
Steed, Yorkie King, Catweazle, and Seaxen #racist englisc-gateway.com

(Steed): That one single photo embodies everything we English have been concerned about for decades. Enoch Powell's line about "the black man having the whip hand over the white man" is immortalised in that photo. An ethno-nationalist party could not hope to have a better poster image.

The civil war has begun.



(catweazle): There is another shocking photo, that the Daily Mail had online today, but then removed it. It was of a naked woman standing beside a policeman in broad daylight in a London street, the Orcs, stripped her of everything, the filthy black bastards. This is something from ANC South Africa or Mugabe's Zimbabwe. These Orcs are nothing but sub-human savages. Is this what my grandfather and multitudes of others fought Two World Wars for? No it bloody well wasn't. Has that wanker Camoron seen these barbaric photos? This is our country, what the f**k are we doing letting these barbarians do to it?

These savage Orcs are now doing to England what they are doing in former Rhodesia and South Africa. Enoch Powell was right, the Orc now has the whip hand over the white man, and our spineless, treasonous politicains have let it happen. It is time for the white man to reclaim back England, and now.

(Seaxan): Let's see what the lefty do-gooders have to say about this. I want to stamp all over that primates head...... Enough is enough... I hope they overrun the police so that we are forced to defend ourselves. I am sitting here waiting to defend my family, and believe me orcs, you do not want to break into my house.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

All you have said is correct mate, these not so bright Immigrants have enjoyed a very cushy existance in England for some time and, as you have said mate, they have and are being lined up to be the Scapegoat, whether they know it or not, and when the time comes, they will find themselves in the middle of a bloody Civil War, perhaps most will try and make a run for the Channel Tunnel, but some will try to stay and weather out the storm, hoping things will be just like it was before, but they will find that things will not be so cushy for none Immigrants as they once were!

There will be no middle road when the Storm hits, the innocent as well as the guilty will suffer, and numbers of Immigrants will find themselves on the wrong side, and will suffer for what Brit Unionists and especially Scots Politians have begun, and no one will be able to point the finger at the Ethnic English and blame them, although some will try, but what ever they say, the Ethnic English have been greaviously teasted and their Tolerance has been streatched to the limit of its reason and sense of fairness, and sooner or later its going to snap, and when it does, no place on this Island will be left out, it will end up spreading to the four corners of this Island and the Scots and Welsh will wonder why!

And if or when its over, for no one can tell how long it will last, the Ethnic English will come out of it stronger, less forgiving, less Tolerante and less trusting, the Ethnic English will have changed beyond all recognition of who they once were, because they will not be like they have been, and the Scots, Welsh or any other country will never find it easy to take the Ethnic English so easy going again, and the Ethnic English will not soon forget past wrongs done to them, and who did those past wrongs, the Ethnic English will no longer be such an easy touch as we have been.

Dan of Biggleswade #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On white women dating black and Asian men]

Dirty scum! It really pisses me off when i see a beautiful one of ours with them. First of all she must really despise her white skin to be like that and secondly she has no idea what she's getting herself into. The black n tans will only use them and then walk on when she pops one. Yes, some get married and seem happy but their kids and future generations are marked forever! Thier kids will probably class themselves as black and celebrate only one side of their heritage, which won't be ours, plus they're likely to fail in life and cause everyone a fuck load of grief. The word, 'Collaborator' comes to mind.

Antony #racist englisc-gateway.com

Christianity’s rotten democratic heart promotes weakness as virtue and nourishes instincts most normal people feel ashamed of. Everyone likes to be told they count for something, yet even during vigorous exchanges in the 19th century – yes even then - our state religion campaigned ferociously against protecting the race it publicly championed and long before political correctness made it mandatory to do so.

It stymied the eugenics movement. It bullied science into listing Sub-Saharan blacks as modern humans instead of categorizing them as a separate species. You might think we can defuse this ideological time-bomb but should we really take the risk?

By contrast Jews feel no compulsion to save the world but, like Muslims, fight to control it. The Jewish God is a national God. Jews seek no converts and leave the spiritual welfare of others to others. What’s wrong with that? In a closed society you could probably deify Axminster carpets or Haagen Dazs ice cream to much the same effect. As long as your concerned with ‘humanity’ you’ve no chance and, with christianity, no choice.

Nothing I can think of goes to the heart of our dilemma in the modern world more than universalism – a founding and ineradicable tenet of christianity and a flaw waiting to be exploited. Resurrections are all very well, but resurrecting a collective fetish for self-sacrifice in the interests of genetic aliens is intrinsic to this religion and will always follow at some point if we restore christianity to national life. I think we’ll have to beg to differ on this one.

