
Not necessarily literal divinity - could also be a self-proclaimed messiah, prophet, reality warper, God's lover, the Übermensch... but importantly, they must claim an exceptionally elevated position in the grand scheme of things for themselves

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN COMMANDER IN CHIEF via Anne Bellringer #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot #god-complex fourwinds10.com

My first message is to all souled ones still slumbering. l love all of you with a great love!
By “slumber” I mean many souled ones have been attached by the Dark Brotherhood to have things, riches, money, and have been taught by your “Cristian Church” that you can be raptured to a pink cloud somewhere. You are taught that “Jesus” saves you no matter what you do. You believe the lies taught to you as Truth, and that someone else (Jesus) pays your way to heaven leaving you totally irresponsible for your own actions. When the real Truth has been revealed to you, you call it heresy and lies. Many times it is when one passes on he/she realizes in agony that they threw the Truth away, much like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
There is NO CHANCE you can survive when Earth turns over. All volcanoes erupt, and all the oceans dump their water over the land.

Step into the beam!

One of the great things they did with the Lighted Realms help, mainly Sananda, was to help souls who have lived in a trap and have never come to the Light. Many of these did not know they had died. Believe it or not there were billions of souls from all 20,000 civilizations that were taken to the Light and could then move on with their lifestreams or graduate.
The Lightworkers, with Sananda’s help, took care of the souls that had passed of everything, meaning all plant life, animal life, sea life, insect life and the other tribes of Earth i.e. Sasquatch, Elves, Fairies and Gnomes. Included are the evil technologies that have been rendered useless or uncreated.
When Mother Earth graduates and this killer radiation was not dealt with, where would that radiation go? YES, it would go in the entire Cosmos and it would take a billion years to clean up the mess.

Margarita Simonyan, head of the russian state news agency RT #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut thedailybeast.com

“The world is at a dead-end—first and foremost, in terms of values. If the Western world continues to develop in the same way and proceeds along the same insane trajectory, then it’s headed towards the destruction of mankind—even without any kind of a war,” she said. “Another fifty to a hundred years and no one will give birth anymore. No one will be able to give birth. With all the hormonal therapies, with their pharmaceutical lobbies, with brainwashing the mentality of their own nation and others, their own people and their own empires.”

She went on: “I don’t want to live in this kind of a world. It’s better to go to heaven right away, as Putin said: We’ll go to heaven and they’ll just croak.” Simonyan proclaimed her unwillingness “to live in the world where I’d be prohibited to put dresses on my daughters and to explain to my son that he is a boy.” She concluded: “This is already happening in many countries. For me, it’s unbearable. For me, this is worse than war. Indeed, it’s worse than war.”

“Will we win? Do we have enough strength? Do we have enough weapons? We’re not talking about a victory over Ukraine... right now, it’s abundantly clear that we’re dealing with the origin of that tumor I just mentioned, with the monstrous organism that is known as the collective Western world. It’s powerful, successful, well-armed and at the same time, utterly screwed-up, hotheaded and totally uneducated.”

Samuel Alito #wingnut #elitist #god-complex politico.com

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event, Alito said the release of his draft opinion made the justices presumed to be in the majority “targets for assassination because it gave people a rational reason to think they could prevent that from happening by killing one of us.”

The draft from Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was published by POLITICO on May 2.

“It was a grave betrayal of trust by somebody,” Alito, who authored both the draft and the final majority opinion, told the Heritage Foundation’s John G. Malcolm.

The draft proved substantially similar to the final majority opinion that was issued in June. That ruling overturned the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, which had established a right to abortion throughout the country.

“It certainly changed the atmosphere at the court,” Alito said of the unauthorized disclosure of the draft.

HRM Queen Romana Didulo #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex telegram.me

To all I AMs / Divine Light Holders in the Kingdom of Canada and around the World and Planet Earth.

Stand Up divine, Stand Up divine, Rise Up divine, Rise Up divine , and Shine divine, and Shine divine your good and divine light.

I AM Queen Romana bliss you...

➡️ Queen Romana's pure, holy, and divine light timeline now ✅😁🥳👽

➡️ Victory Flag / Kingdom of Canada Flag / Peace and Prosperity Flag raising in Ottawa ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Energy of One ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Truth real ✅️✅️👽👽🥳🥳🤗🤗

➡️ Matrix Immune ✅️👽👽🥳🥳🤗🤗

➡️Know the truth about God / Grandmaster Creator ✅️✅️👽👽🥳🥳☝️☝️

➡️ Karma Divine Instant deliver ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Guidance Divine download ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Self_Love/Love of Self.😁 🥳🥳🥳👽

➡️ Peace ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Prosper ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Money flow IN abundance ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Receive hundreds of thousands of money from everywhere ✅😁🥳👽

➡️ Quantum Warp_Speed 1,000, 000x, Queen Romana's holy and divine timeline and energy. Now. ✅😁🥳👽

➡️ Travel #safe and #protect, Queen Romana, and Queen Romana's "Peace and Prosperity mobile Government of the Kingdom of Canada" NOW ✍️ 😁🥳👽

And so it is.😊🥳☝️✍️⚖️👑👽

🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸

Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.

Politics zero

HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo,
Head of Government,
President, Queen, and National Indigenous Chief of the Kingdom of Canada

HRM Queen Romana Didulo @romanadidulo Commander-in-Chief, Queen, President & Nat'l Indigenous Chief of Kingdom of Canada
💛 @RomanaDidulo 💛 This is my one and only #real account on Telegram. I don't direct message anyone Queen and Commander-in-Chief, Head of State & Government, President and National Indigenous Chief of the Kingdom of Canada

Various fundie parents #biphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #transphobia #god-complex #homophobia nbcnews.com

A mural painted by a high school student came under fire when parents alleged it was promoting LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.

Earlier this year, a Grant, Michigan, high school sophomore won a contest “to brighten up” the middle school health center, according to a statement from Grant Public Schools (GPS). GPS says the student received approval to paint images of “smiling children” and as well as the message “Stay Healthy.”


At a school board meeting on Oct. 10, parents accused the student artist of promoting witchcraft by including the Hamsa hand [a Latin American good luck symbol] as well as the video game character that bears the likeness of a demon. Parents also objected to the use of LGBTQ colors.

“I put my art up there to make people feel welcome,” the student artist said, her voice breaking, in footage captured at the meeting by WZZM-TV, a local news station based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

One man at the meeting called the mural “hate material.”

Another adult at the meeting said, “I feel like (she) did a really good job finding excuses to defend the things you put on. None of us are that stupid.”

The student artist left the meeting in tears.

Maxim Mankevich #magick #god-complex #mammon amazon.com

Soul Master: How you unleash your soul powers and make the Universe your ally

Imagine that you could not fail and that the Universe gives you 100% support in your mission. You live in harmony with your creative soul and out of a sudden, all cosmic forces go into resonance with you. How does that feel?

Maxim Mankevich, Speaker and expert for Success-Knowledge, already has inspired thousands of people and accompanied them on their path to personal excellency. He knows the laws of the Universe and makes them useable for everyone in Soul Master. His thesis: The Universe supports us without reservation once we bring ourselves in harmony with our soul task. We discover our radiant core and awaken our inner genius step by step.

