (how could you allow a band with that name to be included in a Christian movie?) and John Lennon. I thought I would not have to cover my kids eyes and ears for once in a movie theater, but I was proved wrong with this one. I guess the next time a documentary comes out exposing the evil of evolution, I will stay home with my family and watch Passion of the Christ instead. At least that movie has a strong Christian message.

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia #wingnut conservapedia.com

(on The Loud House)
It looks like an ordinary, apolitical, animated suburban family sitcom until it pushes the LGBT agenda. Main protagonist Lincoln Loud's best friend Clyde McBride is raised by a homosexual couple, and one of Lincoln's ten sisters is bisexual. The character artwork in this series is often criticized for being derivative of the Disney animated series Gravity Falls, given that it follows what is termed the "CalArts Style", named for a specific character design style commonly seen among those drawn by animators who studied at the California Institute of the Arts. The CalArts style can be seen in other programs such as Star Vs. the Forces of Evil, Steven Universe, and The Amazing World of Gumball.

(on The Owl House)
The series promotes the LGBT agenda by having its main character, Luz Noceda, being bisexual and being in a lesbian relationship. Another character also has two dads.

(on My Little Pony)
Liberals adore this series because of its hidden messages in line with their worldview such as socialism, environmentalism, feminism, and secularism. Originally made for young girls, the show has unexpectedly attracted a worldwide cult following of young adult to adult men who call themselves "Bronies", suggesting homosexuality, or at the very least emotional immaturity, in the fanbase. Perhaps a much more apparent problem than these is the threat the cartoon poses to traditional ideas of masculinity as more men become attracted to it.

Conservapedia #sexist #wingnut #fundie conservapedia.com

(On Alien)
This pro-feminist, anti-capitalist film franchise was originated by atheist Ridley Scott. The first film was proven to be alarmingly similar to the 1965 film Planet of the Vampires,[1] but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. The second film, Aliens, is an anti-Vietnam statement[2] and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature (in this case, the 1954 film Them![3]).

(On Apocalypse Now)
This overindulgent, anti-war diatribe portrays the American military as corrupt, incompetent drug-users.

ETrundel #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

I was thinking about this the other day; about why Liberals support homosexuality. You see, my reasoning is thus: Liberals, mostly being atheists ,deny the existence of God and seek alternative explanations such as Evolution; in other words, they are Darwinists. However, hand in hand with Darwinism goes the concept of 'survival of the fittest'. And it's here that their hypocrisy comes up. Homosexuality contributes nothing to the human race; it does nothing to produce a new generation. As such, it should have died out, and the liberals should be saying 'rightly so'. However, they support the homosexual agenda, and I came to two absurd conclusions about this (they were the only ones I could think of). Either the liberals support homosexuality to cover up the hole in 'survival of the fittest', or they support it purely to annoy Christian Conservatives (is it possible that they base their policies on sheer obnoxiousness?). Thought I would post this here, to see if I can get any more sensible conclusions. Or have I hit this absurd, twisted nail on the head?

conservapedia #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

Penn and Teller are a team of popular magicians who, in addition to having a successful Las Vegas show, produce and star in a television program, whose name is too vulgar to be ethically reproduced here, dedicated to subtly propagating the homosexual agenda. Penn and Teller are themselves obvious homosexuals, and their message is invariably immoral and anti-American, emphasizing sexual perversion and liberal propaganda.

Conservapedia #sexist conservapedia.com

By the 1970s, however, liberals had changed the meaning to represent people who favored abortion and identical roles or quotas for women in the military and in society as a whole.

