
PDK #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

As I perused the news online this morning I notice Kim Kardashian is pregnant and Kanye is the father.

Normally I could care less about Kim Kardashian, however being a white woman and sharing the eggs she was entrusted with from the white gene pool with black sperm from the black gene pool is the type of transgression or abrogation of nature liberal enforced ideology is making materialize.

This is so wrong.

I wonder if our white girls and white women knew the truth of the black gene pool`s reality, that the black, more r selective GP produces a physically smaller, lower IQ cerebrum, if they would still care to share their genes with black genes. But the liberal enforced ideology will not let our females see this truth; in fact they attempt to persuade our females to share their entrusted eggs with black sperm. So vile is the ability of a liberal, and especially of liberal leadership, itself sick with the desire for the power to parent all as a God, that not only are our white girls and women not allowed to see this truth, they are instead deluded by commercials and other things Hollywood to believe the exact opposite, that black males are superior to white males.

It is horrible enough that we whites surrender our hard earned and created culture to blacks because of liberal ideology. It is far more horrible that we whites allow our white gene pool to be transmogrified and polluted by black genes, yet both these conditions are being enforced upon us by liberal ideology.

Time to consider a gathering together of us non-liberal whites, and declaring independence from liberals and blacks. Time to consider secession. Thank you.

NORDIC CAUCASOID #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com


here's something to chew on. our #1 ally is Great Briton right? or at least they say! Well when probably the most powerful WHITE woman of all time died Margret Thatcher our Head NGR In Charge(HNIC) didn't even lower the Flag to 1/2 mast! not even for one fucking day! well the HNIC communist buddy [Nelson Mandela] dies and not only his country isn't a top 5 ALLY but the HNIC told his peeps to fly Old Glory at 1/2 mast for 10 f-ing days!

Now it's reported that the HNIC and his not so better half are going over towards his home country Kenya(moochelle's words not mine) for the "man who changed the world's"(again not my words) funeral.

I don't think the HNIC sent a secretary(the kind behind the desk & answers the white house phone) let alone the Secretary of State John Ferry! to Ms. Thatcher's funeral this Greatwhites again tells us what we already know! The HNIC HATES ALL WHITE PEOPLE! except when they shine his shoes for him! That Son of a Bitch!


Paul Kersey #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

You can bet Eric “My People” Holder, the Department of Justice, the Obama Administration, and a legion, an army of civil rights lawyers are prepared to pounce on this disloyal white citizens of Atlanta who dare protest their enslavement.

Were Milton County to be created, the city of Atlanta would become Detroit overnight; Fulton County would instantly resemble Wayne County – the artificial black middle-class, created via government jobs and through Atlanta’s race-based city contract system, would shrivel up and die without a constant flow of white tax-payers money.

“Rise Up” isn’t just a silly marketing slogan for the Atlanta Falcons; it perfectly describes the enormity of the situation brewing in Atlanta.

White America – you have the right to exist.

White America – you have the right to demand government that is accountable, considering you provide the tax-dollars (taken from your hard labor) to power it.

White America – look to how the federal government, the Obama Administration, and Eric “My People” Holder’s Department of Justice deal with the storm that is now upon us in Atlanta.

If white people are nothing more than tax-paying serfs, called upon to provide the money to sustain an artificial black middle-class (and subsidize an increasing non-white growth rate via a redistribution of wealth to provide Welfare, EBT/Food Stamps, and Section 8 Housing to a population that hates them) the Obama Administration will put its foot down on this move to liberate the white citizens of Atlanta and Fulton County from the noose of black power.

But in so doing, the Obama Administration and the Department of Justice will overreach.

This is why the severity of the situation is so great – secession is coming to America, and the move to create Milton County is the Fort Sumter moment.

Organized Blackness will howl and protest, and the DOJ will come down hard on the side of those who are nothing more than parasites at this point (who all still wear Michael Vick no.7 jerseys); but in so doing, they will show what the Federal Government thinks of white citizens.

And that’s the beauty of the situation finally playing out in Atlanta.

"Rise Up"... and take the Black Mecca Down merely by asserting you don't exist as white tax-paying serfts.

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

This has been happening in the UK for years. Nearly all new build estates (neighbourhoods for you yanks) have to have a percentage allocated to council tenants(your section 8). I always thought this was a way to lower housing prices for those that see the benefits of waking up and earning money everyday. Now London is fucked with whites as a minority living in small pockets amongst what now looks like Pakistan and bongo bongo land. In the 80s the work shy were offered 10,000 pounds (about 20k $ in USD back then) to move out of London to the surrounding areas because the whites were heading for the towns and sticks in high numbers. This earner was open to all except whites. They know who makes bakes bread and butters it although they hate us with a vengeance for crimes no ones is still alive to remember they love a benefits da evil white man bring. Planetary segregation now. Put da coon on da moon.