African blacks are the nearest of the three major races to gorillas and chimpanzees and Nigerians - Ibo [Igbo] and Hausa - the nearest among Africans blacks, who alone carry their alleles. A white woman who creates a mulatto child with a Bantu African [Bantus having been more isolated than other groups] will almost certainly be more closely related genetically to a white child selected at random than her own offspring.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Actually, my belief is that Zionism IS the end of England – or rather, it is the single biggest threat and is very close to wiping us out without us even realising it. Debt slavery and taxation that are bleeding us dry and will make slaves of our children; mass-immigration which is endangering our race and culture; the legal system which has stolen our liberty; Consumerism which has stolen our pride and our spirit; Christianity which has severed most of us from our Gods. These aren’t accidents. They are the methods of stealth used by Zionism/the Rothschilds to destroy us. It is NOT the same enemy as Islam. Islam is overt and crude, Zionism is covert and incredibly devious.

Hodekin #racist englisc-gateway.com

We already have an Aryan religion, it's called Odinism... or Wodenism if you prefer.

It is racially exclusive for Northern Indo Europeans and any others from the rest of Europe and the rest of the world that can claim Northern Indo European blood connections.

There is no point in trying to accommodate uncle tom cobley and all by creating some sort of new Hybrid faith because it can't be done and if it could, it would be for ever twisting and changing in an attempt to be inclusive for all the latest temporary fancies and whims that become fashionable overnight.

Odinism/Wodenism is unchanging and is as constant as the North star, as a religion it is a one size fits all, you either fit into it or you don’t,, it’s your ancestral heritage, all you need to do is reach out and claim it...—.end of.

Quite simple really.

Hodekin #fundie englisc-gateway.com

There are two dimensions or levels upon which we fight our war of survival, one is of course the material plane out on the streets where we live our day to day lives, but the other is the spiritual plane which is not without but is within—us!

Since the end of WW2 our spiritual energies and integrity have been gradually whittled away in order to make us more pliable and more accepting of our ongoing destruction on the material plane. If they can erode that which is inside of us, our moral fibre, our race consciousness, our connection with the land and our ancestors, then the material outside war raging about us is easier for our enemies to continue.

The powers that be (our enemies) have the Christian Church bought and sold and on side, the Political ‘choice’ system we already know is no choice at all, whilst we drift into a virtual plugged in wonderland of Porn, Drink, Drugs and Race Mixing the last thing they want is for us to rediscover a spiritual dimension to our race survival. This is something which they do not and cannot control!

Therefore, our ancient racial Gods are very important, as has already been said, they themselves are not going to save the day in a flash of lightening and clap of thunder, but if they are within us, they give us the spiritual strength to resist the machinations of the architects of the decaying world around us and the spiritual strength to fight on in the material plane.

Do we need our ancient Germanic Gods? Yes we do!
Do we need more Odinists/Wodenists and Heathens? Absolutely!

PersecutedPatriot #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Political correctness in itself is a terminology designed for socialist control of the people and to enforce its corrupt values upon our society. How can it be politically correct for a nationalist and patriot who loves his Country to abide by the global intentions of socialist domination and a multicultural society where all ethnic values are destroyed and individual nations beaten into submission to accept that they are no longer part of a unique and proud culture but a ‘Citizen of the world’

In the last 300 years since the demise of the English parliament and rule enforced on us by the invasion of the Dutch and European mercenaries led by William of Orange. England has been without a voice and this is why Socialism was allowed to infiltrate so deeply into our cultural heritage and destroy us from within and the blame must lay with the British political system and our forced participation in the union that nobody really wanted. It is now time to rise up against the British political system and by doing so we can cast out socialism as well and restore our English heritage and cultural identity. Socialism must not be allowed to form an alliance with Islam or any other cult or foreign political ideology that is against English values and we need to spread the word and stay strong to our values. Once we show the people of England that there is hope and that by standing together we can defeat this political abomination that has partially destroyed our Ethnicity then only then can we regain control and cast it out once and for all. Keeping the faith and uniting together is the last hope for England for if we do not achieve this in the next two decades, then England will be no more and the likes of the Socialist led European Union and the satanic cult of Islam through its barbaric principals of Sharia law will ultimately control these once proud lands.

wodensson #racist englisc-gateway.com

The EDL are not getting any new recruits what with their recent demise with Tommy going etc. The rump that is left and running things will not change and any recruits they do get will be surrounded by the current nonsensical ideology and happily wave jewish & queer flags oblivious to any other way.
It speaks volumes for the sorry state of nationalism in this country that the EDL are still the main kids on the block, and this civic nationalism firmly rooted in.

As time goes by and more families have orcs integrated into them, civicness will of course grow even more, as its a happy excuse for the person with the daughter living with an Arab, or whose auntie brought back a Masai warrior from her African holiday; as they hold British passports now and are as British as bully beef.
There are at least 3 EDL'ers that I know of who have Thai wives that they take on demos.
Naturally the one dimensional "militant muslim" is the enemy approach takes out the other various orcs and puts them in the "friendlies" camp. And bollocks about the Chinese sticking to themselves and being no problem gets spewed out, regardless of the fact they are taking OUR homes - OUR jobs - making ghettos in OUR cities - installing Triad crime in OUR towns - using OUR NHS etc etc.