Specifically, a modern feminist tends to:

* believe that there are no meaningful differences between men and women (The most significant belief underlying contemporary feminism is that there are no sex differences; therefore advocacy for equal rights must be extended to advocacy for equal results or outcomes.)
* oppose chivalry and even feign insult at harmless displays of it (see battle between the sexes)
* view traditional marriage as unacceptably patriarchal
* detest women who are happy in traditional roles, such as housewives,[4] and especially dislike those who defend such roles
* shirk traditional gender activities, like baking[5]
* support affirmative action for women
* prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do[6][7]
* seek women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines
* refuse to take her husband's last name when marrying[8]
* distort historical focus onto female figures, often overshadowing important events (Eg: Henry VIII's wives take precedence in common knowledge to his actual reign.)
* object to being addressed as "ma'am," or feminine nicknames such as "sweetheart" or "honey";[9] object to other female-only names, such as "temptress"

Ed Poor #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

You'd have to be crazy to do something which you know is forbidden in the Bible, and then like the adulteress, "wipe your mouth and say you have not sinned". Denial of the sinfulness of homosexuality is part of the insanity of it all.

[Just so you know, not everyone believes in your Bible. You'd have to be crazy to believe that everyone does.
Loads of sane people sin. Sex before marriage, murder greed, etc.]

Furthermore, it is a development disorder which begins in early childhood. Attempts to consider it "normal" are politically and ideologically motivated.

Homosexuality comes from unhappiness within the family and leads to further unhappiness when embraced. It's like a facial defect (such as a cleft palate) which could be corrected with plastic surgery.

Gay rights activists complain that society's refusal to accept them as they are and to okay their sexual activities, is the only thing that stops them from being happy. But this is a foolish falsehood. Within the "gay community", the murder rate is high, The murder rate is 15 times higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals. and even in "gay enclaves" like Provincetown, Massachusetts where there is no societal disapproval at all the rates for depression, suicide, Since homosexuals have greater numbers of partners and breakups, compared with heterosexuals, and since longterm gay male relationships are rarely monagamous, it is hardly surprising if suicide attempts are proportionally greater. drug abuse, etc. are much higher than normal.

Homosexuality is not a normal way of being. It was not created or intended by God. It is a sin and a mental illness

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #transphobia conservapedia.com

(On Assasins Creed)
Anti-Christian, as it claims that Jesus Christ was a fraud,[18] with the villains of the series being the Knights Templar. The worst of the franchise is Syndicate, which has you killing capitalists in Victorian age London, working with the evolutionist Charles Darwin and communist Karl Marx. Ubisoft also had a transgender in the game, even though such a person was nonexistent back then. Only two games exist in the franchise that are in any way conservative: The third, which deals with the American Revolution and depicts the Founding Fathers in a positive light (although the DLC has them depicted negatively), and Assassin's Creed Unity, which depicted the French Revolution and its founders in a very negative light.

(On Far Cry 5)
The main villains of the game are inaccurately portrayed as Christians, while the previous game villains were more politically neutral (they include a psychotic pirate and an atheistic dictator). However, Jerome Jeffries, one of the characters who aids the player, is a Christian pastor. Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, another supporting character, has a distrust for government. The game also occasionally pokes fun at liberals and paints the 2nd-amendment in a positive light.

Conservapedia #fundie #racist #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Crusader Kings III)
This is a Role-playing game that takes place during the Medieval Age in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. This period is famous for its piousness and devotion to the principles of God, as in opposition to the values of sin. It also promotes true conservative values like fighting Islam and converting the religion of heathens.

(On Hearts of Iron IV)
This is a World War Two era strategy game that features very complex gameplay. The game was attacked by the CCP for it's accurate depiction of Tibet, Manchuria, and East Turkestan as independent countries before the Chinese invasions of each. The game's Man the Guns expansion was also heavily criticized for its accurate depiction of Democratic Socialism as a buzzword for communism. Hearts of Iron 4 also features a positive depiction of Catholics and a negative depiction of Atheists. The game also recognizes Communism and Fascism as having the same inherent government form, Totalitarianism. Hearts of Iron 4 was attacked by the leftist site Kotuku for allowing a player made modification that featured a positive depiction of Christianity and a negative depiction of Islamic Terrorism.

