
Bocephus #wingnut sodahead.com

[on an open thread on "liberals" attacking Kirk Cameron's "freedom of speech"]

It's a technique they use to silence your voice. They use words like judging and hate but it's all B.S. They don't want you voting, speaking , or praying against them. They are on a mission and we are in their way. Keep voicing your concerns and feelings. You know what is right and wrong inside. . Peaceful mass non compliance.

Obama's goal is to indoctrinate students in public school, restricting the free speech of opposition, obtaining special treatment for homosexuals, distorting Biblical teaching and science, and interfering with freedom of association. Advocates of the homosexual agenda seek special rights for homosexuals that other people don't have, such as immunity from criticism (see hate speech, hate crimes). Such special rights will necessarily come at the expense of the rights of broader society.

Among all the liberal belief systems, the homosexual ideology is the most self-centered or selfish.

William #fundie sodahead.com

The Anatomy of Progressivism: How It Works, and How To Kill It

When you see a crowd of people who call themselves “Progressive”, pay close attention. You’re looking at a very distinct class of people. At first glance, they look to be highly diverse; composed of advocates from ,what seems to be, all walks of life. Overall, Progressivism includes, but is not limited to:

*Gay Rights Advocates
*Black Militant Groups
*Tree Huggers
*Muslim Advocates
*Anti-Religious Zealots
*Anti-Gun Advocates
*Anti- American Patriotism Advocates
*The Drug Culture
*Illegal Alien Advocates

They seem to be highly diverse in their ranks, but theyre not. They all have one fundamental characteristic that makes them blend in with one another. They are all of them, social misfits and outcasts. Their values, or lack thereof, arent shared with the general public because they contradict the existence of the established society. So, they decided, a long time ago, to wage war with the American civilization. The Progressives are the barbarian hordes trying to breach the gates of our communities, and burn our values to the ground. In social warfare, this is done with a series of tactics. They do each of the following:

*First off, they banded together. Realistically, not one of those progressives groups cares for the other. They merely use each other to accomplish the same end; destroying our civilization.

*They victimize themselves, and then use their “victim status” as a weapon against society. You see it every day. Homosexuals , for example, use their sexuality as a crutch to beat society on the head with. They cry about not being able to force churches to sanctify their sexual conduct, and then turn around and participate in lude and vulgar demonstrations that arent suitable for family audiences, call it “freedom of expression”, and dare anyone to take offense to it. If anyone does, they are deemed “homophobic”, sexist, or a Nazi. They are given the title of intolerance, and branded a bigot.

*They use the legal system against society. Because they are vastly outnumbered by the rest of society they can’t inject their values the democratic way. Again, they find themselves a crutch to beat you over the head with to get what they want. In this case, their minority status is their weapon of choice. And they use it via the ACLU and the Democratic Party. It is a Party that represents a section of society that has zero principles. Therefore, Democrats have zero principals. That’s why they get away with things. The people they represent don’t hold them to any standards what-so-ever. The only thing theyre obligated to do is inject society with a new standard; political correctness. When this is accomplished, the things you stand for and believe in are branded hateful and bigoted. Public displays of religion , patriotism, or the family structure will get you branded a thumping nationalist sexist. You now must walk on eggshells, and if you don’t, youre likely to get swarmed by their groups, their social policies, and their lawyers for committing a “hate crime”. As of now, theyre trying to push their double standard into law. In which case you could face jail time if you don’t bow to their will.

The solution to our little social problem is simple. These people are bullies, and the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to one. Society must let them know that their “victim status” doesn’t give them free reign to shyt on everybody else. You literally have to get in their face and take away their weapons.Whenever they start beating you over the head with their crutch, you have to grab them by their favorite neck and let them know that you dont mind offending their sensibilities. Don’t be afraid of confrontation. Confrontation is whats needed. If society doesnt start standing up to them, our walls will eventually be breached and our values will be burned to the ground. These people are all cowards. I have yet to meet one that wasn’t.

Michael Walter #fundie sodahead.com

According to those who are pushing gay marriage, Jerry Sandusky would have the right to marry that kid he was raping in the shower.

Gays are the lowest form of human life on the planet. Being dead would be preferable to being gay.

NewJerseyMom #fundie sodahead.com

(On the topic of banning Quarn Book-Burning)

Burning the BIBLE isn't banned, and it SHOULD be.

Let's keep PRIORITIES straight, people.

Ban the burning of the book of GOD long before ever considering a ban on a book of MYTH!!

Wonder Woman #fundie sodahead.com

But do men have a menstrual cycle? Nope. Do men give birth? Nope. So there is no way men and women can be the same, our sexual organs are not the same, the male penis is extrovert, outside his body, showing his wheel of thought spins outward, the female vagina is introvert, showing her wheel of thought spins inwards. This is also revealed in our sexual organ function. For men it spins outward, he will pay for visual porn, and in that money we find that women spend equally on romance novels, showing her sex is operated on a story playing in her head.

Now mind you. Men call this a dysfunctional neurosis in women, for not having sex like a man. But men truly have no clue the creature they are having sex with. You can pull any man off the street and ask him to explain the science of the female tampon, he won't be able to respond, and most women will deny it to!