Ecgbert #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

There is no such thing as a Section 4(2) of the Contempt of Court Act 1981, and any judge who applies a bogus statute is effectively an enemy of throne and country. We are being controlled by a criminal underworld, there has been no constitutional parliament since 1972, after Queen Elizabeth the Second abdicated the throne when Her parliament of Great Britain placed the realm under the control of a foreign power called the "European Communities". All subsequent elections and parliaments and Acts of Parliament since 1972 have been constitutionally unlawful, this includes the "Contempt of Court Act 1981".

Since Scotland has now violated the Treaty of Union and reformed its own national parliament, the very notion of a "Statute of Great Britain" having any legitimacy in the country of England, is beyond laughable. Tommy Robinson, and all other such protectors of the English people in their country, who are placed in prison, are being unlawfully imprisoned under International law. The judge who has jailed him is technically an "international outlaw", he is neither protected by national municipal law nor international law.

Witnere #fundie englisc-gateway.com

It's not Christianity which is at fault, it's the combination of a hateful and ongoing extreme leftwing campaign against our nation and wimpish liberal "progressive" Church of England leadership which insists on undermining it at every turn. Ad hoc attacks on the faith which in reality is the foundation of our laws and a considerable portion of our culture is unhelpful to our cause as a folk.

I say this as a man who has a lax attitude at best to any religion myself. I still would say that a properly founded, strong Christian faith which is prepared to defend itself would be the best bulwark against Islamic Imperialism and the hard left.

I may even become interested in such a faith myself, tbh. And frankly Christians of any flavour aren't the problem. Mohammedhans raping, rioting, demanding jizya (benefits) and waving machetes in train stations and shopping centres are the problem.

fenlandia #racist englisc-gateway.com

Could America be next? Could we be next, given the population figures for all Africa compared to Europeans, and all wanting to make their way here. I've heard a fair few stories from South Africans here, about the car jackings, robberies and beatings, very unpleasant.

I'm reading a serialised account of Hendrik Verwoerd Sth African Prime Minister of late 1950's early 60's, by Stephen Mitford Goodson. Another MI6/CIA Rothschild target according to Mitford Goodson. He did so much for the Black's in regard to education, homelands, and the pass system which was actually there to protect them against immigrant workers coming in from other areas, and not a repressive act. It's an account that certainly gives another side to the brutal repressive apartheid we've always been told of.

He was a Head of State who very rarely made comment on other Countries affairs. However he did warn the British Ambassador that if Britain continued allowing non-whites in by the thousand, they would make a bastard race of themselves and this would one day be the source of many difficulties for the British people. Such a time of many difficulties has now come to his people, and there seems to be silence from the Western liberal elite about this genocide.

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On gay rights]

It isn't dying out, nor will it, as I've mentioned, there will always be intolerance toward Oddities, and trying to force normal majority into look at these freaks as normal or another member of the human race is simply going to get people's back's up, until sooner or later, it back fires, as we see toward immigrants and multiculturalism, sooner or later there is going to be one almighty mess of bloodshed, and the Minorities of what ever form will catch the lot, because of either Socialists or themselves putting their oddities out in front and making themselves stand out...

They have rights? Only via that farce called 'The Human Rights' law, and that was a big mistake in itself.. They have no rights, they are a minority a must accept that, and quit pushing themselves out on show, and making a song and dance about their oddities... Human rights lets em marry and adopt kids, and that isn't going to help the kid's understanding of what is and what isn't Natural and normal, it isn't normal and it certainly isn't Natural... It should be against the law, not the way it has become...

I have a question Barry, why should you care what or how Queers and other Oddities are treated???whistle.png

Forcing Tolerance onto the majority is going to back fire and that isn't going to be pretty when it does, and the Liberal/Left will be to blame...

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On the lack of women in racist groups]

As i said in my above post, Females ain't as Territorial as men are, if at all, no offence toward the females, but even they must admit such truth, that is usually left to the male population, although it wasn't in pre-conquest England, if it came to the crunch women would join the men and both sexes would fight side by side, but since the conquest that was changed, with all this Ladies, weaker sex and Damsels in distress crap..

Men and women are not seperate we are simply to halves of the human race, in Old Englisc there was no word for woman, both sexes were as one, in the word 'MANN'...

There was no battle of the Sexes, another invention by the Liberals and Feminists, no women's Lib. both sexes in pre-Conquest England Stood together, worked together, fought together and if it came to it Died together, that is how it should be now, we don't need the ideas and views and inventions of the Liberal-Lovvie/Left clouding the issue, we are all of one Tribe, the Englisc Tribe, we are Nationalists, not Lefties, we are Strong and tough because we are Nationalists, the Lefties and Feminists are weak, sensitive, big girls blouses, we are better than them because we follow the Natural ways, the Natural Law, the Strong Survive, the Weak go to the Wall, the Lefties are Weak so they go to the wall...