Conservapedia #fundie #sexist #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

The Legend of Zelda series: Similar in vein to stories such as Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, and The Chronicles of Narnia, the games detail a classic message of good fighting evil, and also featured implicit Christian themes in the series (in fact, until the third game, the religion of the people in the games was supposed to be Christianity, hence the cross on Link's Shield in the first game). The main villain, Ganon, is revealed to have originally belonged to a group known as the Gerudo, who are depicted as a nearly all-female race (Ganon, or more accurately his human form Ganondorf, being the only exception) and having traits resembling Muslims, hinting at an anti-feminist/anti-Islam message. There was also a pro-family message in at least one game in the series, as one of the entries, Wind Waker, featured Link trying to save his sister after she was abducted early on in the game, as well as their getting along amicably throughout.

Metroid series: Although largely being based on the liberal movie franchise Alien, the game franchise has several conservative elements. Namely, it depicts piracy and terrorism in a negative manner in the form of the murderous Space Pirates who frequently act as the main antagonists of the franchise. The game Super Metroid also promotes parenthood in a positive light, as the main plotline of the game involved Samus Aran trying to rescue her "child", a Metroid hatchling she adopted after wiping out its race in the previous game due to it imprinting on her, from the Space Pirate forces. The Prime series also depicts the military in a positive manner in the form of the Galactic Federation Marines, and some of the Chozo Logs as well as the Luminoth also have some similarities to biblical accounts (i.e., the Worm, alluding to the titular antagonist Metroid Prime, alluding to Wormwood in the book of revelations). In addition, although the main protagonist, Samus Aran, is female, it does not promote the concept of feminism. The game Metroid Fusion also showcases the warnings of playing god and government corruption.

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #sexist conservapedia.com

(On Avatar)
The second highest-grossing feature in history, directed by liberal James Cameron, enforces many destructive messages, including environmentalism, feminism, and the absurd claim that nature is God. It also ridicules the military and large businesses. To make matters worse, the protagonist forms a rather creepy romance with the native princess, who is of another species, perhaps a symbol for bestiality. The overall plotline hints at endorsing environmental terrorism, which Cameron indicated that he himself supported.

(On Avatar 2)
Liberal atheist James Cameron's sequel to his highly overrated movie. This is yet another nonsensical screed against capitalism that pushes political correctness, wokeness, environmentalism, and feminism. Once again he celebrates eco terrorism and treats paganism as truth. He also portrays the US government as savage terrorists who remorselessly torture children.

conservapedia #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

[From: Greatest Conservative Movies]
The Star Chamber, 1983, R, Michael Douglas is a Los Angeles judge whose idealism is shaken when he has to release guilty violent criminals on legal technicalities, until he meets similar judges who form a "court of last resort" to hunt down and execute deadly criminals who previously escaped on loopholes.

Conservapedia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie conservapedia.com

George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903 - January 21, 1950), a leading and open-minded English writer, essayist and journalist who became critical of his ideological allies on the Left. He hated imperialism[1] and grew more conservative, adopting and raising a child and becoming a member of the Church of England.[2] The tension between the increasingly conservative Orwell and the perception of him as a democratic socialist may account for some of his interesting word inventions like "doublethink". Because of his prominent liberal past, Orwell's conservative writings were accepted and praised by the clueless liberal intelligentsia. By the time Orwell adopted an infant in 1944, he was an outspoken opponent of abortion,[3] which may have accelerated his anti-communist work.

"Orwellian" is a term in tribute of his mockery of political attempts to control and redefine terminology.

Unlike most writers, Orwell's greatest works came late in his life. He harshly criticized communism and totalitarianism in 1984, his finest novel, as well as in his shorter fictional work Animal Farm (1946), an allegorical reference to the Russian Revolution. These works were far more significant than his first novel, based on his experiences on the Imperial Police Force in Burma, Burmese Dаys, which explored the evils of coloniаlism. His highly influential essay, "Politics and the English Language," attacked the liberal obfuscation which was already present in his day, and championed clear speech.