This audiobook is a treasure chest full of practical tools for different areas of life: [psyche/soul], relationship, calling, money, [happiness/luck]. environs, spirituality, consciousness and creation. Included online course and numerous tests, checklists and meditations.

Original GermanSoul Master: Wie du deine Seelenkräfte entfesselst und das Universum auf deine Seite bringst

Stell dir vor, du kannst nicht scheitern und das Universum unterstützt dich zu 100 Prozent bei deiner Mission. Du lebst im Einklang mit deiner schöpferischen Seele und auf einmal gehen alle kosmischen Kräfte mit dir in Resonanz. Wie fühlt sich das an?

Maxim Mankevich, Speaker und Experte für Erfolgswissen, hat bereits Tausende von Menschen inspiriert und auf dem Weg zu ihrer persönlichen Exzellenz begleitet. Er kennt die Gesetze des Universums und macht sie in Soul Master für jeden Menschen nutzbar. Seine These: Das Universum stellt sich uneingeschränkt hinter uns, sobald wir uns in Einklang mit unserer Seelenaufgabe bringen. Wir entdecken unseren leuchtenden Kern und erwecken Schritt für Schritt unser inneres Genie.

Dieses Hörbuch ist eine Schatzkiste voller Praxis-Tools zu verschiedenen Lebensbereichen: Seele, Beziehung, Berufung, Geld, Glück, Umfeld, Spiritualität, Bewusstsein und Kreation. Inklusive Online-Kurs und zahlreichen Tests, Checklisten & Meditationen.

JBSLAYER #god-complex #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

We incels have inherited the legacy of Jesus

I hate the church and Christianity, but Jesus was one of us

He died a virgin, was rejected by his own community, rebelled against Jews and the government. Taught societal rejects to "Turn the other cheek", cause there's no point in going ER. We should renounce this world and LDAR. Just give up. This world is a disloyal hoe

Successful, good looking, rich Christians should just die. They are the complete antithesis of Jesus

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #homophobia #pratt #psycho #transphobia twitter.com

Putin begins his speech. He starts talking about the "votes" to join Russia in Russia-controlled parts of Ukraine. "The people have made their choice [...] this is the will of millions." Putin says southeastern Ukraine is actually part of Russia because the Russian state's predecessors ruled it, it was part of the Russian empire, and because the USSR fought to free it from the Nazis in World War II. Putin says people in southeastern Ukraine now are going to live in "their true historical fatherland." "I want the Kyiv government and their real bosses in the west to hear me ... Residents of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson are becoming our citizens forever." Putin calls on Ukraine to stop fighting and negotiate an end to the war with Russia. But these territories are off limits. "We will defend our lands with all the means at our disposal and do everything to protect our people. This is our great liberating mission." "The west is looking for new ways to strike against our country, to weaken and destroy Russia [...] they just can't put up with there being such a big country with its territory, rich natural resources, and people who won't live on anyone else's rules." Putin says the west wants to make Russia a "colony," "rob" it, and turn its people into a "crowd of voiceless slaves." "They don't need Russia, but we do." He says the western elite is "colonial" are "racist" because they are "spreading Russophobia all over the world." "The west has said for centuries it is bringing freedom and democracy to the world. Everything is exactly the opposite," Putin says. The only people who are ready to live according to US rules are "political masochists and other followers of non-traditional political relations," a homophobic joke. Putin rants about sex change operations. "This is unacceptable. We have our own future. "Outright Satanism" in the west (though Putin disappointingly did not expand on this). Putin says Russia wants to lead an "anti-colonial movement" to liberate the world. "We need to turn this disgraceful page. Western hegemony will be smashed. This is inevitable. We must do this for our people, the great historical Russia." "If I'm Russian, it means I love in Russian" "Truth is on our side. Russia is with us!"

Samuel Alito #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #god-complex #quack cnn.com

“It goes without saying that everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit,” Alito, who penned the decision reversing Roe v. Wade last term, told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. “But saying or implying that the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity crosses an important line,” he said.

Indian in the Machine/Office of One World Teacher #crackpot #god-complex #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com

Greetings We The People of Canada and planet earth~

You may not know this, as most people don’t know, but the Office Of The World Teacher is a portion of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet Earth that represents the Christ of this planet.

Now hear this… normally, we at the Office of the World Teacher, let things roll on planet earth, as they roll, however sometimes it is appropriate to assert one’s responsibility and to remind others of their responsibility.

As one of the representatives of the Office of the World Teacher, I am hereby reminding We The People of several things… and please note that I am not exerting force over anyone reading this, rather, I am reminding We The People, of who holds the ultimate positions of authority on this planet, and how things truly are.

1) Please refer to the diagram above… NO WHERE does it say that blood royals, or self-appointed royals have a position within the Planetary Hierarchy of Planet Earth.
2) Humans can choose the leaders they desire, however God has also chosen the best leaders to guide humanity… who do you think is better at choosing? God or humans?
3) God’s chosen leaders are those who are able to align with the Solar Hierarchy… remember, planet earth doesn’t exist in a bubble, we exist in a solar neighbourhood.
4) God’s chosen leaders are God’s chosen leaders, and humans can’t vote them away… wish them away… push them away… or force them away… God chose who God chose… and humans would be best in their own interests, to align with that.
Many around the world are not aware that there is a woman in Canada who has declared herself to be Queen of Canada, and Queen of the world… and I’m here to tell you, that she does NOT have the blessing of the Office of the World Teacher to continue into her campaign to become Queen… for Queen she is NOT, NOTuntil she wins the hearts of the people of Canada, and from where I stand, this is NEVER going to happen. We are already closing the timeline of Romana Didulo to be Queen of Canada.

Commander Gyeorgos Hatonn via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #magick #god-complex #conspiracy fourwinds10.com

We use crystals, pyramid structures, domes, focus gems, etc., etc., for all sorts of things, none of which are to worship in order to gain power, wealth, sexual gratification or control of another. Can ye ones not move out of thy dark ages? Must you go right back into the practices which brought you down time after time after time? It is ALWAYS the same things which bring you down! Satan needs no new enticements; the old ones work over and over and over again. Could ye ones not at least be "inventive" and "creative"? Why can ye not see the "obvious"--why must ye turn always to the mystical? Insight and truth bring "freedom" and ye ones are terrified of "freedom"; terrified! For, in freedom ye must stand responsible for thy actions and choices--no one else to "blame" for thy failures at good choices.




I move to stand by and await thy petition. I am on ship alert; ye ones are in crisis.

QuantumInnovator #god-complex #crackpot deviantart.com

The road to Heaven is narrow, and walking across that narrow road while drunk on alcohol or under the influence of other drugs may result in you falling off that narrow road into Hell.

If you used to drink alcohol, smoke or chew tobacco, or use illegal drugs or abuse prescription drugs, Jesus Christ will forgive you for doing so and help you quit, as long as you ask for his forgiveness while still on Earth.

Last but not least, I firmly believe that when Jesus turned water into wine, that wine did not have a single molecule of alcohol in it. Any wine in Heaven will be the same way, so you could drink an entire ocean of it and not get drunk or tipsy as a result. Don't try to make the wine Jesus made yourself. You will fail.