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The BNP is an MI5 front. It's role is the traditional one of taking the steam out of conservative opinion by leading nationalists up the garden path. If it sows the seeds of further confusion to multiply the number of campaigning groups with similar names they do that too. This latest development doesn't surprise me at all. When I corresponded with members of the BNP a few years I couldn't help noticing how many of them, though English, actually lived in scotland. Corruption has its own stench. Read any unbiased account of Griffin's tenure and you'll be overwhelmed by it.

wesle #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Members of this forum refer to ethnic minorities as "orcs"]

im against a white history month for the simple reasons that our history is far far to complex and interesting to compress into a single month and if there was a white history month it would be used as a (false)justification for only teaching our history in that single month the rest of the year being slavishly devoted to learning about various orcs.rather then a month we should be demanding that our history be taught all through the year rather then a single month.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

All this "Why the Jew Hatred" smells, if its not leading then what is?

Anyone wishing to find out why the anti-Zion/Semitism simply has to read up on the number of factual threads on Jewish Communism, and the Rothschild's among other Jewish Globalism, would find at the top of every establishment, political or other, will find Jews at the top, and as with the post above, the Jew is at the top of the Threat to the extinction to the English, but the White Peoples in Europe and elsewhere..

Wasn't Carl Marx a Jew? Wasn't leon Trotsky a Jew? how many other Jews were, are behind the rise of Communism, and everything that has followed, who do you think was behind the bloodshed in Europe, twice, of course the Zionist Propaganda points the Finger at the Germans..

If the Jewish lands are free of mass open border Immigration, well, mass open border Immigration is for the White Nations, not the Jew..

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

Exactly, when people are forced into living in fear of prosecution for speaking out for so long, sooner or later that fear turns to hate, anger and frustration, that builds gradually until it needs an out let, with no out let, it blows up, when that happens, you get bloodshed and war it has no option because it is given no voice, no hope of being heard or heeded, so it has no other way but to turn into violence, bloodshed and..............................!

That is the out come to this mess, only now we know who is at the center of all this, and they haven't done themselves any good at all, they will pay, for this act of aggression against the White Peoples of this World!!

The JEW!

Teutoburg Weald #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

I've said as much on that other thread, arguing over Zionists, Liberals, Muslamics, Fabians, this that and the other is not going anywhere, because they are all in it together, none of em are separate, they are all singing from the same fucking song sheet, so whats the big issue??


Its not all Zionists its not all Muslims, its not all Fabians, its not all Marxists, its a fucking mix of all of em, they've all got it in for England, we know that, and its that that is important......

There are some on here who have got a thing about Zionists, what that thing is i'm not sure, its getting to be a Fetish it really is, some have Islam on the brain, some Marxism, it is all one, not separate, it is all under one banner the NWO, so lets get over it, we know who they are, so we know who we are up against.........

Witnere #racist englisc-gateway.com

I can't open a newspaper, switch on my radio, or surf the 'net these days without encountering a grave warning about the rise of antisemitism in Europe. So the prime movers behind mass immigration are now saying their covert war on indigenous Europeans has now rendered our homelands unsafe for them, the inference being it's somehow our fault? Does anyone else know a more audacious race in existence?

Cerdic #racist englisc-gateway.com

The Church doesn't give a shite about individual nations because it's been infiltrated and judaized. Who are the leading agent provocateurs of the destruction of ethnic Europe? Jews. They openly boast about- and their role in the destruction of the American Republic is of a similar nature as Jewish and judiazed politicians are the chief agents of the flooding of the land with hispanics and other foreigners, i.e. saracens, hindoos, chinamen, etc.

God, unlike modern politicians, respects national and ethnic and cultural borders- He created every nation, etnicity, and culture. The Tower of Babel is a metaphor for multiculturalism- God, after the flood, wanted man to disperse around the world and form distinct nations with distinct identities.

Man didn't do this and settled in a single place and began to build a tower of idolatry to himself, just as is happening nowdays. God wants Englishmen to be Englishmen just as he wants Persians to be Persians or Italians to be Italians.

I've been beating my head trying to get this point across.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Yes, a larger network of people controlled and organised by the same banker-employed private security firms that have organised and established every terrorist cell from El-Fatah to Hamas to Black September to the Muslim Brotherhood. Plausible deniability is built in. Only the names change. If we could just acknowledge the common interest and put silly sporting rivalries to one side we might yet come to recognise the one power the nation-destroyers fear most: unity.

Huscarl-80 #racist englisc-gateway.com

England as a country has fallen, The very idea that as a nation we still exist is should be forgotten and left, for now at least. This multi-cultural shit hole of a degenerate society can not be called a nation. The traitors that have governed our country over the last 70 or so years have seen to the death and destruction of what England should be. However, the Englisc people still exist and will one day reclaim their nation as there own. In most parts of this country, certainly in the big major towns and cities, such as Birmingham and London, Miscegenation is openly and at times widely encouraged. Having spent some 6 months living in Birmingham last year it became apparent that the white Englisc youth have become black.