The inspiration for Orwell's growth into conservatism remains unexplored. Likely reasons include his open-mindedness, his adopting and then raising (due to his wife's untimely death) a child, and his disillusionment with Leftists while fighting on their side in Spain.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

In 2011, DC Comics have stated that Superman intends to renounce his U.S. citizenship before the United Nations in Action Comics No. 900, “I’m tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy … ‘truth, justice and the American way’ - it's not enough anymore.” DC Comics issued a statement saying "Superman announces his intention to put a global focus on his never-ending battle, but he remains, as always, committed to his adopted home..." [9] Superman, a symbol of American exceptionalism, now leads moral relativism by joining the “blame America first” league, however, since Superman is an alien from the planet krypton. The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.

In addition, around 2003, Mark Millar wrote an "Elseworlds" story arc called "Red Son" where Superman arrived 12 hours earlier than before and landed in a Ukrainian farm under the USSR, and fought under the command of the Soviet dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin, who is depicted in a positive light.

Very recently, one comic in an anthology called Superman: Red and Blue, acting as a sequel to a World's Finest story during the 1970s, became notorious for it subjecting Superman to implied prison rape at the hands of his Red Army captors in a flashback, as well as the writer of the comic, John Ridley, strongly implying it was meant to be his commentary on the events of the so-called "insurrection" on January 6 by Donald Trump supporters.[10] Likewise, although not pertaining to Superman himself, his son was made bisexual in one of the more recent comics, and also infamously had his motto of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" altered to "Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow

Conservapedia #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

(On Animal Farm)
A short story by George Orwell, it describes a farm run by socialist animals. The animals rebel against its owners and set up a new farm under socialist ideas, though this idealistic future devolves into a dictatorship run by Napoleon the pig. Although it seems to be more pro-socialist, as the book goes on it begins to show the dangers and corruptness that arises through communism. It is based on the beginning of the Soviet Revolution, and every character represents either a prominent Soviet leader or a group of Russian citizens (Such as the elderly or workers).
Two film adaptations have been released: an animated film in 1954 and a live-action/puppet film in 1999.

(On 1984)
Another classic book by Orwell, it focuses on a civilian living in a Socialist world. The earth is split into 3 Nations : Oceania (The Americas, Australia, South Africa, and England), Eurasia (All of Europe and Russia), and Eastasia (Japan, China, and other parts of South Asia). All 3 nations fight over the left over areas, like North Africa and the Middle East, which result in endless casualties. There is constant editing of history. People, places, and things are constantly erased or changed or added (similar to the acts of the Soviet Union). Words and thoughts are censored and use of them result in torture and death.

Conservapedia #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Starship Troopers)
Although it overall depicts the Military in a protagonistic light and arguably is pro-war and pro-military, the director of the film, Paul Verhoeven, implied it was actually supposed to push an anti-military, anti-war message where it implied that America during the Cold War were automatically fascists simply because they are entering war, and specifically stated it was "a natural evolution for post-World War II America." In addition, to reinforce Verhoeven's message, he deliberately modeled various scenes after Triumph of the Will and other pro-Nazi propaganda scenes, as well as modeled the protagonists' uniforms after the uniforms utilized by the Nazis (i.e., the character Carl, played by Neil Patrick Harris, wearing a uniform that was modeled after the SS). When asked by Michael Ironside, who was one of the people who had a role in the movie and had read the original book, about why he made the movie despite Verhoeven's leftist politics, he answered "If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me. So I'm going to make a perfect fascist world: everyone is beautiful, everything is shiny, everything has big guns and fancy ships, but it's only good for killing ******* bugs!" (note that fascism is not "right wing", it is left wing, so Verhoeven's incorrect regarding which wing the Nazis/fascists were part of).