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

I stopped coming to this page..you know why? Because the blacks have won...not a damn thing is being done to bring the plague of blacks to the attention of the mainstream, and it won't because there are too many bleeding heart case liberals out there allowing them to destroy our cities, violate our freedoms and disrupt our daily way of life...these baggy pants wearing monkey thugs are taking over and unless we fight back and have these gansta low life scum classified as domestic terrorists we'll continue to see them spread like a plague and suck off our tax dollars. America is done and gone. You can thank your hippie liberal parents for that.

Don M #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com


I want to scream!

It pains me to say this, but yeah, you Aussies shouldn't come here. Same goes for Kiwis, Brits, Irish, French, Welsh, Scandinavians of any nationality, and any other Europeans space precludes mentioning.

You are just NOT prepared to deal with the North American Pavement Ape (NAPA).

As soon as a NAPA sees your white skin and hears your foreign accent, visions of dollar signs and "muh-dik" dance through their tiny simian brains. Sometimes, as in the case of poor Chris Lane, they'll kill you for fun without even robbing or muh-dikking you.

Then, once you are dead, your family will have to suffer twice as our TWMNBN media makes scurrilous and unprovable accusations about you such as:

"The two (insert nationality here) were allegedly attempting to buy narcotics from the defendants."

Or, "The young (insert nationality) woman was seen consuming large quantities of alcohol and dancing suggestively with the defendant."

Nope. STAY AWAY. Be safe and do not contribute one cent to the Amurkistani economy. We racially aware whites want it to collapse ASAP.

Just remember, its not the guns, its the NAPAs. White people with guns do not wantonly kill people. NAPAs do.

joe-7k #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

I am against race mixing same as the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese are.

Everyone here knows this ain't just about Brittany Watts. This is about the defilement, the rapes, the murders, the assault on respectable hi-IQ white woman by savages. How can a race breed successfully when its women are raped into mental ruin if they are not killed. It is bad enough that white women are enticed into relatively peaceful relationships with black men and produce more mixed race children who I find bizarre, ugly and off putting when I see them out in public with their pale white mother. Heidi Klum is a fine example of such white woman derangement syndrome.

I grew up in the 1950s when there were jobs for everyone. I blame lack of jobs for a lot of black male savagery. On the other hand I interact with peaceful male& female blacks every day when I go out and buy things. They are grounded because they are out there working and earning honest money. Blacks that go to church are also more grounded and peaceful.

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

Yes, this is hard to take. This woman could have been any of our sisters, wives, daughters. Black gang-bangers behind a badge decided to get back at Whitey for 300 years of oppression by sacrificing a young White woman to their "bros". Of course they received no punishment because they provide diversity to the CPD.

I truly believe history will regard the period between the Civil Rights movement and the coming Nationalist Revolutions as a "Dark Ages" in Western Civilization. Given how fast technology was advancing during and after WW2 we should have moon colonies and Mars colonies. We should be living like the Jetsons. Welfare and multiculturalism have stagnated and even reversed the accomplishments of Western Civilization. Thankfully, they are collapsing. It will be bloody and painful, but we will soon take back what is rightfully ours.

Ethel Jones #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

A lynching as defined by the NAACP for 100 years is:

1. a extrajudicial killing
2. by a mob of 3 or more
3. for a violation of community mores or values

Negros like to use the term whenever they are killed by white people. The reality is that lynchings occur every day. They are Negro on Negro lynchings or Negro on white lynchings.

Today is the Golden Age of Negro Lynchings. They lynch for anything under the sun: funny looks, disrespect, laughing at the wrong joke, etc.

When you hear about a three-or-more Negro killing of someone else, white or black, ALWAYS use the word "lynching".

The word ALWAYS gets people's attention and it gives you a chance to re-educate them on how daily Negro brutality and violence terrorizes the country (Negro and white).

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

[About the killing of Hadiya Pendleton in Chicago.]

Ex New Yorker.....Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Another news story about black children killing each other. Yawn. Just a big "wag the dog" media event. Of course what you don't see is the huge assortment of TV cameras and network camera crew trucks all packed in like sardines. The talking heads from the different channels all reading from their pre-written scripts and cue cards given to them by the government and studio heads in New York. All the trigger words like "guns and violence" but not once is the word BLACK ever used.