Every thing about the majority of the young white Englisc man/women, living in Birmingham, screamed "Black". From the way they dressed, with there jeans down around there arse, the way they speak, that horrible disgusting Orc-english speak, the way they walk, like they have got a chip on their shoulder and the very music they listen to. The young women, for some reason seem to find the Orc an attractive mate. It made me sick to the pit of my stomach to see so many white Englisc women holding hands with some of the most disgusting creatures that I have seen outside of a zoo. It angers me to see so many white women pushing push chairs that hold coffee coloured kids. I allways make a point of catching the Mudshark by the eye so she sees the look of disgust on my face. I openly tell people, in particular our womenfolk of the dangers of "Going with blacks".

But the most saddening thing that I have seen is the promotion of miscegenation in our schools. I have seen young orcs, kissing and holding hands with our younger kids, kids as young as 9 years of age. Make no mistake my fellow Englisc kin, we are, as I am sure some of you allready know, at war with not just the orc, but the traitors that have simply allowed this to happen. We have it all to do. Their are no proper White heroes that our kids, and our adults can look up too any more. As people have allready stated on this thread, most white males are either portrayed as fat, unwashed and useless or raving benders. I don't watch a lot of tv and I certainly do not watch the soaps, but from the bits I have seen when I have turned the tv on is nothing more than anti-white, anti-englisc, pro race mixing, pro homosexual. It seems that every white women has to have a wog on her arm.

The white Englisc male and our womenfolk, needs to start fighting back. I know that many on here will be more than happy to take up the fight. As long as there are true Englisc living on this planet, The Englisc people will never die, never surrender, Woden, Tyr , Thunor and all the old gods and our ancestors will see to that. I think that as we head into the summer, we will see more social unrest, I just hope that it is the start of the Englisc fightback. We must awake, England must awake.

Andy #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On the film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes]

So I took my son to watch this movie today and being politically aware I was able to see the connections to todays situation and its political message.

Firstly the apes are stronger and able to live comfortably in less hospitable environment
They have made their own simian community run by the apes for the apes, they are happy to live without heating, light etc Just as in black countries they cannot seem to develop the comforts and conditions equal to the ones developed in white countries.
Though they use their natural resources (oil etc) to make the riches that can buy white nations comforts.


The humans, all but one was white as far as I remember, were trying to restore power, trying to better their life's.

The two communities come into contact and the inevitable conflict ensues. Showing that two different racial groups cannot live together.

Simian flu or Aids and now Ebola

The apes recognise power not those with a more educated nature ( like the Orangutang Maurice(western name))

The ape with the non western name Kobu or whatever kills his son Ash for dishonouring him by refusing to kill a human, honour killing

The apes are set to be wiped out until they steal/adopt the white man/humans technology

Now I AM NOT saying that blacks are apes, but that the film unintentionally I am sure makes a political statement about the mixing of the two racial groups (blacks and whites).

Seaxan #fundie englisc-gateway.com

I am sick of seeing muppets with that pathetic gay rainbow imposed over their pictures, especially when they are straight. It's especially sickening when a child has it because mum and dad have no spine.


I think their plan is to express their perverted views onto their children every time they see a rainbow. Oh look kids, another man has just been bummed, let's celebrate with some sausages and chocolate spread.

Frithhilde #fundie englisc-gateway.com

It is hard for me to explain. I work in a more spiritual way and am moving towards shamanic principles.

Take the ley lines. These cannot be seen and few people now can feel them, yet the heathen sacred sites are built along these lines and important sites are where lines intersect. The Greeks actually had a grid showing energy lines round the world. A New Zealander found that UFO sightings were along energy grid lines. In the last few years it has been found that energy levels along these lines increase at dawn.

This cannot be explained easily as the ancients did not have scientific instruments. They were part of the land and the energy fields/lines were part of the land, the Gods were part of the people and the land and not separate entities as modern religions try to portray them as - such as Christianity and the Judeo/Arabic God. These are out of balance and the only way of maintaining the religion is through dogma and punishment if the "word" is not followed. They are not internal religions.

About 10 years ago I went into a series of meditaions. In one, I was led by my guide and was a bird. It was amazing. I could feel the air currents and see lines and paths that humans cannot see, heat changes and so on. Since this time I can feel cars coming towards me on bendy roads. I am correct about 80% of the time. 2 days ago, on the news, scientists have discovered that the birds can "see" the magnetic grids in the air for migration. Auras have been seen by many people for thousands of years, now in the last few months science has said there is something that continues after death.

The heathens accept these signs as of the Gods being part of us, yet they have been rejected and called witchcraft by the Church. By separating the people from the land, the Church takes control. I cannot see why a person cannot be open to all ways and not judge one against the other

I am sorry if it does not make sense.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

["There you go, mind you, it was a different world back in the 70's."]

