
Az gal #fundie barenakedislam.com

The Dope says we should offer evil Muslum invaders “the warmth of the love of Christ”. He can sing praises of Muslums till the cows come home, but doesn’t change reality. If he didn’t have that wall to protect him, the Muslums would have already got him. This Dope works for the Muslums, not his Christian brethren. And by the way, Italy has been struggling with poverty & unemployment for a long time. That is why their birth rate has lowered. Not so Muslums could swarm in & drag their economy down further.

Don Spilman #fundie barenakedislam.com

Jihad denial is totally based on the FACT that ALL freaking muzslime are commanded to it. IF WE CAN EVER come to the place where we do NOT use the ultra stupid word “TERRORISTS” and simply call ALL of the freaks exactly what they are, MUZSLIME, then we just might have a chance to defeat the damned devils. If we never can speak this TRUTH then just bend over and kiss IT by by!!!

Silverlady #fundie barenakedislam.com

I’m of the eye for an eye school. BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THE WHOLE ME REGION. Take down the mosques in this country, as they are all of the EVIL MOSLEM cult. Stop them migrating to this country, since there is absolutely no way to cull the terrorists.

Do not patronize any of their business, as those are probably filthy, practice horribly inhuman slaughter of animals, plus they are sending funding to the terrorists abroad. And, most of all, remember all those smarmy politicians who won’t call; them what they are: TERRORISTS! By their attitudes they are no better than the MOSLEM terrorists. And so you should know them.

Emma de la Cruz #fundie barenakedislam.com

If you substitute any other gang affiliate with the moslem, people would be less tolerant. For instance, if I were to say, “I’m a member of Los Zetas, I practice their teachings, but I don’t practice violence.” I’m fairly sure that I would be identified with the atrocities that they commit!! So why is it that when identifying as moslem, islamists are excused??

They shouldn’t be treated any differently than any other who shows public support for an ideology that promotes rape, slaughter and torture!! Every single time that I hear their pre emptive whining I want to slap the crap out of them and their supporters!! I have empathy for their VICTIMS. As for the mohammedans, if their that uncomfortable with the actions of the members of their gang, leave it!! Of course, as with any other street gang, they’ll be a target for extinction!! No distinction between islam and any other gang.

Linda Rivera #fundie barenakedislam.com

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

It would be an honour to meet strong, patriotic Englishwoman, Katie Hopkins! A true Englishwoman! Due to our traitor leaders colonizing our Tiny island with the Huge Muslim Third World, England is no longer an English city. The English are a minority in their own beloved capital city of London.

A MASSIVE VICTORY for the Global Muslim community and the Muslim goal of Muslim Conquest of Every Non-Muslim nation and ALL non-Muslims Enslaved under Barbaric Sharia. Muslims voted THEIR Muslim mayor into power — London’s Mayor Khan, the son of Pakistani Muslim immigrants is linked to many Muslim terrorists. Our danger increases by the day. Our leaders DON’T CARE!!!

Mayor Khan is rabidly Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, Anti-White and Anti-English!!! There is NO ONE to protect native Brits!!! Form Defense Groups. Immediately!!!

Shelagh #fundie barenakedislam.com

Young human girls. Being forced to consort with terrifying black monstrosities. When I was little, we were warned against ‘naughty men’. I suppose that nobody could have prepared us for Muslims.

Buzz #fundie barenakedislam.com

Out of the 57 o i c countries ,only 6 are listed as being “banned”, it’s a good start for President Trump but we have to do better. The lynchpin to any western nations moslem problem is immigration !!!!! US citizens must continue to write your Congressional representatives and Senators opposing moslem immigration to America and to initiate a much stronger vetting process !!!!!

Our own State Department is the enemy from within, obama and hillary made certain of that, by driving “deep state” operatives into a system that will take years to eradicate—.If we here in America won’t defend it, then WHO in the world will ????????

DonT #fundie barenakedislam.com

Trudeau the Muzz needs to be removed from power PRONTO! He’s a traitor to the Canadian people. He cried when some unknown rocker ( to most people) croaked recently, but should have been weeping for what he’s doing to Canada.

Major cities such as Toronto are seeing increasing numbers of Allah adherents cluttering up its streets. It’s a freaking crime loading them up with incompatible aliens. Betraying one’s own people should warrant the ultimate price!