It seems to me like a dress rehearsal for another stage show. Same show, different actors. The grieving mother "My baby be daid" and all the knee jerk reactions about guns. At least this time no funeral members got shot. To many GUNS protecting the big shots. Same old same old. Remember, politics and wrestling is nothing but show business. Every body has their part to play. It is like the "good cop, bad cop" game played on a national level and the pod people go along with the program.

More funerals will be coming soon in Chicago with more mothers crying the blues. "My baby be daid. Boo hoo." This time with Swat Teams to protect the mourners. Nothing will change. More killing and death.

No one will ever talk about the real cause of all this carnage. A bunch of stupid fucking single welfare mothers breeding soulless children who's only thrill in life is KILLING EACH OTHER. When you be da killer you done gets respect. When you kill somebody you become a man.

I read the story last night on Yahoo and spent a long time reading the comments. I was amazed at how many people seem to be aware of all the bullshit. Maybe some people are starting to wake up.

Jay Santos #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

There is simply no evidence whatsoever of negro productivity. There's evidence of negro financial success, at least temporarily, in the sports/entertainment industry. Outside the race hustling "industry" we can find no artifacts of broader negro productivity or organization.

Their cities are war zones, dilapidated, corrupt, savage and unlivable. IQ patterns alone cannot explain it. As a race they seem to have a strong inborn preference for chaos and violent anarchy.

And in a perfectly illogical move, we've placed, or allowed the placement of, an unqualified negro to rule our nation.

Seems suicidal.

Don in PA #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

I remember, I was a child of seven when Apollo 11 landed. I remember watching with breathless wonderment in what I thought would be our people's future. A future where our people would go on to the stars..

It was not to be. The dream died. Destroyed by the millstone around our collective necks of white guilt & black dysfunction & incompetence.

I hold out hope that it will be our destiny to spread our kindred folk thru the cosmos.. Someday?. Firstly, we MUST throw off the insane burden of "white guilt". It is OUR people who created this modern world & all of the bounty that comes with it. I myself do not suffer that burden.

Second. We must somehow, separate ourselves from the negro. This pestilence has the ability to bring the whole world down with it.

If we can do this. Expunge the insanity of political correctness & white guilt & separate the negro from our folk, we just might be able to fulfill our destiny. The one I feel that the gods hade planned for us. To go to the stars..

So CAL Snowman #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

The Romans lived better than these modern day african savages. The Romans of 2000 years ago were capable of building the Flavian Amphitheatre (the Colosseum) while modern day Africans in Detroit can't even keep their city from falling down around them.

Blacks claim that they "built this country" while they were slaves of the evil White man. So why can't they build first world communities as free people? Why were they able to build a first world country as slaves but not as free people? Paradoxically it's as if the africans had more freedom as slaves than as emancipated peoples. Why should segregation have stopped Africans in America from forming communities and towns that mirrored their White counterparts? The africans in america claim that slavery was the most vile hate crime in the history of the world, yet in THEIR EYES they built and achieved more as slaves than free people!

Explain that black people. Explain how you (IN YOUR EYES) were able to accomplish more as slaves than as free people. After all, if slavery was so evil and horrible and you "built this country as mere slaves" you should be flying around in space ships by now right?

Paul Kersey #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

Black mothers (or white mothers) bring them into the world.

They, byproducts of the black community in Indianapolis, are the single reason murder exists in the city.

No future-time orientation.

No impulse control.

Low IQ.

People who try and blame a 'fatherless' culture absolve black women (or white women) from the equation; no one is forcing women to engage in relations with black men, thus to put the onus of black dysfunction on a lack of a father figure is an egregious assault on reason.

As is the attempt by the Indy Star to humanize the black individuals gunned down by other blacks in Indianapolis this year.


No Rev. Harrison, it's black children who are more violent, reverting back to a natural state no western makeup can hide anymore.

Thirty-five of the 36 blacks murdered (all by other blacks, the most pertinent fact of all) had police records.

Do not mourn their deaths.

Only mourn the death of the city of Indianapolis, another casualty of the black undertow.

The moral of the story is simple: no one is forcing black women (or white women) to have black children. Simply end all funding of the black undertow - cut off EBT, Section 8 Vouchers, Welfare, Public School (and free breakfast/lunch), and WIC - and the problem ends over night.

If you don't fund dysfunction (dysgenics), something else will materialize in its absence.

No, something will flourish.

It's called civilization.

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

If a neighborhood can be a "gated community", then why not the entire country.