You mean, before Feminism and general Political Correction took complete control!!

Yes, I remember, when a man could fondle a womans arse in a night club without being accused of sexual assult or treating women like sex objects, when you could call a Black Fellow, a Black Bastard, without the Thought Police suddenly springing out of the nearest brick work and bushes, to arrest you for Thought Crimes!!

Ecgbert #fundie englisc-gateway.com

Only time will tell if those who fought for our freedom and safety will be supported by the following generation. Most of them if they had known Great Britain was anti English, may have joined the Germans. As if they fought for the right of Muslim gangs and British state to attack and rape English girls. They were all unfortunately duped, unless the current English get their act together, then they did fight and die for nothing.

There was a programme on TV where it was said that Gibraltar. was seized by the "British military" in 1704. Strange that, Great Britain wasn't even formed until 1707, many of these British can not even bare to say the words England or English. Where as Hitler was fine with talking about England and the English, so who is the real enemy?

Antony #racist englisc-gateway.com

Disraeli observed that to acknowledge differences between men at all implies notions of superiority and inferiority many would rather not discuss. It's unavoidable. The reason merit is considered suspect in almost any form these days, at least among our kind, should be obvious. Our world depends on a civilization developed by white people. It wasn't designed for blacks, who can never adjust to or prosper from its demands.

As long as Jewish culture insists that Benjamin Zephaniah has the technical proficiency of Shakespeare we'll continue to struggle with conceptions of relative merit, with accepting the faculty of discrimination - the ability to distinguish between a pellucid mountain stream and a municipal sewer outlet - that made us what we are. I have no problem with it myself.

Eassex cempa #racist englisc-gateway.com

I am rather happy being Englisc and 'White'

From the film 13th warrior,
'Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning'

Well I have had a good long look at my line and as far as I can see no All-Father thought it a good idea to include any 'coffee coloured people by the score' into it.
Every culture has an 'All-Father so if it had been a good idea at least one of them would have done it.

I say who are these idiots that think they know better than Woden when it comes to the plans for his people !!

Teutoburg Weald #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

This stinks rotten. For a long time now the Liberal West has been pushing, and salivating over Putin's declaration that his country will not bow down to mass immigration and special treatment for Foreigners, then the start a Ukaranian Spring Revolution, no doubt the Jews were behind that as they were behind the Arab Spring Revolutions??

So the Government falls into the Western open border policies of mass Immigration? Which would obviously push Putin into a Border watch position, when were they going to start a Russian Spring Revolution to bring them into line with the Liberal West and its aim of swamping the White Nations with unwanted Turd World Invaders??

They've been after Russia and Putin for a good while, Russia is the last bastion of White Ethnic majority and domination, so it sticks in the side of the Liberal West like a long Thorn that can't be pulled out, plus Russia is not open to Zionist Influence and pressure, so now they are attempting to either bluff Russia into backing down, or at worse, push Russia into War???

As I say, It Stinks rotten!!

Obuma's Confused is he?? I bet!

AelfredSeax #racist englisc-gateway.com

My problem with Christianity, especially Catholicism is this -

At a time when the Roman empire was strained and feeling the pressure of it's past decisions, they decided they needed a religion to bind the material empire with a spiritual empire. The problem was too many cultures, ethnicities and religion under one rule.

Catholicism means 'universal', and the plan was to stop the inter religious differences with Rome as the headquarters of the new faith. Then we can all pass the plate around in our own countries and the RC Church becomes the richest organisation on the planet.

Now as if this isn't corrupt enough it is understood that at this point in history (AD 391 the worship of other Gods was made illegal) that the highest concentration of Ashkenazi Jews in the world was Rome. We know they have a gift for manipulation and story telling and coupled with their Gold and monetary influence I don't think it's a coincidence that Judaeo Christianity was taken as the religion of Rome.

Many Popes have been Jewish or part Jewish. The Vatican is also sighted as one of the foundation pillars of modern day Zionism. It would sure explain the Catholic churches insatiable appetite for hoarding Gold and money.

To me Christianity is a form of control - mind control. The all seeing God that demands you love him or be condemned to hell fore and brimstone , conveniently decided that the Jews are the chosen people, and knows all of your thoughts and actions. If that isn't control and social engineering, what is ?

What is really interesting, is that once Christianity has served it's purpose of penetrating the formerly impenetrable with it's convert or die rampage , it is , with beyond coincidental timing that the all seeing God of Christianity is cut off at the knees and dismantled just as the All seeing eye of Television becomes an essential part of every home.

One mind control becomes obsolete as the new improved version emerges. No prizes for guessing which group of people are behind our televisions either...

Cerdic #fundie englisc-gateway.com

Indeed. He will teach those who will listen. If you accept God's teachings it will not be from an obvious miracle, no trumpets and shouts from heaven, but it will suddenly make sense. Everything will become more clarified and begin to make sense because the Most Holy Spirit will come upon you. You will become angry. Good. Become angry. You will become zealous. Good. Become zealous. Fools will mock you- or beat you and kill you like it was in the old days. When the Lord and Giver of Life takes hold of you- you will become both a speaker on behalf of Man and on behalf of God.