Amboyduke #fundie barenakedislam.com

(This fundie is talking about Muslims)

Good God Almighty—

Am I the only person who looks at these freaks and thinks they are totally mentally ill? I can’t imagine any normal human being looking at themselves in a mirror dressed like these imbeciles and think it is a normal way to dress— They look like some form of a mutated “Creature From The Black Lagoon—”

Here’s to hoping there will come a time when these things are totally extinct—and I mean totally—not just contained in some middle eastern zoo, but eradicated from the entire face of the earth—

cat #fundie barenakedislam.com

I would like to be optimistic but I fear that it is too little, too late. The birth jihad has already entered the EU. They can stop all further immigration but the bomb from the inbreeding mus slums have already taken place and many countries like france and os on, continue to have their heads in the sand of stupidity when it comes to mus slum take over of their country.

Aghast Zorro #fundie barenakedislam.com

The creepy creeping slow gradual signs of life that seems to be taking agonizingly slow shape in parts of Europe is like watching drug zombies go, “Oh f••k”. “95% non Muslim”! Been to London? It looks lot less than 95%!! I imagine the Muslims will simply sped up their program and start shipping in the newly freed up out and in ISIS.

Our ignorance seems never ending. Feminized news reporting. In bed with Wahhabism and apparently owned lock stock and load by the Saudi terroridts. The Irish allowing Wahhabis to build build the second largest mosque in Europe to go with their already thriving madrassas makes national suicide a real possibility.

Conrad Calvano #fundie barenakedislam.com

The Canadians have practically elected a muslim by another name by electing Trudeau! And this man has invited all those scum whom Trump seeks to deport to come settle down in Canada and make it Peaceful like the homelands they fled from! Considering how sparsely populated Canada is, it is just a matter of time before they are going to bow before islam as a nation!

Nat #fundie barenakedislam.com

I would not buy / eat ANY halal or pro Islam product not only because it supports savages but because there’s a good chance it will be contaminated with feces etc., either through plain old disgusting unsanitary Islamic practices or because this food contamination is deliberate and – like the “wildfires” yet another form of jihad.

Monti #fundie barenakedislam.com

Incredible, so violent, full of hate, these animals are muslms over and over, Apache gunships were made to exterminate this vermin, i say nuke middle east, and take out pakistan before muslims get hands on those nuclear silos, nth korea, iran, wr got take them out now.

2 billion muslims, exterminate them, its got to be done,nehike we still have upper hand. Its us or them.

300 Years In America #fundie barenakedislam.com

This no surprise the dhimmicrats have tried to use the muslim holy warriors, as their muscle against Christians and Jews. Just as their comrades in Europe have done. Yet they act as though they’re patriotism is not to be questioned. The Republicans are willfully ignorant of the the pedophile prophets teachings, too. Of course the dhimmicrats have long embraced terrorism. They founded the ku. klux klan, as their voter suppression shock troops, during Reconstruction, after the bloody Civil War, THEY started.

We know their embracing of islam is the logical extension of their belief system. Don’t parrot the lie, “that those politicianss became Republicans” ither. The dhimmicrats are gutlessness, cowardly, poor excuses for humans. Pardon the erratic nature of my comments, but the screen keeps popping up and down, with every keystroke. Any way to bni I’m back. Hope you and Mr. bni are getting along and happy. Blessings and I hope you’really ready for Sukkot!!!!

Hartmut #fundie barenakedislam.com

No matter where in the western world you do a poll among Muslims, the outcome is pretty much the same

– about a third consider themselves ‘moderate’ and law abiding – which doesn’t mean too much since they are still supporting radicals driving the agenda
– another third strongly advocate Sharia law which should be implemented in their host countries in replacement of secular laws and Islam should be the only ‘religion’ allowed
– the rest openly sympathizes with or is actively taking part in violent, jihadi terror action in the streets to forcefully convert and even kill or rape the infidel, indigenous population and apostates, no matter which age.

As long as there are enough leftist idiotic policy makers around nothing will be done to contain this malaise.

cat #fundie barenakedislam.com

I will have no sympathy for italistan until they follow other countries by stopping all illegal immigration and start to deport mus slum invader liars.

The idea of mus slum countries, emptying all of their jails by sending them to italistan makes perfect sense.

Similar to the way cuba emptied their jails by offering to send them to the US.

Hopefully it is not too late but, with the birth rates of the mus slums, I fear that it is too late.

Linda Rivera #conspiracy barenakedislam.com

Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”

Western leaders are Consumed with HATE for the HOLY ONE — our Precious Creator, and HATE and LOATHE the Bible, Judaism and Christianity.

To transform Britain and Europe into a European Islamic Super State — the Agreement made with Muslim leaders in The BARCELONA DECLARATION, fills our TRAITOR Western leaders with Great Joy and Delight.