Imagine a gated community. All White. Now, a negro is walking the streets in there, and since everybody who bought a home there is WHITE, they will all know the negro does not belong there.

He will be "arrested" and asked to leave. A Nation can do the same thing. If a Mexican or Black is seen, he is arrested and deported since he does not belong there.

The purpose of the Civil Rights act, end of Jim Crow, end of segregation, etc. was to make it impossible for the PEOPLE to maintain their own race/nation. We are not permitted to stop a Negro and ask him what he is doing here. He has "rights".

Big Mistake.

Anonymous #conspiracy stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

I'm sorry PK, but the moon landings were all fake.

It is impossible for humans to travel through the Van Allen radiation belt and live, or at least we haven't come up with a way to shield ourselves up to now (2019). The live broadcast from 238,900 miles, and making it through said radiation belt, in 1969, come on I've watched live streams from professional youtubers with the highest internet speed possible, and the latest and best computers and cameras freeze up or completely go off, so come on.

Look up pictures of the crafts that supposably got them there, bad, sloppy welding jobs and flimsy structures, these were just props, that you saw on a fuzzy 1960s tv screen and no one ever imagined there would be an internet to take a closer look at it.

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

Today I was looking for a White dentist. One without any negro staff. I found one. A younger White man in his late 30s. On his bio page there was a pic of him, his attractive blond wife, and two cute blond daughters about 6 to 8. Then, among the group was what appeared to be about a 5 year old niglet. Evidently, through his church he and his White wife adopted an Ethiopian.

What are they going to do when it turns against them, rapes their daughters, and maybe kills them in their sleep? I swear, Whites can be the stupidest people on earth.

italian guy #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

anti-whites are already screaming racism because some people may be upset about the possibility of having a black pope.
You can't understand how much i hate these people, i have a fire inside me whenever i hear/read what this mad assholes say.
I want a German Dalai Lama next! or an Italian catholic as rabbi in Israel! let's see what those non-whites have to say about it, if they don't embrace these ideas it's because they are racist and need to be put in prison.

Wednesday #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

Why not let them secede? Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, The Free Negro Nation of Detroit.

Cut it off and leave them on their own. If the Negroes wish to be independent, let them try. No aid, no EBT, no state or federal funds. No gibs, and sorry, no resettlement in the USA. You're quarantined. Detroit is your country now, Negro, You're On Your Own.

After the infestation has starved, burned and murdered itself to oblivion, the city could be reclaimed. As long as the current population exists, it is a lost cause; a sunk cost, of no benefit to civilization, and worth no expenditure of money, blood, or bullets whatsoever.

Free Detroit. No State or Federal intervention of any kind. Let them go. Keep them there.

R.E. Prindle #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

I don't disagree with anything you say. One could see it coming in 1954 with Brown vs. The Board Of Education when the government trounced the Whites of Little Rock in favor of the Negroes. It was publicly stated by the Liberals that Negroes had inferior educations, grades behind comparably aged Whites yet they were placed in grades in which they could only bring the average down not compete. Whites were to blame for destroying education in the US in one fell swoop.

Nineteen fifty-six registered the highest test scores in the nation's history and then began an annual decline that went on for decades. If a White merely pointed out the obvious facts he was ostracized, thrown on the garbage heap, reviled, hated as I'm sure you well know.

I grew up in Saginaw at the upper end of the Dixie, moving out before the decline got under way. Detroit never was as beautiful as it perhaps looks in retrospect but for some the future decline was obvious. Whites not only let it happen they encouraged it to happen. They thought it was owed to the Negroes.

Even today with the models of the future you have pointed out, indicators such as the old sci-fi novels of the fifties such Starship Trooper most Whites don't understand what Obama is doing to the country and the world or what the agenda of the Obama-Holder Axis is.

Yes, Negroes are incapable but Whites not only let it happen with their insane racial laws favoring Negroes they demanded it. Disregard those discriminatory laws, if they can't be repealed at least if they are massively disregarded they can't be enforced. Sink the occupation government by any means necessary.

Southron #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

I know everybody here wants more from Limbaugh, but give him a break.

If he came out all at once, and said that Detroit's problem is that it is filled will dysfunctional blacks who are incapable of running anything, much less a city, his sponsors would get so much heat that he would be off the air shortly thereafter.

I think Rush does get it. He simply can't say it.

Every thinking white person that has lived near urban areas knows what happens when there is an increase of feral blacks moving into their neighborhood. The neighborhood dies. In the case of Detroit, it was a city-wide phenomenon instead of neighborhood by neighborhood like in most large cities.