The English People are in a dire situation because we've inherited the lies of our fathers- that the Good God doesn't exist or is some ancient fairy-tale. Look at all of the Nations of Europe, France, Spain, etc. All Christian Nations- and all fallen unto the ash-heap because the pearls have been cast before the swine. The fathers of our fathers were men of a different sort- heathen men and Christian men- but fighting-men in the end.

The English Nation, in England, North America, Oceania, etc. is in danger but not from without- but from within. The Good Good doesn't desire that we perish- but to repent and believe the Good News and, like every true Christian, become a fighting-man (or woman) who is willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to defend home, clan, kith, kin, the nation, the Faith, the commonwealth, etc.

Yngvi #racist englisc-gateway.com

This is all bollocks, the English have fought under a banner for years and sorry to break your heart but the White Wyrm is the new banner of the ethnic English and if some people don't like it then good! - I'm glad its getting to you orcish fucking butt sucking shit cunt 3rd stage syphillis suffering bottom feeding rat shit smothering Anglophobic turd burgling wankers!

Get used to it you silly fuck nuts and watch this merry space - the English are coming to avenge you!

For those dumb enough to try and hurt us - beware and for those who have taken part in the destruction of our country - take heed - your final hour is coming, in the names of our ancestors, our England and the son's and daughters born of English stock we swear this troth, we will have mercy!

One blood, one soil, one England - England Awake, England Awake, England Awake and rise the White dragon once more!

Seaxan #racist englisc-gateway.com

[The British police force has its own pagan association]

The Police Pagan Association...... gladly beating and arresting white racist Heathens for the sake of diversity and the ethnic cleansing of those dirty Anglo-Saxons.

Paganism is a faith for all colours, creeds and beliefs....... now let's all feast on some Halal meat, and don our Jewish skull caps whilst we dance around Irish clovers.

Rainbows, I see rainbows and pride. GAY pride, oh what joys our government provides. I shall adopt two male African babies and several female Indian girls if you please. I give thanks to Elton John for his enlightenment into adoption. I have bummed my partner several times, and he has never given birth. Why Odin? Why would you make us infertile?

Wolf #racist englisc-gateway.com

All non white guests of this country will always be that,Guests.
Im sorry to offend anyone...well im not but anyway,English Folk are white Folk,simple as that.
I will not have some asian tell me he is english,just as i would not accept one calling himself scot,irish,welsh.Sick to death of the weak spirit we have somehow grown over the years.
Why do we always have to back down and say "oh its ok he was born here,you can bring your family over and they can spunge of our hard working folk and breed us out of existence"

Its time our folk got back the fighting spirit we are world famous for,nobody takes our little island without a fight!
No foreign mongrel is gonna spread there filthy culture to our lands,its time to fight back.

Racial Nationalists are the true nationalists,because there eyes are open,they have seen through the BS the left and its media are spreading.
Its time for nationalists of all forms to get our acts together.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The conflict is simple to explain: North Korea wishes to remain sovereign, to govern itself as it pleases and to be in charge of its own money supply. Zionist-banker-tyrants wish to take over ownership of North Korea's money supply and to dictate to them the values they are allowed to hold as a nation. These Zionist-banker-tyrants will fool us, the West, into doing their dirty work by lying to us about North Korea. They have done this countless times before and every one of our people who has fought and died in a war in the last 20 years (some would say the last 100) has done so based on a lie.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Non-native presence in England is like a balloon being held under water. The downward force on that balloon is the hand of the Zionist Government and its use of multicult dogma, propaganda, welfare, tolerance, positive discrimination etc. Sever it and the balloon rises out of the water, i.e. most immigrants leave.

But the fact remains that some will still remain. The 1/4 black, atheist, football-loving, beer-drinking, working chap who receives no special treatment, speaks no language other than English, has mostly white friends and cares not for political correctness will NOT leave. He would have to be physically ejected and his group of white friends would protest.

Dave #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Given the reference to England in the song "Jerusalem" , Did anyone else notice how the BBC focused right onto all those EU flags during the last verse of Jerusalem, where the lyrics go......"when we have built Jerusalem (substitute that for EU) in England's green and pleasant land". Subtly/subliminal attempt to drum it into us that they still see the EU as their ultimate wish.

Hodekin #racist englisc-gateway.com

The Kith of Yggdrasil to which the police officer in question is secretary is Universalist, insomuch that it sees no distinction between different races in terms of them being Germanic Heathens. If an Eskimo fisherman or a Zulu warrior wanted to join them they would be welcomed with open arms!

The fact that the Kith are members of the Pagan Federation (which operates a strictly PC attitude to all manner of racial attitudes) corroborates this. The only reason that the Policeman in question can hold his 'Pagan' office within the Police force is precisely because of the PC strictures placed upon him, his faith and his organisation (The Kith of Yggdrasil).

