
Mark #fundie egomoral.com

Pedophilia has exist a long time! Clearly we did just fine with it existing but now there is a problem????? The only problem is with men too weak to admit to women they love girls and women who are jealous of girls. It is time we fight for our rights and stop letting bitter old, ugly, nasty women get in our way and in the way of girls!!!!

FirstfromtheRiver #fundie egomoral.com

Wow. I didn’t think ANYONE was bold enough to be honest about the link between feminism and hostility to child marriage.

I think feminism is the problem here. While I do not believe in democracy, it only got worse after women got the vote. In order to make women seem interchangable with men, they have to suppress natural institutions like early marriage and deny their own biology.

“Prejudice” is also natural–I don’t believe that’s the problem. Preceived human differences across races, religions, and the sexes are generally rooted in reality. It’s the imposition of the wholly alien and unnatural feminist worldview that’s the problem.

webwub #fundie egomoral.com

Age of consent laws conflict with biology,  history and principles of equal rights. The age of consent  laws in modern society  revolve around cultural taboos, illogical maternal instincts among women voters suffering from Child-Bride-Denial. I say this because the reasoning for age of consent laws is to protect children from being manipulated into having sex with adults since feminism views children as overly emotional and easily swayed. The irony is that men used to use this exact excuse to deny women their right to vote—

anglebrook #fundie egomoral.com

91.4 % of the males are pedophiles, survey shows

Egomoral has conducted a ‘pedophilia’ survey since May 2014. Since then the survey was taken over 200 times. The quiz asks that only straight males take the quiz. The quiz asks males whether they are attracted to certain pre-pubescent, pubescent or post-pubescent physical female traits. Based on how many pre-bubescent or pubescent traits were preferred over post-pubescent traits, pedophilic/hebephilic preference was estimated.

The data shows that 91.4% of heterosexual males are non-exclusive pedophiles and 41.4% are exclusive pedophiles. Only 19.6% of the straight male population prefer post-pubescent traits in females i.e. hair in arm pits, hair on pubic area, hair on legs, large facial pores, proportionately smaller eyes.

This data helps to explain why most post-pubescent females in modern society must spend a great deal of time, everyday, removing their ‘secondary sex characteristics’ (shaving off under arm hair, leg hair, pubic hair, facial hair, wearing cover-up, lip stick, eyeliner). This data correlates well with the child-bride-denial theory.

Most of all, this data shows that most straight men have pedophilic tendencies and that pedophilia is normal in heterosexual males.

webwub #sexist egomoral.com



When a woman is in denial of, or declares as untrue, thehebephilic nature of human sexuality despite biological evidence. In addition, women suffering from child-bride-denial spend extensive amounts of time altering their bodies to imitate pubescent traits. Attempts to remove or mask post pubescent traits may include shaving off pubic hair, body hair, painting on larger eyes, enhancing the appearance of lips, chemically hiding under arm odor, wearing high heals, hiding child-bearing hips, changing the pitch of her voice, hiding large adult pores, etc.

As modern women grow past puberty they often develop a denial of the fact that they are no longer in their natural pubescent prime. This is A condition called ‘child-bride-denial’.