Remember, we didn't get where we are with BRA overnight. It happened gradually.

If we have any hope of reversing it. We'll have to take baby steps. At lease Limbaugh and O'Reilly are talking about it.

bubo #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

White guy had his face shattered by blacks in another "random attack" on the streets of Philadelphia. Since they now have curfews this attack happened around 6pm, broad daylight. I guess the ACLU would piss their pants if a much needed total ban on black teens in public were ever proposed.


As to the cowardly police in Wisconsin who don't care about the safety of white people, I say to hell with them. It seems like the police are in total alignment with the media in their constant covering up of black atrocity against white civilians. This is the same police force that basically told the unfortunate beating victims of the July 4th zulu attack that "that's just the way it is around here, just go home."

I would ask the rank and file cop on a force such as this, aren't you ashamed? I saw the metro (or possibly homo)sexual police chief in Milwaukee start his comments after the July 4th attack with "of course crime is colorblind" and then go on with typical lib silliness. It makes me so goddamn angry. I guess it's just ingrained into the public consciousness in the North that they must never question whether the South did the things they did for a reason.

Vicio Malo #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

The last thing negroes want is to be evenly distributed across the nation. Where the hell would they sell their crack? Goes for the so-called men as well as the sheboons...they would just gather in pockets and, "get their dysfunction on". These clowns are a joke...it's just a way to water down the inability for these nimrods to function in everyday society. There are real problems facing the next generation, negroes are not the problem, they are just an "inconvenience". The real problems for the future are potable water, renegade towel heads with nukes, petroleum shortages and food supplies. Thank God I'll be burning in hell when all this occurs...have a great groid free day...I know I will...VM

NORDIC CAUCASOID #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

Memorial day is a day to remember! ok then remember when you could take your family to a social event and not worry about some young spooks pulling out weapons. remember when an authority figure's word was final. remember when you could not get into an event alone under the age of 18. remember the signs that said all children should be accompanied by an adult. and no meant fucking no! and remember when the griod spooks used to stay in their own area's. but when you must have robbed everyone in the hood you have to find greener pastures. you know and I know that this is just a warm up till the big Zimmerman "the white hispanic" trail in mid june. they call it a test run I call it a fucking shame! let's see how civil these spooks act come mid june. and i'll go on the record right now. o'asshole the half-breed won't say a god damn thing when his could be my sons start the full riots after the trail of the new century. we know segregation works big time, and the way of the new nigger will show the non realist we are on to something here. so with utter sickness of the black race I wish you and yours a special non-black kind of day! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW&FOREVER!!!

Anonymous #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

"Black people? Are you sure? Because both of the black people I know are sweet, intelligent, decent people. One's an old lady who works as a crossing guard at my son's school, and the other, Rafael, is a hard-working immigrant from the Dominican Republic."

To the sarcastic white person who knows the nice old black lady...

I know a few of those too. However, back in the 1960s, those nice, frail old black ladies were pooping out illegitimate thugs and ghettofying my neighborhood while demanding "civil rights" and forced school integration.

There are no innocent old blacks. They are just feeble with age, and mostly harmless. That was not the case when they were younger. I don't trust any of them.

Stop kissing black ass. The think you are weak when you prostrate yourself before them.

CENTURION #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

[Responding to an obvious troll named Concerned Oreganian]

I notice Constricted Feedbag still likes to come up here to the Big House and sit with the White folk.

Can't blame him/her. Uppity Negroes like to be around us Whites. That is why when they cried out "free at last, free at last"....the first thing they did was to sue the White folk so they can live around us.


Yeah, imagine that. They have whined and complained about "slavery" and "racism" and how hateful we Whites are, but when they are "free at last" they turn around and DEMAND to live in White suburbs and attend University of Mississippi......go figure.

The Snivel Rights movement had nothing to do with rights or such. It was just a war to take the White man's money and f**k White women. It had nothing to do with being free. The last thing the Negro wants is to be free and on his/her own.

They would starve as they are now doing so in Suid Afrika.

When I lived there, the Kaffirs lived BETTER than they do now. Today, even they suffer more under Kaffir rule and have it worse than under White rule. Serves them right. But, the vast majority of Negroes would rather die and starve and be infected with diseases just as long as the face on the poster is Simian.

But of course, Constipated Feedbag lives in the US, once a White nation, and enjoys the benefits of slavery. He live here. Most likely he works in a "white" company, lives in a "white" area and visits white theaters, restaurants and bars.

Niggers like Conflicted Feedass make me sick.