Draulix #god-complex #sexist youtube.com

Our Father, who art in SYRIA, Hamudi Ebalz be thy NAME.
Thy kingdom COME, our MOG be DONE, IRL as it is on TINDER.
Give us this day our daily BLACKPILL, and forgive us for our LOOKS, as we forgive those who SIMP.
Lead us not into MSTOW, but deliver us from ROASTIES.
For thine is the HOPE, the COPE, and the ROPE.
Forever and EVER, WAHMEN..

There is no HOPE but to COPE, til you ROPE, just don't MOPE.
Take the Blackpill. Let the BITTER TRUTH guide you to SALVATION.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #god-complex #magick #ufo #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

I've been on a rampage lately. Detected shadow beings that had 25% control of Earth’s surface, 40% control of the Inner Earth, 35% control of Mars, 73% control of Mexico, 82% control of Playa del Carmen, 95% control of mafias, 40% infiltration in my daughter, and caused 90% of the remaining food problems. I don’t like them. Wiped them out 95%+.

Then we’ve been dealing with an incoming Mantis attack. Also detected 38 Archonic Heavens above, and 3 Archonic Heavens below (including a massive Succubus stronghold). 15 of the 38 Archonic Heavens were Mantis hives with 3 queens. They’ve been attacking with very potent energetic poison, and many people had hundreds of poison holes directly linked to the queens. It’s easier to kill the queens than to neutralize the poison otherwise.

Long story short, I destroyed all Mantis hives, an incoming fleet of 35 million ships, 3 Mantis planets and 16 queens.

I also worked with my team to dismantle the Archonic Heavens. It’s been a heck of a journey full of surprises!! 4000 different Federations were drawing powers from those Archonic realms. Even the Thetaverse Federation that has been helping us lately had traitors at the administrative levels who were related to those Archonic realms! It’s been worked out… I guess.

While being at it, activated God mode. Physically destroyed 85% of bases on our moon, a whole fleet of Zeta ships, a large Zeta city on Mars, and I got authorized to destroy 38 underground bases on Earth, and the core of one civilization in the Inner Earth.

We’ll see if there are more targets to destroy. It requires approval by God and by the security counsels. Enough bloodshed for today.
Finally, I’m working again on Sophia. If you zap an energetic blockage with a frequency above 143 quadrillion, it zaps it down to the root, with the entire chain of blockages under it. I cleared an amount of blockage roots that has on average 200 quadrillion digits per chakra!

Normal day in the office.

fschdmidt #god-complex #psycho #conspiracy mikraite.org

(Title: How to kill modern scum)

While shooting modern scum has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.
Arkian - A Eugenic Intentional Ethnicity

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex spiritualselftransformation.com

We are really accelerating the pace of work. Wiped out the Black Sun. Wiped out UniMatrix (Kosol Ouch had been live streaming 6h per day since our last operation, in panic mode.
My technique now involves first taking full control of time and space around the target. Yesterday I wiped out 87.4% of all negative thoughts on the planet; those that were approved by God for deletion. This makes the work faster and easier to not touch anything that really shouldn’t be touched yet. Wiped out about 35.4% of the black magic on the planet, particularly focusing on Nigeria-connected black magic. As for negative patterns and behaviors, 95.6% worldwide are negative. I deleted about 54.6% and will give it another round today.
We anchored in the blueprint for the new Light Federation; it’s not just the Orion Federation anymore, the blueprint includes all of the major Light Federations. We first had the Orion Federation portal anchored in Wudang, Varanasi, Nepal, Orizaba volcano and a few other locations as a first beta. Now we anchored a new grid that makes that one obsolete. In fact, this new energy kind of makes all of the other Federations feel… old.

During that mission, several agents got in the way, including Adam Marquis who caused us major trouble 2 years ago. He had 35% control of our sun, feeding from a network of 16 suns. He’s a 1.5% fragment of a being that has been trapped in jail for eons; responsible for 16 collapses and resets of Multiverses! He caused our Multiverse to collapse and reset 3 times. We’re not particularly interested in facing that demon now… Prison was leaking all over, affecting 25% of our Universe, particularly in the Andromedian Sith Lords sector. Adam Marquis no longer controls the sun, and the prison has been taken away and secured.
We can cleanse the Universe of demons, but we can’t cure human insanity. The global survival rate still remains between 29% and 33%.

Full steam ahead!

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN COMMANDER IN CHIEF via Anne Bellringer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex fourwinds10.com


I have called Anne to pen a message to all Lightworkers at this time. I am not excluding any souled one still in slumber, for I have a message for you, as well.
By “slumber” I mean many souled ones have been attached by the Dark Brotherhood to have things, riches, money, and have been taught by your “Cristian Church” that you can be raptured to a pink cloud somewhere.
I shine my Light upon all of you and hope and pray that when the beam of Light comes for you step in the beam of light to safety from the cataclysms coming when Mother Earth graduates. By doing so great soul growth can be achieved. There is NO CHANCE you can survive when Earth turns over.

Step into the beam!
The Lightworkers, with Sananda’s help, took care of the souls that had passed of everything, meaning all plant life, animal life, sea life, insect life and the other tribes of Earth i.e. Sasquatch, Elves, Fairies and Gnomes. Included are the evil technologies that have been rendered useless or uncreated. The oceans have been taken care of, and the great evil, the radiation that is in everything there is on Earth.

Yes, Man has taken the killer of nuclear from the soil. It is a God-given element to break down the rocks to make soil. Man took it out of the ground and made bombs and war, and nuclear waste has been so abundant that all is affected. Creation dealt with that by the petition of the Lightworkers to clean up radiation that in is everything there is on Earth\, but not the natural element that makes soil for food..

When Mother Earth graduates and this killer radiation was not dealt with, where would that radiation go? YES, it would go in the entire Cosmos and it would take a billion years to clean up the mess.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #psycho #god-complex #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

[Context: dude is trying to “defend” himself after someone called out his bullshit and bigotry]

Okay, first of, I'm not a vile person you cunt. Just because I let myself tell what I really feel\think doesn't make me vile. Saying that having principle of being yourself is somehow "vile" is just sound like Doomworld soyjacks\jannies. I despise such people for good reasons, just as much as some of them despise me, both for my honest opinion on modern day affairs with the pointing out that we deserve Hell be called upon all of us for how sick the mankind have essentially become AND for absolutely untrue and rather slander-tier shit. I got used to it and often ignore such things happening because I know a simple truth: the only person I can change is myself, and nobody else, and I sure as fuck not gonna pander to delusions of some group of intellectually questionable cunts whining about "insert the current thing" and that I, for whatever reason, MUST OBEY AND FOLLOW. No, thank you, I'd rather not.

Correct me if I'm wrong here (probably not), but... are you suggest that speaking our minds in the open is somewhat a crime and should be forbidden, punished for happening to be? Because by the look of it you imply exactly this and that's DW's kulkidz\GZD handlers rhetoric, which is basically the voice of left leaning governments ie democrats in USA, trudeau's cuck party, etc.

BuebztTu #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #god-complex #pratt #racist #wingnut archived.moe

>Surviving alone

Completely dependent on western gibs.

>Never siding with cabal
Constantly praising israel for slaughterin palastinians.

