
King_Martha #fundie leekyforums.com

The revolutionary analysis of decadent bourgeoisie culture has revealed certain pornographic tendencies to be highly progressive.

We are speaking, of course, about so called interracial cuckold porn.

This porn consists of a scenario where in which a bourgeoisie male AmeriKKKan laborer aristocrat is forced to watch his female property (wife) be raped, liberated by black ghetto proletarian.

How is this progressive, you may ask? To be sure, interracial cuckold porn promotes hyper sexualized racial stereotypes of African men and even seems to encourage rape as a positive phenomenon enjoyed by women.

However, a genuine Marxist analysis looks deeper. Interracial cuckold porn is in fact, entirely revolutionary. Cuckold porn is revolutionary, because it attacks white male patriarchal capitalist and its psycho sexual roots. Cuckold porn psychologically prepares the white bourgeoisie male for his own destruction and expropriation at the hands of Maoist third world-ist liberation forces.

Just as the white laborer aristocratic bourgeoisie of the worst world should go and surrender his property to the revolutionary third world proletariat, so the cuckolded white male should kneel and watch his female property (wife) be ravaged by big black cock which is her own secret desire for liberation.

The white master who raped and enslaved the colonial world for centuries is now in the world of Maoist third world-ism – raped and enslaved.

RavySnake #conspiracy leekyforums.com

Was the Kalamazoo Shooting an Anti-Trump False Flag Attack?

Obama less than a week ago says he is confident Trump will not win the presidency.

On election day a alleged angry white male goes on a shooting spree. People on facebook claiming he had MAGA hats in his profile pictures.

Anyone feel this maybe a false flag to throw a wrench in Trump's campaign? Will the media try to run with it just like gamergate and Sandy Hook?

Also, it's worth noting that Obama os the King of false flags