
JK #fundie nucleusweb.net

aha but just saying that someone came in before you and knocked it [a pitcher of juice] over is just a guess.For all you know a lil flying leprochan could of knocked it over, and then someone put their handprint on it.You have no idea what actually happend since YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!!!!

Light Bearer #fundie nucleusweb.net

I'm very familiar with Paul Hill [who shot an abortion doctor and encourages others to do the same]. I've read that article before you posted it. You defined murder as 'unlawful killing'. Paul Hill was a Christian. So the Laws that he operated under were God's Laws... According to Biblical Law, the killing of a murderer is NOT unlawful killing. That would mean, therefore, that Paul Hill was acting justifiable on his beliefs in defending a third person. (The unborn.) So....if he didn't unlawfully kill anyone....why was there need for repentance? Or remorse?

Lord_Peac|-| #fundie nucleusweb.net

Evolution is just as much wishful thinking as christianity is. Nothing will make me an evolutionist, not now at least, i believe in God. Of course, this means that I'm 'ignorant' but, whatever, I care not of your opinions- but God's.

Golfinguy #fundie nucleusweb.net

Gandalf's magic is totally invented, not based in reality(like Harry Potter is). The Bible does not say that fiction or make-believe is evil, it says that the real thing, real magic, is evil. Also, just because I watch Gandalf do his magic does not mean that I am going to go out and try it myself and believe that I am capable of magic.