Our Traitor leaders are Especially Delighted that they Force Despised and intensely Hated White European Jews and Christians to finance via their taxes the Planned Cruel Muslim Conquest of Christian Europe. And their future mass slaughters.

Join the EDL (English Defence League) and Generation Identitaire!

Join Geert Wilders and Le Pen’s parties! In Britain, Join Liberty GB!

Susan #wingnut barenakedislam.com

This may sound harsh but maybe it is time for the Italian and Greek Navy to start either turning the boast around like Australia or start sinking boats filled with third world trash found at sea making their way to the European Coast. Word would quickly filter through the human filth that the crossing is not as safe as they think and they risk death. Something has to be done before it is well and truly too late.

I fear with the useless Leaders we have in Australia where we have already seen a few boats testing the will of Australia’s borders after the Australia-US deal to take our economic migrants or as our Immigration Minister called them Armani Refugees. EVERY Nation MUST Close their Borders —..ps I believe Soros has been in the US recently? Why has Trump not had and his son him locked up?? Putin has put a price on Soros’s head dead or alive—maybe the US should claim it!

Don Spilman #fundie barenakedislam.com

Just how long do these stupid police and their bosses think they can keep acting like they are fooling the average bloke.

For years now they always immediately say, “nope not anything to do with muzslime or izslime.”

THEY are the stupid fools—. of course it’s an act by a religious muzslime. They intend to kill non muzslime, that’s their goal in life.

Don Spilman #fundie barenakedislam.com

Aren’t the putrid damned muzslime just a horrid MESS. They do not belong in any nation but their own.

They need to be deported by the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!!!

Muzslime are totally RUINING THE WHOLE EARTH!!!! Muzslime are a disease everywhere they are. They need to be dissed so the West can be at ease.

Peter35 #fundie barenakedislam.com

Well of course! How many atrocities have been committed lately by Methodists? Catholics? Buddhists? (and NO, the monks in Myanmar are just defending themselves and their country!) Anglicans? Baptists? Jehovah’s nutters-er, witnesses? Mormons? Shintoists? Jains?—.

Of course it’s only moslems–they are the only ones pouring into Europe; and yes, there were Christians among them originally, but the moslems threw them overboard to drown.

Don Spilman #fundie barenakedislam.com

Well is that supposed to be big amazing new insight? ANYONE who has a modicum of knowledge about nasty izslime understands exactly how horrid the whole thing is, and exactly how vile ALL muzslime are. DEPORT, DEPORT, DEPORT! or buy guns and lots of them, those are the ONLY options.

Linda Rivera #conspiracy barenakedislam.com

DEPORT ALL Muslim migrants — the Armies of Barbaric Warlord Mohammad.

Warn Muslim invader boats that if they don’t turn around they’ll be blown out of the water — NO rescues!

Alas, our ruthless leaders refuse to do what they’re paid to do by our native taxpayers — PROTECT Our People.

Our leaders are profoundly EVIL. They’re importing Warlord Moahmmad’s Armies to wage WAR Against our people.

Our people must form civilian defense groups!!!!!

Fritz the Cat #fundie barenakedislam.com

Profiling and discriminating is a good thing, if we are to survive the scourge of Islam. Think about the TSA.

It is unthinkably stupid that ALL must be screened, when we know where the threat is.

If you are a Muslim, you earned extra scrutiny, or don’t fly. PC will kill us. We need to get smart soonest if we are serious about our survival.

Linda Rivera #conspiracy barenakedislam.com

Islamophobes are patriots — NORMAL people who OPPOSE Muslim colonization, Muslim Conquest and the Enforcement of Barbaric sharia where intensely hated non-Muslims have no human rights.

The EVIL UN, EU, OIC, NWO globalist elites and leftists want non-Muslims to ACCEPT Muslim Conquest and Sharia.


Don Spilman #fundie barenakedislam.com

Just look at those smiling demons. These muzslime are totally treacherous, perverted, beasts, who would barely even exist today if it weren’t for the oil under their otherwise useless nations. These smiling educated bastards are an anomaly, that their “perfect man” beast, would not even recognize.

They are all parasites and thieves by design, and they are/will do nothing but drag civilization back 1400 years. Only muzslime and really stupid fools would vote for him. Yeah I know there are a LOT of stupid fools o w k a democraps.

BigFek #fundie barenakedislam.com

Hey voters, look at the hip, cool muzzie guy with the big grin from ear to ear and he wears western clothing to boot.

This persona worked so well for the former CIC Obummer.

