
ButlerKing #racist forumbiodiversity.com

Inventions has to do more with creativity and loads of imagination which West Europeans and Americans have, but not East Asians accept for the Japanese. Chinese were very good with ancient inventions but all they were not based on any electronics or machinery which is what contributes to making the modern world. Somebody who can invent an mobile phone doesn't mean he got A+ in maths, history, geography all he needs is like A+ in electronics with lots of creativity.

What really contributes to the world is people with loads of creativity which are West Europeans. The East Asians maybe superior in the I.Q department but they tend to have the lowest E.Q, they speak really bad foreign languages in general, it may have something to do with the way their Asian languages phonetics or the way they pronounced but Africans seems to have it much easier. East Asian inventions dominated during the ancient world but those were all based on electronics or machinery like somebody from Yahoo had already said. The one thing nobody can deny is the modernized world existent solely and only because of West Europeans.

West Europeans: 2nd highest I.Q in continent, most creative in the modern world, high E.Q

East Asians: Highest I.Q in the world, no creativity in modern world accept for maybe Japan/Taiwan, kinda low E.Q

Southeast Asians, South Asian, Africans: Low I.Q but very high E.Q

India may have lower I.Q but they invented much more than the nations who have much higher I.Q than them. East Asians also have the highest I.Q and invent quite a lot of stuff but not like Europeans did, this means that I.Q has no correlation with inventions.

Janos #fundie forumbiodiversity.com

We all know that Trump's biggest supporter group is white men. Voting used to be heavily restricted in the past in America and other places. They saw women as unable to vote for the right party/person.

I on the other hand do not think women should be banned from voting. Sure, the results would be better if only men voted, but it is not black and white. A much better idea would be to ban progressives, multiculturalists and muslims to vote (there is an unholy alliance between the Left and muslims in Europe).

Bones #fundie forumbiodiversity.com

I have been saying for a long time now that patriarchy is the natural order of things for our species. Any species that has significant sexual dimorphism between the genders will have one dominant gender and one submissive. And we can easily observe both in physical and mental aspects that men are the dominant gender and women are the submissive.

Women have 10% smaller brains on average, around 5 IQ points less on average, and a smaller deviation, meaning at the high extreme of IQ men far outnumber women. Men are much faster, stronger, more durable, logical and rational on average. Testosterone allow men to take more risks and be more creative, striving to bring humanity forward. While women are afraid of risks because they evolved this way (due to having the instinct to have progeny and being able to protect it with the help of the most suitable male among other factors). This is why women have less independent thought and are more easily swayed by the opinions of others, especially from others with authority, ie group thinking.

I dont necessarily think women should have less rights due to being the biologically inferior gender, but they should be happy to have as many rights and privileges as they have now (even more than men in some regards) instead of whining and complaining about how "oppressed" they are. And the government should pay less attention to feminists and cater less to womens demands in the future since women already have equal opportunity in life as men have. As soon as artificial wombs are available in large quantity, then childbirth is no longer in control of women alone, and thus the government no longer need to keep women satisfied in order to have a steady birthrate.

(which they still failed to do despite trying to keep women as happy as possible, all because of hypergamy and women wanting to have it all (great career, marriage and children) but end up failing and thus a lot less children are born regardless)

I hope when that happens we will have a true meritocracy, because that is the only thing that is "fair", when it comes to voting, our votes doesnt really affect much anyway, the west doesnt really follow a true democratic system, and many things are probably rigged and only makes us believe our votes matter. I dont really care but i would really like to get rid of crap like affirmative action and quotation laws, and less focus on past events and "equality" which is pretty much impossible to achieve.

Bones #fundie forumbiodiversity.com

I didnt say the difference was big or small, just significant. 5 iq points more on average is not big but significant, and 10% bigger brains is definitely significant, i would even go as far as to call that a big difference. And saying that men are much stronger and faster is not an exaggeration, just fact. That men are more durable is common knowledge, more resistant to pain, thicker skin, while we dont live as long on average a big reason for this is because most men do jobs that require more stress and are more physically demanding, and men use medical care more rarely compared to women. We are also mentally stronger which is easily observed in everyday life and also based on statistics which shows men handle stress better, while women are 3 times as likely to attempt suicide (although men manage to complete the act more often), and are twice as likely to suffer from major depression compared to men. That mens bodies are built sturdier to handle more physical labour is common sense.

And yes, men are much more rational and logical on average, while women are much more emotional. You can find anomalies and outliers, exceptions to the rule etc, but it doesnt change the general pattern of behaviour. Its not just the IQ difference and brain size difference that corresponds to this difference in thinking, its also how our brains are wired, men have more structural connections, while womens neurons are more interconnected all over, which also explains why men can put tasks into "boxes" better and focus on one thing at a time, while women are more prone to think about to many things at the same time at the cost of efficiency.

And again, a few exceptions to the rule is pointless to bring up, we are comparing the genders as a whole and thus we must look at the general patterns, and its fact that men are more likely to take risks and do "dangerous" tasks, while women tend to play it safe far more often. Even in countries where the military draft is optional the vast majority of recruits are men.

Again, im simply saying the fact that men are superior to women overall, based on the characteristics that define male and female in the human species, the things that make our genders different are mostly in advantages for men. This does not mean women deserve to live lesser lifes, but they should realize that equal opportunity is all they should strive for, and they already have that in most western countries. "Equality" or equal outcome will never happen unless society discriminates against men(which it already does in many ways in western society), because of mens natural and biological superiority over women.

The problem with voting in particular though, is as explained earlier, that women have statistically proven higher in-group bias compared to men, meaning that women are more likely to vote for things that benefit them and their gender regardless of other factors, while men tend to be more objective and look at the bigger picture. This means that majority of women will vote for womens benefits regardless of how that affects society at large, the other gender or the economy etc on a whole.

Women are also more likely to be affected by peer pressure, and as shown in the video posted above "why women destroy nations" (which i have seen before it was posted here) women follow social norms to a fault, they abide by it to be accepted by their peers, regardless if it makes sense or not to them personally. Not all of course but its a very obvious general pattern. Its also noticable in the fact that women find men who are "popular" regardless of why, more attractive, ie a man who is already taken is more attractive for that alone because he has social proof, and why status in a man is so important for women, if someone with perceived authority (like the mainstream media, television, movies etc) says something or someone is good/attractive, regardless if it is true or not, women will subconsciously believe it to be true and just the fact that someone is on TV will make that man more attractive to them.

This is a problem when it comes to women and voting, but knowing that not all women are like that (just a large majority) and that there are retarded men out there, combined with the fact that our votes mean very little in the grand scheme and is just used as a smokescreen to make it look like we have a choice and live in a true democracy, means that i care very little about who gets to vote and who doesnt.