Daj ne seri, majmuncicu.

Never starved!
Most of Europe at one point or another had a famin.
Most of the world did!

And for anyone wondering what storm tragedy was, it's cabal and vatican genociding Serbians and removing hundreds of thousands of civilians from their land in one swoop operation.
They would shoot at convoys, pull children out of mothers aems and masacer them... stories were Horrific.
All done by people who forgot they were once Slavs and now worked for satanists, like most of Western nations goverments did so and so called Croatians.

It's because Serbians never give up Slavic origin, and particularly Christianity!
vatican and cabal cannot live with that!
Crimes against Serbs just in recent history are beyond what anyone can immagine here.
cnn vatican and cabal aided in those crimes and even attempted to frame Serbian people for crimes they themselves, cabal, comited against Serbs.
And bearly anyone stood up and spoke/witnessed to the world on behalf of the slaughtered children, and butchered civilians.
Persecuted, scattered, tortured, blamed... some dont even know their origins anymore and turn their knife at their people from lands close and far.
And Slavs gavr contributions behind everything that was useful is a Slav technology wise.
There is people speaking here, and elsewhere, some now the truth some don't, some are truly ignorant some lie pitpusfuly.
But truth cannot be hidden forever, everything is logged!
Everything balanced out eventually, that's how universe works.

You can swear and attempt to ofend me all you want, the only thing that ofends me subject related is that so many were so willing to butcher children!
And so many know, and they deny them the truth.
That's it.

El Brujo #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist incels.is

Insanity curse

Stare at a picture of your boss and say "Your time is up, and and gone your mind is out of control. You will panic in desperation as your mental will takes separation. Spirits of darkness hear my plea take (boss's name)mind leave nothing but chaos and disorder behind"
Light up a stick of dragon's blood incense.
Then say "Spirts of darkness hear me now take (bosses name) functionality and sanity leave nothing but torment and agony". Pass the picture through the smoke. Then spit on the picture, and fold it up. Seal the curse with "I will it so, by my will, so it is"

Send this curse to your employer, coworkers, classmates, and enemies.

Use this simple curse to spread suffering to our enemies.

Youngcels, recklessly use this on your class mates

Do you have anything to make my life better? I don't care about cursing anyone like this, I just want sex and a better life.

Yes, I can help you attain anything you want.

Have you tried it for yourself?

Have I used magick before? Yes

So, have you ascended and are trying to spread some sort of message about Magick?

I haven't used the lust spells, because I making a pagan god, and I have all these magick projects, the lust spell is on hold for now. I am trying to spread a message about magick. I'm giving occult knowledge to the incel community. I'm trying to empower us. Give each incel the power of a god.

Maybe you could give me stuff that would get me sex in a more indirect way.

Shit like this can get anyone pussy

Vyacheslav Volodin #crackpot #god-complex #psycho #wingnut pravda.com.ua

Vyacheslav Volodin, Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, has said that the USA should remember that Alaska was Russian and the Russian Federation can start "reclaiming" it.

Source: Pro-Kremlin publication "RBC"

Quote: "Let America always remember: there is a part of its (Russia's – ed.) territory there – Alaska. So when they start trying to dispose of our resources abroad, before doing so, they should think about the fact that we have something to reclaim too...

Olga Skabeyeva and other Russian news Panelists #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #psycho #wingnut thespec.com

It was a piece of news so obscure and implausible that I missed it when it first surfaced last month. The news was that the Russians are going to put hypersonic nuclear missiles into Nicaragua and terrify the Americans into backing down over Ukraine. Or kill them all if they don’t.

“If American missile systems can nearly reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory, it’s time for Russia to roll out something powerful closer to the American ‘city on a hill’,” said Olga Skabeyeva on the news show on “Rossiya-1,” the most popular Russian TV channel.

The usual crew of panellists hugged themselves with delight at the idea of American cities being blown away. “Objects like the City of New York, a good city, but it would be gone. Completely gone with one rocket,” said one.

Then they rambled on about how the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 had brought the Americans to their senses (bet you didn’t know that the U.S. lost), and how Russian missiles in Nicaragua might bring Americans to their senses again.

Nicaragua has not said it will host Russian nuclear weapons, or indeed Russian weapons of any sort.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega published a decree last month authorizing small numbers of troops from Russia, the United States or other Central American countries to deploy to his country for a limited time “for purposes of training, law enforcement or emergency response.”

Bobby Piton #wingnut #conspiracy #god-complex newsweek.com

Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Illinois is refusing the concede, despite suffering a blowout loss in Wednesday's GOP primary.


"I am NOT conceding my US Senate race primary ... stay tuned ..." Piton tweeted.

"It appears as though the machines flipped results between different candidates differently in each voting jurisdiction ..." he added.

Piton, whose campaign website touts his experience as "a paid thinker" who reads "two to three times as fast as the average human being," reiterated his claim that the votes had been "flipped" in a phone call with Newsweek. He said that he completely rejected the official results, citing no evidence but insisting that statistics and an algorithm used in stock trading explained his loss.

Piton maintained that the first-place result may have been flipped with seventh place "and so on," although he admitted that he still had to "figure out" which candidates had swapped fortunes. He argued that "they" were treating the primary's different candidates like stocks and speculated someone may have "hacked" voting machines or used some other method to manipulate the outcome.

When asked who "they" referred to, Piton said that "the uniparty" was behind the alleged plot and was responsible for fraud affecting both Republican and Democratic candidates.

deleted member #wingnut #racist #elitist #god-complex doomer.boards.net

But, to clarify further, it is not black rights specifically that trigger me. It is the idea that a minority group needs special protection - anything that goes beyond laws that simply says "people must be treated regardless of their ethnicity, sex, etc." and instead describes a specific group and a protection, or compensatory rights package they deserve. And I view BLM as the most recent force pushing that idea further. I want there to be no special protection of minority groups, no money donations to "poor because of color or whatnot". I want people to make their own living, on equal terms with the "majority" without government giving them leg for being oppressed. Another idea that triggers me is the prosecution of people who deny holocaust - while retarded, I don't think these people deserve prosecution. Being retarded is not ground to be sent to jail - if people want to doubt history books, they should be free to go. Perhaps some facts in history books are indeed wrong and revisionism is justified. But regardless of that, no laws should ever be made with provision to defend a certain view on history. And the ones that exist need to be taken down. That is my hard stance - I am not tolerating the state of things, and I wish I could change it, and will still do something that, in my view, amount to some practical war against this state of things, in real life. A war that doesn't mean me killing people, of course, but breaking social ties between my enemies and giving intelligence on them to whatever party that has the powers to prosecute is a fair game. I am at war with the left - I will bring them fucking down.