Don’t be fooled folks, scratch the surface and the agenda becomes apparently clear from this foot soldier from Allah.

The goal by steatlh is to extend the tenticles of Islam into the highest offices of govenment to weaken tbe country from within.

The muzzies like to play the long game as evidenced by their insidious and murderous activities over the last 1400 years.

I’m confident the westerm world is waiking up to the tactics and deception of Islam but by cricky it need a good hit of smelling salts.

David #fundie barenakedislam.com

There is a wholesale assault on political offices in the US and Canada. The Trudeau cabinet has eleven muslims and in the US the numbers of growing. Mr Trump is working on the problem but it will take time to unravel eight years of treasonous activities.

Linda Rivera #fundie barenakedislam.com

“We will colonize you with your democratic laws.”
Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Egyptian Islamic cleric and chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

An imam in London TRIUMPHANTLY declared: We Will Use Your Democracy to DESTROY your Democracy — Western leaders COOPERATE!!!



Western leaders are Wicked TRAITORS who SURRENDERED to Barbaric Islam and imported Massive Numbers of Muslims into our formerly safe nations.

Every Western leader that gifts tax money to Muslim countries and Muslim organisations is a TRAITOR who bows the knee to the Dark Death god of Barbaric Savage, WARLORD Mohammad.

Muslims should not be able to run for political office or any other place of power because Muslims seek our conquest and want to replace the U.S. Constitution with sharia. Muslims should never be granted residency in our countries.

Are there no lawyer organisations who will challenge this? This dreadful threat to our nation and people by ruthless traitors must be fought with all of our might!

gatouno #fundie barenakedislam.com

As usual, authorities are thoroughly perplexed; just can’t think of a possible motive here. Still, they are, of course, hoping there won’t be a backlash against Muslims or Islam. It would just be terrible if people actually came to their senses and realized the evil personified by Islam.

Maybe this spree will be big enough so they can’t whitewash it entirely. Problem is: the guy is home grown. The Dems can continue to argue that Trump’s travel ban is useless, bigoted and does not represent “who we are—”

Kenneth Stephen Besig #fundie barenakedislam.com

Many civilizations have vanished throughout history and we may be witnessing the end of White Western Judeo/Christian Europe, the beginnings of a new and more lethal Dark Ages with Islam ascendent at the end. There is no way to make European Christians marry, have children, and maintain their culture, European Christians either hate or are indifferent to Christianity, they do not marry, they do not raise families, and they have few children.

Raising children properly in Europe is an expensive proposition for most Europeans and most of these young Europeans are selfish, materialist, greedy, and want to be children all there lives and most certainly do not wish to burden themselves with children. The Moslems and other minorities breed like there is no tomorrow and raise their children like animals.

Linda Rivera #fundie barenakedislam.com

The left in all non-Muslim countries are digging our graves.

Our wicked traitor leaders and the left are maliciously destroying the lives of their children and grandchildren.

In future years, what will parents tell their kids when their weeping, terrified children ask, “Why didn’t you fight to stop it?”

Linda Rivera #fundie barenakedislam.com

A convert?

The Muslim is a TRAITOR to the Entire Black Race on Earth. She doesn’t say a word about the Extreme Suffering of Black Slaves captured and kept by Arab Muslim savages. Her SILENCE DISGUSTS me.

No one on earth are more racist than Muslims. No one on earth come anywhere close to Horrendous Muslim Supremacism.

Muslims are the Biggest Racists on earth. Muslims are Racist Against All Races and Colours that are Not Muslim.

The savagery and inhumanity of Muslims capturing and keeping non-Muslims of all races and colours for slaves continues to this day.

There are no fierce protests from Western governments against 1,400 years of barbaric Muslim slavery of non-Muslims. SILENCE is CONSENT.

Free the Slaves, you Muslim Fiends!!!

DonT #fundie barenakedislam.com

Canada’s major cities are really starting to notice the influx of Muslim “refugees” from the M.E, the US and any place else that rightfully doesn’t want them. It’s impossible to miss them. They are so conspicuous in their outlandish garb, and the Muslimas with their demon brood in tow, and another one on the way. Sheer insanity importing Islam’s creatures to destroy your predominantly Christian nation and surrendering it to the Devil’s Cult, a.k.a. Islam.

