
Stephen Lendman #conspiracy sjlendman.blogspot.ca

How Many More Western False Flags Are Planned?

False flag terrorist attacks serve imperial interests. Pre-9/11, Project for the New American Century (now the Foreign Policy Institute) neocons explained a “catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor” was needed to advance US hegemonic aims.

Well documented post-9/11 horrors need no elaboration. Rules of engagement changed from rule of law observance to anything goes, still in force.

America’s war on Islam continues, likely about to be revved up post-Paris attacks - the most significant false flag attack since 9/11. Are follow-up ones planned in other Western cities, maybe one or more US ones? Does Israel plan one internally to justify even greater terror war on Palestine?

The die is cast. The risk of global war is greater than any time since Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939 - on or about the day I entered kindergarten at age five with no idea what happened or was about to unfold in the months and years ahead.

Today’s super weapons make make the risk of global war too horrific to contemplate, destructive enough to end life on earth in short order. Lunatics in Washington make the unthinkable possible. Their rage for unchallenged global dominance may kill us all.

Media scoundrels are part of the problem, not the solution. A scurrilous Monday CNN report hyped the nonexistent threat of ISIS attacking Washington. Why they’d attack their paymasters was unexplained.

Stephen Lendman #conspiracy sjlendman.blogspot.ca

Istanbul Blasts: Terrorism or False Flag?


No claim of responsibility followed the attack. Prime Minister Binali Yildirm blamed ISIS, saying “(t)he findings of our security forces point at the Daesh organization as the perpetrators of this terror attack.”

Erdogan called for a “joint fight” against terrorism, saying nothing about his support for ISIS, letting them operate freely from Turkish territory, supplying them with arms and munitions, selling their stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil - he, his family and other regime officials profiting hugely.

It begs the question. Why would ISIS attack an important benefactor? Others include America, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other regional states.

Erdogan is at war with Kurds in three countries, naked aggression by any standard - at home, in Syria and Iraq. Yet he didn’t blame their fighters for what happened.

While it’s unknown if Tuesday’s incident was state-sponsored, previous similar ones in Europe and America suggest it. The fullness of time should tell.

Stephen Lendman #conspiracy sjlendman.blogspot.ca

Sanders: Liar, Hypocrite, Self-Serving Con Man SOB

Sanders’ Tuesday sellout to wealth, power and privilege didn’t surprise observers like myself who’ve followed his deplorable political career for years.

Mendacity, betrayal, dishonor, lack of principles and moral cowardice define his years in office - from his Burlington, VT mayoral days to the House, Senate and now concluded presidential bid.

His extended 15 minutes of fame ended in infamy. His phony political revolution was stillborn - his self-styled democratic socialism a thinly-veiled facade, stripped away to reveal the true measure of the man.

It’s not pretty. Endorsing Clinton means getting in bed with a humanity-destroying monster, a neocon she devil, a Wall Street/war profiteers’ tool, an unindicted war criminal/racketeer - the most recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history.

Everything Sanders said on the stump was phony, willful deception, Big Lies, brainwashing adherents to believe he’s different. Old wine gone rancid in new bottles describes him, a Judas pretending otherwise.


I knew months ago he’d sell out to Clinton, endorse pure evil, and betray his loyal supporters. Still, I can barely contain my rage. I fear what’s coming. So should everyone.

Clinton will likely succeed Obama, things rigged to anoint her with corporate controlled electronic voting machine ease, along with voter roll purging and other dirty tricks - shenanigans turning primary and caucus losses into victories for her.