Conservapedia #wingnut #fundie #racist conservapedia.com

(About Get Out)
This racist horror comedy-drama follows an African American man who discovers to his shock that his white American girlfriend's parents transplant the brains of white Americans into the bodies of African Americans as if to strip their victims of African American cultural identity. It presents a false dichotomy between black and white culture and discourages American ideals such as interracial and intercultural integration, all while accusing white Americans of wanting to eliminate instead of integrate all racial subcultures in the nation.

(About The Purge)
Movie featuring gratuitous graphic violence, and normalization of violent degenerate behavior. It is based on a political movement called the "New Founding Fathers of America" (NFFA), which is portrayed as a reformation of the Republican party (this can be based on how a majority of the people that played roles for characters of the "NFFA" were white and old, which is how Liberals see Republicans). The protagonists are what would generally be considered by the Democrats to be people who would vote for them (black, Hispanic, Asian, women, etc.)

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut #transphobia conservapedia.com

(On The Matrix)

A hacker discovers his world is a replica of the world as it was before a cataclysmic future event in which intelligent machines took over humanity, so he joins a resistance to end the machines' reign. Despite this salvation narrative, the whole trilogy glorifies anarchism and nihilism (even including a brief nod to Jean Baudrillard's "On Nihilism" chapter from Simulacra and Simulation), hinting several times towards a pro-Communist, anti-American (with one scene in the first film, when Thomas Anderson meets Agent Smith, having Anderson's dossier listing Anderson as hailing from "FU, USA" which not-so-subtly is meant to say "[Censored] You, USA"), anti-Christian view. The second film's Architect scene tries to give a "devastating critique/twist" to salvation myths, with the Architect as a malevolent allegorical substitute for the Christian God. In this same scene, a panel of screens implicitly compares George W. Bush to Hitler during a discussion of evil in the world, and it features wars and conflicts specifically involving America. In fact, far-Left race-baiting scholar Cornel West was hired to play a role in the film specifically because the Wachowski Brothers (as they were known at the time) were influenced by his pro-socialist/Communist and anti-American rhetoric. The first film's throwaway dialogue between the main villain Agent Smith and the treasonous freedom fighter Cipher is a shallow attempt at insulting Ronald Reagan because Smith implies that Cipher will become the next Ronald Reagan should he succeed in betraying his allies to the agents. The trilogy's overall depiction of religion is closer to Gnosticism, even with Neo, the main protagonist, presented as a savior-figure. The Wachowskis openly admitted in an interview that they deliberately modeled the entire story after Friedrich Nietzche's writings.[21][22] The trilogy has been cited as the cause for various murders, ultimately leading to a variant of the insanity defense known as the Matrix Defense[23], and it shares similar themes to the Worst Liberal Video Game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty because Hideo Kojima confessed that he intended to use the same themes for the game.[24] A fourth movie was announced to be in the works.[25]

jp #homophobia conservapedia.com

Why ask why, everything evil is bad. I am against homosexuality, I am not against the person who leads the lifestyle. I am against the promotion and education of our youth to homosexuality. This is just a fad and like all fads, glorifing homosexuality will pass. The promoters have no reason to hide in the closet anymore. They will not rest until it is a protected civil right, equal as heterosexuals. Push push push of the movement has its limits and it is starting to back fire. Front and center in the culture will be its downfall. You will be called a racist for taking a stand against homosexuality. I say, the racists are the intolerant homosexuals who can give a damn about how others feel, only themselves, only their agenda.

Conservapedia #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On The Big Bang Theory)
This sitcom stars a free-spirited beauty and her socially challenged scientist friends but does not demonstrate any family values. Instead, some of the main characters are rooming together with people just met (mostly problematic people), and all four leading men have dysfunctional relationships with one or both parents. In addition, the key character Sheldon Cooper is one of the most outspoken atheists in sitcom history, which leads to both religious and cultural friction with his devoutly Christian mother Mary as well as his Jewish colleague Howard Wolowitz and Hindu friend Dr. Raj Koothrapali. The show is widely considered to have stolen its characters' personalities and their relationships to one another from an earlier sitcom, Friends.[6][7][8]