The ones masterminding the demise of Canada are filthy Traitors and need to be punished accordingly. The sleazy, slimey POS currently the country’s PM, J.Trudeau ( a possible Muslim convert ), is the main destroyer. Along with his gang of like-minded collaborators, he needs to be removed from public office to save Canada, but who is going to do it? Canadian politicians, with the exception of some female ones, are useless multicultural Turds who won’t do anything to stop the country’s decline unless you ram a stick of dynamite up their rears. . .. Bad times ahead for beautiful Canada!

SHUALI #wingnut barenakedislam.com

I hope that Trump kicks Trudeau’s ass. It is clear to anyone who sees the threat of Islam to our Western ways, that it does no good whatsoever to have Canada as a staging ground for Muslim operations in the US and that’s what will happen if Canada becomes Sharia compliant.

Trump has many cards in his hand the most powerful of which are economic. NAFTA will eventually be renegotiated and Canada will be told that conditions will not be favourable for them if they turn into the ‘Sweden of North America’. Perhaps this has already begun with some Bombardier products having tariffs imposed upon entry into the US.

Trudeau will not be reelected if the economy falters or at least he might be reelected but with a minority government. Canada has but one more chance to survive and that is to reduce or eliminate liberal power in the next federal election.

Az gal #fundie barenakedislam.com

The fact that CAIR & these Muslums don’t want vetting proves that they want terrorism & mayhem in our country. I would like to tell Muslums that complain about hate, supremacy & discrimination that they need to throw out their Koran then. It is full of it!

Muslims Out #fundie barenakedislam.com

That is the way it is about to be for these Muslim scum bastards. We will turn on their arrogant ignorant tree swinger sorry asses – and destroy them.

As the leftovers limp for the nearest border in a changed world. No more Muslims – anywhere.

Don Spilman #fundie barenakedislam.com

Crap the whole damned muzslime hoard is “not a god fit” anywhere on the whole planet. They are engraind troublemakers wherever they are whatever they are doing. Izslime is the bane of humankind, the destroyer of civilization, the dregs of humanity.

We cannot nit pic izslime we must find strong leaders who realize izslime sooner or later will simply have to be eradicated. The way we are headed it seems that the only “leader” who will accomplish this is Jesus, until then I hope Mr. Trump can hold the damned evil at bay and energize the nation against it.

Patriot #fundie barenakedislam.com

If you haven’t already, call the White House Immediately! Tell them in no uncertain terms that no rohingya moslems AT ALL! Pence is pushing for refugee status NOW. We don’t WANT or NEED this garbage in our country! NO moslem trash from Myanar!

Linda Rivera #fundie barenakedislam.com

It’s highly understandable why many Muslim women wear a shroud over their bodies — they don’t have the beautiful bodies that non-Muslim females have. Therefore, they’re very eager to cover their entire bodies with a cloth coffin.

It’s also a political uniform. A supremacist proclamation — We’re Muslims. We’re special, not like you infidels!

Portugese security: In Portuguese culture, it’s not acceptable.’

Muslim: He said we had to abide by Portuguese culture if we were in the country.

Muslims migrate to non-Muslim countries to destroy our culture and to conquer. If non-Muslims don’t OBEY the Constant DEMANDS of Muslims, Muslim cry babies run to the the media and CRY VICTIM.

And sue for LOTS of highly coveted infidel money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Conrad Calvano #fundie barenakedislam.com

The Germans are well and truly fucked, and by themselves! They had a chance to redeem themselves, correct their past blunders and begin the slow course of reversal, but they elected instead for more of the same!

They also had a lesson from France, where the fucks elected that Macaroni dude over Le Penn, and the continuation of Islamic invasion, but the Germans decided that Maimuna Merkel is their gal for one more term! How can an intelligent, hard working, grounded people also be so mindlessly stupid!

Linda Rivera #fundie barenakedislam.com

London Mayor Khan is the son of Pakistani Muslim immigrants.

Muslim immigrants and the children and grandchildren of Muslim immigrants are given welfare benefits — free homes and free money and easily attain positions of great power and influence in Britain.

British Vets who become jobless, end up living on the streets along with several thousand homeless vets and other desperate homeless native Brits, DENIED HELP by UK authorities because they’re NON-Muslim WHITES.

Mayor Khan is a rabid Jew-hater, Israel-hater, Christian-hater and virulently anti-white.

Khan demonizes so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims and condemns them for being Uncle Toms. Our danger grows by the day.

cat #fundie barenakedislam.com

Never ride in a cab driven by a mus slum and if you are not sure then take a pass. Boycott any and all mus slum controlled or owned businesses.

Boycott any cashiers who are mus slum and so on.

We will soon be gagged by the changes in our freedom of speech riights, but we can still speak and vote with our wallets and vote no.

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