Oh it's simple, they have books and books of cases on record that reveal all the evidence of what we are. If a man gets to play serial killer, the woman gets to play that game to! That is why men invented abortion, so they could teach women to be their sex slaves. Feminism has volumes and volumes of cold hard facts through years and years of research of the gender game, and how men hate women, but love sex!

lizbmx3 #racist sodahead.com

Bush inherited all that he came into during his time in the office. Get your facts straight.

Secondly, I have absolutely NO problem with African Americans or any other race for that matter. If it was a white president doing the same crap Obama's trying to pull right now, I'd hate him just as much. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one is racist.. well not me anyways. It just so happens that people of the same race tend to have the same habits. And if that means moochin' off other people's hard earned money, that's what they're going to do..

Stop thinkin' everyone's hatin on you and your people as individuals.. WE AREN'T.. We don't owe you anything. So get over yourself.

jptrigen #fundie sodahead.com

When it comes to sexual orientation, abortion, and childhood sexual exploration, the left demands to arbitrate the rules. The problem for the rest of America is that if one dares express an opinion alien to the guidelines set forth by the left or risks imposing moral standards via a chosen lifestyle, liberals focus like a laser on obliterating the offender.

That’s exactly what Josh Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting is living through right now.

Seems that when Josh was a 14-year-old boy, he admitted that he “inexcusably” fondled five girls in their sleep, two of whom were his younger sisters. Riddled with remorse, Josh confessed to his parents what he’d done, and Michelle and Jim Bob chose to handle it by sending him away for a while and then reporting it to the authorities. Charges were not filed.

No one disagrees that a child molesting a child, let alone a sibling, is inappropriate and harmful behavior, but then again, in today’s society, boys fondling girls and even boys fondling boys are common occurrences.

Insincerity enters the debate via those who ordinarily consider underage sex part of normal human development. After all, it was the government agency Health and Human Services that acknowledged sex-play among kids to be part of what they call small children behaving like “Sexual Beings.”

For Josh Duggar, 12 years after the fact, it’s different.

In his case, the group that normally encourages all manner of sexual experimentation is calling for the father of four’s head on a sexual-predator spike. Sorry to have to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if every individual casting a stone was to have the curtain drawn back on his or her antics during puberty, there’d be a whole lot of scribbling in the sand.

Josh lived in a cloistered, homeschooled family environment, but if the eldest Duggar were in an Arkansas public school system and decided to get busy with a girlfriend in the back of someone’s pickup truck, the ones criticizing him now would have surely provided the lad with a condom-on-a-cucumber tutorial. And if need be, had clumsy Josh failed to use the government-issued condom correctly, if given the go-ahead by a judge, some school administrator would gladly have shuttled the object of Josh’s affection to an abortion clinic, with her parents none the wiser.

Speaking of Arkansas, don’t the Duggars hail from the same state as a former president who, as far as we know, never fondled his alleged half-sister Sharon Lee Blythe but was accused by several women of rape, molestation, exposing himself, and preying upon White House interns?

Yet many of Josh’s critics adore America’s infamous saxophone-playing pervert, because letting someone like Bill get away with using a cigar as a sex toy must somehow subdue the sex-induced self-reproach liberals apparently feel.

For Josh, admitting his indiscretions and actually changing his behavior underscores the message that although our weak carnal natures tend toward wanton depravity, and despite attesting faith in Christ, no one is exempt from the need for God’s forgiveness.

Secular liberals can’t have that!

Unlike those who attempt to assuage the guilt of abortion by downgrading babies to fetal tissue, Duggar did not make excuses for his indefensible behavior. He confessed, and he is now willing to suffer the consequences.

Duggar critics argue that Josh’s victims are injured for life and will never recover from the trauma. Hopefully, with time and counseling, that will not be the case.

However, this concern is mouthed by the very people who largely agree with exposing kindergarteners to homosexual marriage, installing safe-school czars who attend conferences that teach unnatural gay sex techniques to schoolchildren, and excusing ex-presidents for frequenting pedophile vacation destinations.

Isn’t it liberals who believe that teaching masturbation is more important than American history? And now America is supposed to believe that those who sexualize five-year-olds from the second they enter school are suddenly wringing their hands with concern for the girls horny Josh infringed upon?

Moreover, when they’re not demanding that a 27-year-old a man be branded a child predator for engaging in inappropriate hormone-induced sexual activity when he was 14, lefties spend their time egging on a sex-obsessed writer/actress who, after being raised by an artist father renowned for depicting distorted female genitalia, described in her memoir perusing her little sister’s privates for hidden pebbles.

The serious nature of child molestation cannot and should not be dismissed. It’s just hard to buy all the liberal outrage, because many of those censuring Josh Duggar are fans of slaughtering 4,000 babies a day, and when it comes to hurting children, these same people are unconcerned about the message it sends kids when cult heroes are made of men transitioning from penis to vagina.

ali #fundie sodahead.com

Any teacher that refuses to say the pledge of allegiance,should not be a school teacher.Any one that does not believe in GOD should not be let to teach our children.What say you?

Starr #fundie sodahead.com

f we did then why is there any Monkeys/Apes today? If we actually did learn to walk upright & over the thousands of years we evolved into humans then the Monkeys/Apes would be People to. Wouldn't they? All the Scientists that think that- then where is the logic in all that? Cause it just makes no sense to me. I believe in the Bible. I have never believed that we come from Monkeys/Apes. But, what is your thoughts on this?