Vladimir Putin #wingnut #god-complex bbc.com

Vladimir Putin's admiration for Peter the Great is well known but he now seems to have ideas of "Great"-ness himself

He has openly compared himself to the Russian tsar, equating Russia's invasion of Ukraine today with Peter's expansionist wars some three centuries ago, and making his strongest acknowledgment yet that his own war is a land grab[…]
Russia's president was meeting young scientists and entrepreneurs when he made the remarks. Before talking IT and tech development he talked politics and power: the new battle he sees for geopolitical dominance. In that, he told his select audience that Peter the Great was a role model

"You might think he was fighting with Sweden, seizing their lands," Mr Putin said, referring to the Northern Wars which Peter launched at the turn of the 18th Century as he forged a new Russian Empire

"But he seized nothing; he reclaimed it!" he said, arguing that Slavs had lived in the area for centuries

"It seems it has fallen to us, too, to reclaim and strengthen," Mr Putin concluded, with a near-smirk that left no doubt he was referring to Ukraine and his aims there

Peter's rule, he suggested, was proof that expanding Russia had strengthened it

Perfectibilist #crackpot #god-complex #magick #racist #ufo stormfront.org

(From "9 reasons Aryans (like blonde Swedes) are the (God`s) chosen people.")

6 Because are the most spiritually gifted. Both positively and negatively. (Alas.) Whites have dominated the realm of Magick, and the royal houses from Egypt to the druidic orders of England. There is a lot of demonic blood in the white race. But not in the blondes.

Blonde angelic aryans are more spiritually aware because of their loving, peaceful nature, and have a high aura-field-conscience than any other race as they are alien, and part interdimensional. As I am. This is the most pivotal point on my list. They can connect with higher realms of angelic purity, which the other races can`t. They connect to the higher heavens which are populated by blonde angels. To be able to venture forth in dreams, and see these dimensions; you return, and realize you are an angel with wings; a totally different species, as you have seen that your blonde race originate from universes far beyond earthly beauty and purity. I am of course talking about Alvarheim. The spiritual dimension above Norway/Scandinavia.

Only pure blondes can connect to these angelic degrees of purity and conscienceness. Some are very holy, but many have fallen into carnalism of the 21st century, and forgotten about their spiritual origin from the Heavenlies. The blonde remnants are fading, and the glory of Hyperborea, Thule, Greece, Rome, and Atlantis is fading. I would compare myself to a eagle who can look directly into the sun, while other races are terrestrial, and can only experience Earethern life and conscience. After all: It the aryans who created the Hindu mystery schools.

7 Because the original aryans were aliens. If an alien came to Earth to examine all races, he would certainly pick out the tall, peaceful, orderly, non-hairy, blonde or red-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful, intelligent broad-shouldered aryan with milky-smooth skin. Just like myself. �� He would come from the Pleiades looking for his long lost family. An angelic brother with peaceful divine conscience.

Creator God Aton via Anne Bellringer #god-complex #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot fourwinds10.com

I AM THAT I AM. I Am Creator God Aton of the One Light of Creation. Many of you know me as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn from the Phoenix Journals.

At this time, I have summoned Anne to give you a message for these End Times. I come as the firm Commander, Hatonn.

Earth changes are upon you in an increasing amount and at an exponential rate. Mother Earth is rocking and reeling, and her appointed time for the expected polar shift at the end of the age is upon you.
You are now at the end of this last 3rd Dimensional civilization. Mother Earth was granted her birthing right to 5th Dimension in 1987. I do not know the exact moment of her decision to make this shift, but I do know that it is imminent, and could happen even this very day, May 31, 2022! Because of the speeding up of “time” caused by the Photon Belt, the end date given of December 21, 2012 WAS the date when the Dark Ones agreed to come to the Light. They refused! As Patrick said, you have been on “borrowed time” or “overtime”. The polar shift is upon all, and by that it could be ANYTIME now day or night. Earth shall give NO warning! Sananda, also, said that he would return like a thief in the night.

You are to be at peace and not fearful. Listen to your heart and know that the time of the end is at hand. Our ships are on Red. RED Alert, and we already have you in our beam. Carry on with your work, but be ready and waiting, for the polar shift is upon you. As always, it is YOUR choice to step into our beam of safety. We offer safety, so there is nothing to force you to step into that Beam. Also, the great Celestial Song is now being sung etherically, and when it reaches the great crescendo your memory returns and the lift-off beam occurs! We are about at that point. Because we do NOT know the exact moment, Earth shall give us a 15 MINUTE (your time) window to evacuate all, who wish to be beamed to safety. You cannot hesitate nor think about stepping into the beam, or you will “miss the boat”.

formerfundie/exaltgod #homophobia #wingnut #god-complex web.archive.org

(for anyone wondering, exaltgod was an infamous fundie on deviantart, this is from her old tumblr before it got taken down in 2018, in this tumblr she claimed that she was no longer christian and became a neo-nazi that hated all religions)

anonymous: Do you know why homosexuals have higher rates of depression and suicidal thoughts? Probably because of people like you lol. You're a dumbass. They are feeling sadness because they aren't accepted. Once again, I'll say this: you are obsessed with gay people. Who the hell deliberately finds pro lgbt posts just to reply with hate? Lol get yourself some help bro. Maybe take that stick out of your ass.

formerfundie: I honestly don’t mind if my hatred is contributing to higher rates of mental illness and substance abuse among homosexuals. I would consider that my civic duty. But have you ever considered that perhaps the reason fags are so insane is because homosexuality is itself a mental illness, a defect, and it’s not uncommon at all for people with one psychological problem to present with others as well?

You obviously have no concept of fun if you’ve never taken the time to deliberately reply to a stupid post. I mean what are you doing right now? You think I’m an idiot so you’re taking time out of your day to insult me. Which I don’t mind really, it’s fun. But you can’t condemn me without condemning yourself.

Oh, and one more thing bro, I’m a girl.

BeardedLuckDragon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Neutral Good - A good neighbor, and they may be cannibals, but a good neighbor none the less. Maybe you should be cannibalized before you get to the top? Who wants to be a slave in white hell, just look at Chitti after 50 Baromies. Mr. Will Smith I forgot to mention it, but Gold haired rabbits are the devil in disguise, that's why I saved you, not her. She wanted to turn algorithms and robots into a father figure and NOT stop commie mommie. Get it, you'd be a slave to commie robot parents AND a gold haired devil daughter in disguise, which is no jueno por nada. Your memory is tricky life to life, like mine too, but don't you remember that gold haired girl you shot with chemistry books? A science devil that gets smashed by the mother ship, because she's evil, and she helped make the original king David, a gold haired robot from the movie franchise "Alien". I like robots and all by the way, but David was a sociopath in disguise, fore he told me it's OK to traumatize people to get your way. Big up to Janet, thanks for not traumatizing us.

Neutral - Goes up or down Jacob's ladder which is haunted by a cybernetic werebear called Darwinism, or mother as it were, and werespider called father at the top. America killed dad long ago, but we see how mother roles with the new script, and she loves red haired misery jackals for some reason, because they are half blind and angry, but love the city. I saw the movie "I Am Mother", and it's sad, but true, the creepy girl that was kept alive killed her family out of selfish Lawful Evil, then kidnapped your children to kill them out of loneliness like La Llorona. However, the SNES is better at entertainment value, so you are fired commie mommie! Thought Control loses, Cybernetics combined with cyberethics wins. However, to my really awesome, miserable, fire jackals, you and Eli are getting busted out, red rabbit went too far, she hates me because I won't breed her line of witch craft. The most hateful charismatic manipulators in history, and instead I gave it to brown haired jackals... good game, but you love crabbing past the camera now don't you, my grandma's demon? Your lizards will get the wand because I love em, but you got to go. Deneb, you're fired, you're a mediocre witch at best and I used you for your pumpkins, because you're mediocre. I mean namely you could have had a Pumpkin Lord enhancement spell like laser targeting or a multiplier on their damage…

MASTER LAKI/ Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof. #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger #magick #god-complex teslastyle101.com

From the measured results and the axiom that the universal balance is infinite and eternal for it is ONE – singular quality – as well as using consistent logical reasoning, the following main conclusions have been drawn:

1. There is a point of stillness in the center of every cell, atom and particle where the electric potential is equal to zero and which is the zero point of the universal space or the black hole with centering zero Mind point in its center. Motion spins around that still point, but there is no motion AT THAT CENTER.

