
Lee002 #fundie venomfangxsite.com

Here's a shocker: evolution has actually refuted itself!

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that, over time, everything tends toward disorder and decay, including buildings, animals, plants, and yes, even people.

Evolution, on the other hand, claims the exact opposite, that over time, we will become bigger, better, and more powerful.

So which is it, violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics or a theoretical idea?

Your choice.

Gods Warrior #fundie venomfangxsite.com

If we came from Monkey's millions of years ago then why are their still monkey's here today and why are we not giving birth to monkey's and why aren't monkey's giving birth to humans. My Bible says this Genesis 1:24 And God said, "Let the Land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

And that is what i am seeing happen today i see creatures producing after its kind.

I don't see monkey's producing (giving birth) humans or humans producing monkey's.

Biblical prophecy relating to our current world events is proof enough that Jesus Christ does exist!

Jobiwon #fundie venomfangxsite.com

The way it was
I have learned a lot about athiests on this forum, and there is one thing that always come up. Christians are trying to push it on everyone or in schools, and the fact of the matter is, that we are trying to get it back the way it was. Athiests and people like them are responsible for taking prayer away from school, or even the pledge of alligence. America was founded and started by christians. Most of todays laws came from the bible. For example, do not kill, do not steal ect. You athiests took that away and we are trying to get it back. In court, people used to have to swear on the bible. Satan and his servants {the athiests] got rid of all the beutiful christian things that started this awesome country. The pilgrams were christians.
Know your facts athiests, christians were first and you took it out of almost everything.
So, your argument sucks. Its your fault that this world is going down.

God have mercy on your souls.

Im pretty sure that some athiests are going to reply with hateful answers.
If athiests get mad at this, it will prove me right.

savedbygrace0007 #fundie venomfangxsite.com

[Regarding proof of the reality of God]

I would argue the structure of the universe points dircetly to God. (ie. Intelligent Design)

Oh and by the way, evolutionary theory is being abandoned by many in the highest levels of academia. Just go ahead and watch the Movie "Expelled" and you will get a very interesting view of things, how things really are going. And, you know, if you really don't want to watch the whole thing, fast forward to about 10 minutes left, and listen to Dawkins' interview with Ben Stein. Very Revealing to the evolutionists' problems!! Please, treat yourself to that.

Deak2112 #fundie venomfangxsite.com

[About Hovind]

I still think it's low to say all his stuff has been debunked when he's in prison unable to defend his points. Evolutionists take that opportunity to "debunk" his work. It's not reasonable to take what he says, give an argument, and then claim what he says is therein wrong. He actually would debate people, you know? It's not like he said all this then went home and locked himself away. There are many many anti-Hovind websites. To look at one and use that to ruin his rep also isn't right. There are questions I would have for DR. Kent Hovind but I seriously doubt everything has been proven false.

And to try to claim that "Dr." shouldn't be in his title is completely irrelevant as it has nothing to do with his arguments.

VenomFangX #fundie venomfangxsite.com

The End of Evolution

MitchLeBlanc wrote:

"There are no such things as half wings or half arms".

VenomFangX responds:

Then toss your evolution theory out the window, which states there were many half things

half-ape, half-man
half-bird, half-dinosaurs
half-whale, half-cows
half-cat, half-dogs
half-fish, half-reptile

You name it, evolution has it.

But none of them exist.

FillTheVoid #fundie venomfangxsite.com

I'm able to debate with other religious people, actually quite well. I don't have any problems with that, or seeing another point of view. However my position is unchangeable, regardless of what you throw at me. I will never concede or even slightly compromise. I'm not a rational logical man of the world. I'm a fundamental Christian dude.

jjwmonsta #fundie venomfangxsite.com

Jeez. You guys are crazy to believe in evolution. Don't you get it? You have all been lied too. This junk was shoved down your throat at a young age and now you will do anything to defend it.

Thus, when a man like Kent Hovind comes round and tells the truth you naturally find it repulsive.

You say all his arguments have been refuted? Which ones? His lectures tell over and over again that evolution has been refuted.

The truth is like Kent Hovind says...you are all willingly ignorant for the existence of God.

Come on just spill the beans...you hate God, the thought of Him, the thought of bowing down to a higher authority, the fact that you are sinners. Stop using evolution as a scape goat and just be truthful.