They are not Folkish, I am Folkish, and I am a member of the Odinic Rite which is unashamedly Folkish and where would be Germanic Heathen Eskimo fishermen and Zulu warriors would be politely but firmly refused entry for all the obvious reasons.

Witnere #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On the attack on Muslims at Finsbury Park]

What goes around comes around... Twats finally pushed someone's buttons enough to get a reaction. It was a dot on the cards. I resent the whiny meltdown it's sent the SJWs into though.

Steed #racist englisc-gateway.com

I believe Judeo-Christianity has always been a control mechanism to pave the way for conquering Europe. There is no doubt that had Europe remained Pagan we would not be under Zionist occupation as we are today (and thus our nations would not be multi-cultural, multi-racial ones). Heathenry teaches kinship with your ancestors, Christianity teaches kinship with every human being on Earth.

That said, the reason our people adopted Christianity as our own is because it appealed to an ancient concept within our blood - that of the 'saviour'. There is such a notion as the Aryan Krist. So essentially, what the Romans and Jews did to subdue us was to wrap their non-European religion in an outer shell which appealed to deeply-held archetypes within our race soul such as the (Aryan) saviour. It is because of this that I don't blame our people who cling to Christianity (as many of my own ancestors did). They were and are drawn to the religion by its very English/Pagan values (whether they know that or not) but unfortunately they fail to identify the Judaic, non-European aspects of it and how harmful those aspects are to our national and individual identity.

In short, Christianity has good and bad aspects intertwined.
The good parts = Heathen and indigenous
The bad parts = Judaic and alien

Steven #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On the Finsbury Park mosque attack]

The authorities were extremely quick (8 minutes in the case of the police) calling it a 'terrorist attack' - usually at least a day or two has passed before we hear anything specific about the intention. Theresa May identified the alleged attacker as 'white', which is unusual because she never mentioned race when speaking about Manchester, or the two previous attacks in London. According to the BBC/ITV/Sky this attack was a 'far-right' operation and is therefore terrorism. Really? If it was I haven't seen any evidence of it. What I've learned over the past 10 years is when Muhammadans kill or maim native white people the government goes out of its way to find some white native people to blame.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

[On flying the French flag after Paris murders]

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity will deck out Wembley tomorrow night. Great advert for French Freemasonry and the forces behind what happened but that won't bother anyone. Bullshit designed to build European solidarity on the one hand and indulge pathological displays of empathy on the other.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

[On the discredited prophecies of Mother Shipton]

As always you have to fight your way past author's eager to cast doubt on whether she even existed, but then she's English. 'Scholarship' plays the provenance card to nothing like the same degree elsewhere in folklore. Nostradamus is too famous and publisher-friendly to suffer lasting critical damage while those from designated victim-cultures are simply considered untouchable. One only hopes the the judeo-oirish criminal syndicate that runs Hollywood never alight on these stories. Placing the old girl in County Cork and casting LIam Neeson or Gerard Butler in drag wouldn't really do her justice, though they would certainly be ugly enough.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On Nelson Mandela]

Are you defending the Black son of a Whore??

Those White South African's built South Africa, the Black Natives didn't, besides those Whites of Germanic Heritage have been there for generations, I suppose you might as well say that we Englisc should go back to our Ancestors Homelands, Anglen, Saxony, Denmark, and so on, I bet the Waelasc would love that..... Besides, what's Racism?? a nothing term invented by the Liberal/Left or by their Jewish masters, to beat the White Nations with, of course, it doesn't apply to the Shit Coloured Races dose it, they can't be racist can they, like the Jews can't be racist either, after all, they are the chosen people of the Christian God, right....

So if the Boers have to leave South Africa and return to their Nations of origin then that counts for us as well, and the Americans of English origin, and Canadians, Australians and so on, once you start that, where you going to end??

Essex Saxon #racist englisc-gateway.com

Why would so many English people rather be anything be English? I met an English guy today married to a Russian women. Their three kids were born here but all have Russian names. They are bringing them up to be Russian - in Sussex. the bloke is learning Russian so they can all speak it at home. Those kids will never hear about English culture and identity, they won't be taught it in school. Whenever I meet an English person married to a foreigner they always seem to adopt the foreigner...

Eassex cempa #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Is this petrol and diesel banning just another step toward the implementation of Agenda 21.

If our vehicles don't have the range of combustion engines we will have to look toward living in the area we work, and that's part of the Agenda 21 plan.

Steven #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Hmmm. Westgate Shopping Mall, in Kenya, is owned by Westfield America, whose boss is Frank Lowy. This is the man who, together with Larry Siverstein, bought the 99-year lease to WTC 1 and 2 fifty days before 9/11. Silverstein Properties also held the lease on WTC 7. The insurance payout was huge: £5.4 billion. Rumour has it Israeli commandos are assisting the Kenyans. Oy vey.