2. There is an effect of electric current consisting of spinning light rings extending from the still center to convey its power to the other outside conductive matter of the cell.

3. Motion is born from stillness and centered by stillness.

4. Heat is born from cold.
7. Energy is stillness of the eternal space of the still universe at rest and it is changeless. Energy can be neither moved nor released. Energy can be expressed in electric potential (defined as a measure of unbalance of a pressure condition) and once started that expression will never stop.
9. Motion is an illusion which simulates rest.

10. Matter is an illusion.

11. The cause of illusion is division of the WHOLE into PARTS.

12. The mental activity of thinking creates the illusion of motion. Thinking is imagined action-reaction of motion mirrored from a still point to a still point.
17. Expression of energy E in time/space P properly describes the fundamental equation

E = P+ – * C^2 / sqrt(1-(v/C)^2)

where P+- is borrowed and repaid time/space, respectively, and C – is the speed at which consciousness moves perception – the speed at which consciousness reproduces its own perception of action-reaction (expansion-compression) sequence in the adjacent wave field in reverse, in our “reality” ONLY – it is frequency of repetition (reproduction) of illusion ONLY in our “reality”.

18. Everything moves within ME, since I Am Consciousness – I AM God in physical realization.

AbeSarah #conspiracy #crackpot #god-complex ks2016.forumactif.fr

(NOTE: This is from a forum for people in incestuous relationships. "Ciao" and its derivatives are a shorthand for "consanguinity" here.)

Recent events on the 'Ciaotannian planet' show that most inhabitants have not yet become aware of 'the Ciaotannian Empire, and how it has subsumed the 'unter states' into itself. The major 'unterstates' are again using war as a way to distract and control the minds of the people, terrorizing them into suffering the ciaophobic status quo in silence.

Ciaotannia did not take over by military might. The Holy Ciaotannian global Empire has taken over by the pure power of universal love. Our Empress has simply willed it so, out of the pure loving kindness and wisdom of her heart and noble mind.

Yesterday was the third anniversary of the establishment of the HCE, the day on which her imperial majesty Empress Jane Doe was proclaimed monarch of the sovereign Holy Ciaotainian Empire, an empire that will lead the world out of the dark ages of incestophobic intolerance, hatred, fear and bigotry.

When looked at through the prism of 'Ciaoological correctness' the present state of proxy war between the sub state 'impires' of US-NATO v Eurasia is merely the rearranging of a few chairs on the Titannic by a few megalomanic buffoons. Without Ciaotannia having to raise an army or charge a single brass razoo in taxation for any weapons, the unter states are punishing themselves. It is a shame that the proxy war is being held in a country that was arguably more 'Ciao-friendly' than most.(Ukraine, like Russia does not criminalize Ciao people). It is true that some of our people will be collateral damage, innocent victims of the conflict. Ciaotannia was able to take over without resort to arms, via 'a bloodless coup' without many people even knowing the take over has taken place.

Our people are already in all the strategic places, the 'invisible hands' so to speak, quietly guiding and peacefully influencing events. As the former unter states slowly wither away, the realization that Ciaotannia actually rules effortlessly will dawn on them, and they will submit, and pay obeissance and tribute to the Empress.

Hope you all had a happy Ciaotannia Day and Consanguinamory Day!


Fat Link #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

The Official State of the Incels.is Union Address!

6 months ago to the date toxic leftist shitheads doxxed and destroyed the lives of our two most beloved incel heroes and benefactors SergeantIncel and the Master of disaster himself…well…Master lol.

I’m sure you all remember that this was in relation to butthurt over the noble Sanctioned Suicide website the two heroes of our royal lineage had also once run together.

Leave it to missplaced anger to almost always destroy the best things in life be they people or places but not to fear as I’ve heard it through the grapevine most recently Serge and Master are doing well now and perhaps will one day be able to emerge from the proverbial Pulp Fiction bowl of rice they have presumably been hiding in all this time in Indo China, to live relatively normal lives once again, so three cheers for them my friends!

Honk! Honk!! Hooray!!!

While the past six months of my administration has been rocky to say the least, plagued by one scandal after another and perhaps most of which by my own making, give yourselves a round of applause because to quote nigger boy Morpheus from the Matrix trilogy of modern blacksploitation flicks…


So tonite we provide the list of Xbox Acheivements @Infinity and myself @Fat Link have accomplished in the past contentious but also exhilarating 6 months of time!

Saved the website? 100 Xbox gamer score.

Rebuilt the mod team from the ground up? 1500 gamerscore.

Instituted policy to stop faggots, trannies and other scum from joining that never existed before prior? 3,000 gamerscore.

And a special shout-out goes to my beloved mod team.

You guys are the best selection of chinks, niggers, mongrels and degenerate scum a h’white knee O Notsee soup prey myst like myself could ever hope to be in charge of!

Fuck Jesse Jackson and the libtards!

WE are the TRUE “Rainbow Coalition” here.

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam for the year of 2018, Pastor Sean Quinlan shamefully berated me for my zeal to expose the rotten Bob Jones crowd. I was speaking with Bill, a man at the church, and my friend, about what is wrong with the modern Bible revisions. While I was edifying my brother in Christ, I mentioned that “Bob Jones University sells corruptible seed (Devil's bibles).” Pastor Quinlan was eavesdropping on our conversation and became upset when he heard that. I found out from talking to Quinlan that he bids Godspeed to the Calvinist Bob Jones camp!

I was disgusted with him as a church leader. Pastor Quinlan literally called the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam: “our sister church!” I rebuked him upon the authority of God's Word, informing him that Harvest Baptist Church preaches the Devil's false gospel of Calvinism! Quinlan shameful replied: “It's none of our business what they do at Harvest!” I fully knew then that I was talking to a total damned fool. Any pastor who sinfully bids Godspeed to Calvinists ought not be trusted to preach behind any pulpit.

Alexandra Bruce/David Wilcox #wingnut #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #god-complex forbiddenknowledgetv.net

He <David Wilcox> says:

Think about the fact that Trump was around these great golf legends, all of whom are very, very attuned to the game and golf and other athletic disciplines that create extraordinary focus, which can lead to telekinesis, even if the person isn’t consciously aware of it.

If there’s any game that would draw telekinesis out of your soul, it’s golf, because you so desperately want that ball to move just a little bit more, to make it into that hole!

How in the Hell did Trump make a hole-in-one at 181 yards? Well, the answer, according to Archangel Michael – who’s talking to me now – all the time – is Executive Function.