(On Young Sheldon)
This prequel series to The Big Bang Theory follows the character Sheldon Cooper—one of the most outspoken atheists in sitcom history to the point where it creates religious and cultural friction with those around him, which is passed off as humorous—as he grows up in Texas from 1989 on (though, for reasons unknown, the show seems culturally frozen in that year).[63] As in The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon is a strong proponent of evolution who looks down his nose on creationists and Christians, thinking they are not as open-minded as they truly are. In an early episode, the young Sheldon publicly embarrasses his family by arguing with their church's pastor about God's existence during a sermon. For some reason, the pastor states during the argument that Charles Darwin was open to the idea of God. In reality, Darwin's claim that he was open to the idea of a Creator was simply a plan to fool the masses when pushing evolution.[64][65]

Conservapedia #fundie #homophobia #biphobia conservapedia.com

(On Hazbin Hotel)
As if Big Mouth weren't dependent enough on shock value, this musical adult Web series struggles to get a theme of redemption (in which demons who were humans are invited to stay at the titular hotel to be cleansed of their sins so they can go to heaven) past its using shock value and sacrilege as a crutch. Protagonist Charlie is the princess of Hell and lesbian daughter of Satan/Lucifer himself (and Lilith, a demon from the Jewish religion who is his wife in this universe), and her three main costars are either gay or lesbian as well. Adult language (including swears against Heaven) is used in rapid fire, as is the real-world drug "Angel Dust", which is also the name of a gay pornographic actor-turned-demon included among the protagonists. As of the end of 2019, only one episode has been released, and Wikipedia has customarily given voice only to those who positively received it.

(On Helluva Boss)
Set in the fictional universe of Hazbin Hotel, an assassin group of demons try to kill anyone who stands in their way, even children. It is filled with Satanic imagery, sexual content, profanity and other offensive content towards Christians. Not to mention most of the characters are either gay or bi.

Conservapedia #homophobia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Homosexuality was supported in Nazi Germany, although modern gay rights activists claim that an estimated 100,000 homosexual men were arrested for this crime, of whom approximately 5,000 to 15,000 were interned in concentration camps.

Yet, according to some historians, homosexual men constituted the core of the Nazi Party in Germany. In contrast to the wimpy "swish" homosexual, Nazi homosexuals were ultra-macho or "butch".

Conservapedia #wingnut conservapedia.com

In many ways, Conservative style is the antithesis of the style adopted by Liberals.

The style of a conservative often includes these characteristics:

-A willingness to debate openly on all aspects of an issue or problem, without being tramelled by ideological preconceptions.

-Readiness to take responsibility for the consequences of ones words and deeds.

-Not using fluff or obfuscating but telling it as it is.

-Behaving with decency towards other people, and treating the opposite sex with respect.

Ed Poor #homophobia conservapedia.com

Gay deceiver

Typical "gay" deceptions include lying about the Homosexual agenda. Proponents of "gay marriage" say that they have no plans to stop preachers from condemning homosexual acts from the pulpit, or forcing schoolchildren to learn that homosexuality is normal. But both of these are lies. In fact, the main purpose of same-sex marriage legislation is not to get rights like next of kin privileges for unconscious hospital patients (which are easily conveyed by power of attorney). Rather it is precisely and mainly to give homosexuals greater immunity to criticism than claimed by Jews or blacks.

RightWolf2 #fundie #homophobia conservapedia.com

Teaching God's word that homosexuals are sinful and militant is not hate speech, but free speech. God's teachings of homosexuality indicate that throughout history, homosexuals have continuously been savage aggressors -- with an agenda. The story of Sodom is particularly informative. It described the homosexual agenda of the ancient city of sodom in 1898 B.C. as forcible homosexual assault and enslavement by the homosexual inhabitants of the city to any men who visited the city. If you believe the bible is hate, then you can head over to Wikipedia and read the alternate viewpoint there. RightWolf2 02:32, 19 March 2007 (EDT)