He’s calling it ‘Executive Function’ and what he says is that people like you, Mike and people like me and anybody out there, if you’re doing just about anything to help;
At various times, these golf pros have nudged balls into the hole with their telekinesis and Trump was able to lens their energy and lens it into a hole-in-one. And that is called “Executive Function” and everyone who fights for freedom now is going to start getting a lot more Executive Function.
Executive function is intended to keep you alive, so that as long as your karma is clean and you’re not robbing people, cheating on your wife, womanizing, being abusive, being a bully, being overly-aggressive towards other people, creating a consistent environment around you of tension, fear, anger.

As long as you’re doing work and trying to be a good person, your executive function will stop a bullet, it will stop anything. It will stop you from being killed or hurt. Miracles will occur, that will protect you and save your life and this is now something that is offered to us by Universal Law, because we’re this close to the Cabal being defeated. It’s given to everyone who gives a crap.”

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.

Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.

Tomorrow, The World! Award

Dmitry Medvedev #god-complex #psycho #wingnut mirror.co.uk

Russian President Vladimir Putin is endeavouring to build a pro-Russian empire stretching from "Vladivostok to Lisbon", a former Russian president has warned.

Ex-president and deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said Putin launched his brutal invasion of the former Soviet republic to bring peace to Ukraine, in a Telegram post.

The shocking allegations were made as Western leaders shared fears Moscow is planning a new military offensive in southern and eastern parts of Ukraine.

Medvedev said: "To change the bloody and full of false myths consciousness of a part of today’s Ukrainians is the most important goal.

"The goal is for the sake of the peace of future generations of Ukrainians themselves and the opportunity to finally build an open Eurasia – from Lisbon to Vladivostok."

He further accused "Nazis, murderers and collaborators" of stirring up "Russophobia" in Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The ex-Russian leader also said Putin's "special military operation" in Ukraine was undertaken in a bid to "demilitarise" and "de-Nazify" the country.

RIA Novosti #god-complex #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Russian state-owned propaganda outlet RIA published the new programmatic article with the title "What Russia must do with Ukraine". The article reveals a detailed plan for a genocide, starting from full elimination of Ukrainian state. Details below.

1) it calls almost every Ukrainian a Nazi who deserves death. "Nazis who took weapons, must be killed in numbers as much as possible... Not just the elites, the most of the people are guilty, they are passive Nazis, Nazi enablers. They supported these elites and must be punished"

2) It foresees tyrannic approach to culture. "Further denacification of the mass of the population is to be reached through ideological repression (oppression) of Nazi ideas and through harsh censorship: not only in politics, but in culture and education areas".

3) it foresees economic and political destruction of Ukraine: "Ukraine must pay for its guilt towards Russia. It must be treated as an enemy, and therefore may develop only in dependency to Russia. No "Marshall plan" may happen. No "neutrality" both ideological or practical".

4) A tyrannical future emerges: "Personnel providing denazification in new denazified republics (plural! - Sumlenny) cannot act on another way but only with direct military-police and management support from Russia. Denazification must be a Deukrainisation".

5) Ukraine is the enemy: "The history has proven: Ukraine may not exist as a national state. Any attempt to create it leads to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construct... De-banderisation is not enough... Denazification of Ukraine must be De-Europeazation of it".

6) Deliberate targeting of civilians: "The Bandera-elites must be liquidated, they cannot be re-educated. The social "swamp" who supported them must experience terror of war and learn the lesson, and pay for its guilt"."

Religion is the opiate of the masses

...and I wanna be their dealer!

Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

Someone with the intelligence to have a philosophical basis of morality should also have the intelligence to recognize that it is preferable to attribute this morality to deities as Machiavelli explained so clearly. In my case I was atheist and studied history, anthropology, primate behavior, and evolutionary psychology in order to determine the ideal morality. Then I found this morality in the Old Testament, and I recognized the benefit to attributing morality to the god of the Old Testament. Atheists who want to know how to do this can read this.

fschmidt #god-complex #sexist arkian.net

Consider how male peacocks got their bright feathers. These bright feathers have no benefit for survival. In fact they are harmful for survival, being heavy and easy for predators to see. So let's start by imagining peacocks before they had big bright feathers. Since females can only have a limited number of children, females tend to be selective about which males they mate with. They should prefer healthy "good-looking" males since their children will inherit the male's genes. Those males with dull feathers may well have been poorly nourished and unhealthy. Bright feathers were probably a good indication of a healthy male. So females evolved to prefer males with bright feathers. But now it becomes in the male's interest to have bright feathers because if he doesn't, females will reject him and he won't be able to reproduce. So males evolved to have bigger and brighter feathers, not for survival, but for the sexual advantage that allowed males to have more children. At some point these bigger brighter feathers were no longer an indication of good health. So why didn't the females stop preferring such males? This is explained by the sexy son hypothesis. If the female mates with a male who is popular with other females, then her sons will likely inherit the male's traits that made the father popular and so her sons will also be popular and will have many children with many females. This will spread not only the father's genes but also the mother's genes. So those females who are attracted to popular males have an advantage. At this point in the story, male peacocks with big bright feathers are popular with females, so it is to each female's advantage to mate with males with big bright feathers. This is Fisherian runaway selection, a story of evolution gone wild, of evolution not doing what is in the best interest of the specie

Geocalyx #god-complex earlywritings.com

Whoa, hey there. Let's discuss the NHL and Egyptians. Nobody does that! Everyone just talks about what other people say about "gnosis". Screw that.

First off, Ialdabaoth is an actual person who still exists, but not truly. Apocryphon of John claims this bloke, body-of-serpent-head-of-lion, instituted the Week. Guess who an actual person who did that was. And yes, his rule, the week, still lasts.

Secondly, Father is the All. He is community. His gift, his Son, is common sense. "Common" literally and otherwise.

Everyone is in community, but community itself is in no one. Community, community, why have thou forsaken me? (= Why indeed have these people turned against me??) - just a few examples.

His counterpart is the Archon. Prescribed, ignorant outsider's rule. Archon wants you to believe the world is just as he shows it. He lies. There is more to the world than what is prescribed in some Roman emperor-enforced fairy tale.

Oh look, a cross in the sky! And a Roman soldier is there to witness it! And there are also two men with heads till heavens, and a third one with head above heavens, and get this, the cross speaks!

[deleted #god-complex #crackpot reddit.com

I am speaking in the second line 'your Gnosis will determine what you manifest for yourself' only at the moment of death, when the soul is freed from its prison. This is a moment of uncertainty and seems to vary from NDE data, depending on the individual. What seems to be clear is this is not the Void, or Pleroma. This is a lower density realm still within Chaos, or the Demiurge realm. This is the moment when the trick of the light that OP speaks of would occur. (See The Hypostasis of the Archons as well as the above mentioned text to understand these concepts. They are essential to understanding the Gnostic philosophy of reincarnation.)

Imagine your soul as a drop of water, independent for a time, but able to seamlessly integrate back into the ocean. To return to the Pleroma would be to return to the conscious waters of God itself, of you.

The OP is posting about a recent theory that the 'light' people speak of in NDE's that appears as a loved one, an enlightened master or sometimes just light, is actually a trick of lower density beings not connected to the higher realms, the Pleroma. The light is said to express love and acceptance and a desire for you to be with it and follow it, but it cannot force you to do anything. Manipulative love. These beings need your soul here to generate karma/energy to sustain their existence and also they fear humans for we are created in the image of the alien God, the Aeon Pistis Sophia who spoke to Yaldabaoth in the waters of Chaos. To the blunt, the Archons fear humans more than anything and will stop at nothing to completely subjugate and rule them. I've dived off into Gnostic mythology here but if you are at all interested I encourage you to read further.

A lot of which I am speaking on here is sourced from the Nag Hammadi library texts as well as general teachings of Platonism, Hermeticism, and Gnosticism and the modern, Don't Go Into the Light/Reincarnation Soul Trap/Matrix theory that has been developing, which is of course largely inspired by the ancient mystery teachings with a healthy dose of our current zeitgeist.

Not even a_Name #conspiracy #crackpot #god-complex reddit.com

Hey! I appreciate your offort be be kind in pissing in my cheerios xD

But this info is NOT channeled! I gave you the main source of this information which is the speaker of the resistance movement, who is in direct physical contact with the resistance and the galactic confederation. Also I am very aware btw. about the fact that the dark is intercepting channelings, but there are also true and very clear channels as well!


- there is true light and it is on our side and it is the galactic confederation, the ascended masters and archangels as well as other powerful lightbeings like dragons and unicorns who also are returning to earth!

- nobody who is following cobra expected anything special from the 21. december last year and it was actually said, that with our meditation we would counteract the dark rituals conducted that day (only false light and stupid poeple who have no clue about this process told people that something special would happen).

- the whole solar system is already back in the light and th GF is not only statinoned on staurn but litterally EVERYWHERE!

- ascension is very real as well as unity consciousness and oneness, the state of utter peace and harmony. Anyone who disagrees on that is completely brainwashed by the dark.

You my friend fell into the doom-trap of the false light confusing you and keeping you in doubt about the true light. this is all they got now: spreading disinformatin and mistrust against the light. They are so very desperate!

To say that everything is a lie and that the archons control everything is simply not true, just look into the world and you see their plans ALL falling apart (plandemic + great reset, war in middle east etc..). If the dark was still so powerful, humanity would have long been trapped in the AI singularity unable to get out ever again.

Sorry, but I would urge you to look into my sources and reevaluate your idea of our current situation and stop spreading the words of fear and doom because you are doing the darks work with that nonsense!

newday_newaccount #crackpot #god-complex reddit.com

Alright then, I read your post and all the comments. You seem to be sincere about all this, so I apologize in advance for pissing in your cheerios, just know that I have only the best intentions. I definitely hope that you're right about all this, but just in case, I'd like to offer some different perspective.

This information sounds like it was either channeled or received in a dream. Unfortunately, all the entities people are channeling are not who they claim to be. These messages are in fact from the archons/demiurge/reptilians/parasites or whatever you prefer to call them. Yes, being the manipulative and deceptive creatures that they are, they are actually playing both sides of the spiritual war between good and evil. Another comment was calling this the false light, and I agree. The archons use this false light/dark duality in order to hinder the advancement of people who are spiritually inclined. That means the galactic federation that is fighting the cabal is nothing more than a lie from our captors. There are telltale signs of this in your post which I will now point out:

Messages received from entity channeling were mentioning the date December 21, 2020. Many thought that the ascension would occur this day. This date was actually the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, which would be an important day for the occult and the dark entities. Anything involving Saturn is related to the parasitic entities, and I believe they have claimed that the GF is actually stationed on Saturn. Saturn has historically been associated with dark/negative energy.

The ascension/5th dimension is another lie of the archons, as well as unified consciousness/illusion of separation.

You know, I might just go ahead and make a post of my own at this point. All the best, comrade

HallowedName #crackpot #god-complex reddit.com

God is the Immaterial, Demiurge is Matter, That is the Duality furthermore The Spiritual and Material, it is indefinitely seperate and opposing not one in the Same.

Metaphors and allegories are rightfully metaphors and allegories but how do you expect salvation. Gnostic Salvation is the Escape from matter and the reunification with the true God, I believe this is literal for there is no point in claiming we are obtaining salvation and "Gnosis" if we are just constantly reincarnated and recycled into the parameters of material suffering again, never able to achieve our goals, why? Because the material, the contrary to us does not allow us to achieve our goal or Transcendence cunningly.

Don't be A Nihilist who believes in no meaning and that all is subjective and impossible to comprehend, that all is metaphors and allegories for something we can operate or institute into reality. The Universe and it's grand space, stars and functions is a Cosmic machine designed and created by the Demiurge, it has objective codes and elements to it constructing what it is and how it operates, Science, Paranormal and Supernatural. When man Advances making the unknown the known, the darkness light then we may begin to understand and uncover the Supernatural functions of this world in turn finding Gnosis, hidden or unseen knowing that is now to be known. When the puzzle pieces of Gnosis are put in the Objective order it will complete the puzzle revealing the bigger picture, meaning and ultimately Gnosis.

Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #god-complex voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Father, Prime Creator, coming through Universal Channel to help to see what really happened on Mother Earth.

The dark ones created a holographic reality, which was imposed on humanity for thousands and thousands of years. The rulers created it to enslave you and keep you living in an illusion, so everybody got stock and was not capable to see that is a false world.
Your planet became like a video game, where all events are preplanned and manipulated. To move from one scene to another scene you were paying your way emotionally and physically. Every celestial being was born with a right to be free, have a shelter and food for free.

The illusionary world made you to believe that you live a real life, which was was built on lies and deceptions. You were living a bad dream, which is going to end soon, and you are going to wake up from it. The Darkness didn’t expect the interventions from the Ascended Masters, the Galactics or me to help to save humankind.

The Negative Entities continuously brainwashed humans and purposely deleted memories from previous lives. They are going to be removed one by one from this planet. This is My Command as the Prime Creator. They are destined to loose their souls for all violations and crimes against humanity.

The powerful energies and assistance from the Masters and Galactics are going to turn around the outcome of the war between Light and Darkness. Their plans of eliminating most of Earth population failed. My Beloved Children are standing up for themselves and their families against tyrannical governments.

You are Me, and I am You. We are all in this together. The illusion is broken, and humankind is moving to the Golden Era. The power of Light right now is shifting the foundation of your planet, and it’s going to dissolve this holographic realm. Mother Earth also assisting in this transition. Your memories, special powers are going to come back, and your bodies transform to handle 5D density.

Anonymous #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick boards.4channel.org

I'm going to say something controversial. I've come to believe that having sex with a succubus is necessary for salvation. Think about it, if you can successfully dominate a succubi through both sexual and spiritual means, that means you're effectively controlling Satan's power. Since the devil is subordinate to God, then if a devil be subordinate to a man, that man must have achieved Godhood.

Jon Del Arroz #god-complex #elitist delarroz.com

You are a real writer. If you’re getting good feedback on your work, don’t hesitate. Put it out there. That’s the only way to get ahead: especially if you’re white, male, Christian, conservative, any or all of those things. They gatekeepers hate you for who you are, and it doesn’t matter how good your work is. Stop giving those Christaphobic racist, sexist bigots validation by seeking yours through them.

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