
Paul McGuire #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot newswithviews.com

It may be difficult to understand that the Flood of Noah was not just an account of God judging Man for wickedness and violence upon the Earth; the Flood of Noah was a targeted DNA judgment upon human, animal, and other species that was genetic/holographic, digital, and Transhumanist in nature. The Flood of Noah was designed to wipe out the corrupted DNA in both Man and animals who were subjected to interspecies breeding and genetic experimentation by the “B’nai Elohim,” which means the “Sons of God” or the “fallen angels.”

The interbreeding of an interdimensional species with human women happened throughout the Earth, especially in super civilizations like Atlantis, Thule, and other areas prior to the Flood. The traditional historical account taught in school systems is that Mankind’s science and technology evolved slowly and incrementally over the centuries. But when archeologists examine the amazing architecture, science, and technology in pre-Flood super civilizations they see evidence of massive pyramid structures and architecture that could only have been built by civilizations possessing advanced technology that we do not possess today. How did these ancient civilizations possess such advanced technology? The only possible explanation was that they were given highly advanced science and technology from interdimensional beings and/or aliens.
In some respects, a somewhat similar account is introduced in the Bible. After the Flood of Noah, a genetically enhanced super leader, Nimrod, builds the Tower of Babel, which is both an astrological worship tower enabling Mankind to worship the “Host of Heaven” and a technological device. Babel is an interdimensional portal or Stargate, which allows interdimensional beings to come to Earth. Thus the translations of The Tower of Babel or Babylon as the “gate of the gods.”
In the Genesis account of the Tower of Babel, God judges Mankind for building the world’s first one world government, one world economic system, and one world religion. It appears that Mankind was operating in unity and people had a common language. So why did God judge ancient Babylon? God judged Babylon because He saw into the hearts of men and women and saw that they wanted to become gods and they were willing to break any moral code in order to do that. In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17 & 18, we read about the return of Babylon as a global economic system, global government and global religion. In what is called “Mystery Babylon” we see that Mankind once again is conspiring against God to build a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God, which is the New World Order. Mankind unites under a one-world religion under a False Prophet, who controls a one world economic system, which centers on a cashless society and a microchip implant called the Mark of the Beast. A charismatic politician called the Antichrist rules a one-world government. “Mystery Babylon” is both spiritual and technological.

The world will worship the Antichrist instead of God, through a holographic image known as the “image of the beast,” and synthetic immortality or artificial salvation will be offered by transferring consciousness from a dying body into a clone or an android robot or cyborg. At a certain point it will be revealed to the masses that there will be no need to fear Artificial Intelligence or killer robots. An extra dimensional Luciferian super-intelligent consciousness will be revealed to Mankind with the appearance of new forms of occult technology.

Ron Ewart #wingnut #psycho newswithviews.com

There is only one remaining and final solution to preserve the Republic: them’s with the guns, en masse, take control of the government institutions, including public schools and colleges, and lay down the law, constitutional law. We call this solution, the “Bullets of Freedom” and we offer this solution with a heavy heart.

Ron Ewart #wingnut newswithviews.com

[bThe hard truth is, the nation’s young haven’t been spanked enough when they were growing up. Spare the rod and create a criminal!

What is the answer? Like so many problems, the answer is fairly simple. Take every kid, at the age of 18 (boy or girl) and send them to a two-year boot camp in the military service. When they come out of service they will have been given the discipline and responsibility that will make them mature college students, or disciplined plumbers, electricians, or carpenters, or find a career in the military.

In effect, the military will have given them what they should have been receiving from their spoiled, work-obsessed parents. It may even give them a worthy direction to pursue. If, as a nation, we did this, there would be a lot less protesting and violence in the streets by stupid kids, being led around by the nose by unscrupulous actors (and politicians) that exploit the kids for unconstitutional, socialist and insane agendas, like climate change, free college tuition, forgiving college debt, Medicare for all, open borders, health care for illegal aliens, repealing the Electoral College, tearing down statues, erasing our history and the economy-killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.

… Must law-abiding citizens take the law into their own hands to retake the streets from lawless kids, in a show of unchecked vigilante justice, as in the days of the Wild West? If nothing changes, it’s coming!

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #pratt newswithviews.com

I’ve about had it up to my once water-breathing gills with this whole whitey hates blackie thing. Coming on the heels of a made-up pandemic the idea that the greatest evil facing America is racism is more than my once-monkey evolved brain can handle.

“Minds full of mush” is what Rush Limbaugh once called them; Human brains that will believe just about anything that some expert feeds them. “Please don’t feed the humans” should be the warning label on every TV in America.

Even though I would love to talk about the phony charges of racism that are spewed 24/7 on America’s airwaves I have decided to take a different tack and discuss another means of discrimination that very few people are willing to talk about. In fact, the thoughts my hunt-and-peck digits are tapping out may cover an area of thought that no one has ever programmed you with.

I am referring to the very common form of discrimination known as FAITHISM.

“I’ve never heard of that before” your CNN wired cerebral cortex may be beeping. “What the heck is faithism? Anderson Cooper has never mentioned that before, and if I haven’t heard of it from one of their expert guests so it certainly can’t be real.”

Well, racism isn’t real either. It is a made up word. It was a condition created by the CIA in the early 1930’s and was designed to be used to divide and conquer the American people. I won’t go into details about it in this rant, but as the carnival barker would likely say “read all about it.” RACISM IS MADE UP. Check out THIS LINK if you really want to know the truth.

Save me the emails. Racism is made up. It only exists in our minds…planted there by nefarious forces intent on destroying America. I’m sorry if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Juan Williams have hustled your mind into believing it. There is only one race…human. Period. Skin color is not a race.

So I decided to coin a phrase that is just as prevalent and just as destructive to America and that is Faithism. Never heard of it, huh? Well, stick around and maybe we can get another group of Americans all riled up.

Faith is defined by Mr. Webster as “Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth.”

Nearly everything you and I believe is based on faith. Any story you read about an historical figure is faith-based because you have no firsthand knowledge of the veracity of the information. I BELIEVE George Washington existed, but I can’t actually prove it. I have to trust that the historical record is true. In all of my life’s work I have never heard anyone tell me that they didn’t “believe” in George Washington. Most of us simply trust the history books.

The same holds true for Darwinism. I never met the guy, but from what I understand he wrote a book about “The Origin of Species” and even though I am familiar with it I have never met anyone who can prove he wrote it or that the information he presents in it is true. I simply take it on faith that he existed and that his theories are true.

By the way…a theory is a theory because there is no proof. Darwin’s theory is actually FAITH based because there were no eye-witnesses to verify what he postulates. Darwin’s theory has less scientific PROOF than the THEORY expounded upon in the book of Genesis. Both theories are lacking PROOF and can only be believed through FAITH.

FAITHISM is nothing more than the discrimination of one belief system over another based solely on the opinion of the one promoting the theory. Zoo keepers often have faith in Darwin and his acolytes while most Christians have faith in God and his evangelists.

A fair evaluation of the origin of man would certainly contain BOTH unproven theories. To choose one set of theories over another would be the ultimate discrimination. Despite what you have been taught in government schools, discrimination is a good thing. To discriminate is defined as “the act of making or observing a difference.” It has nothing to do with the buzz word “racism.”

But the nub of the issue is that both sides are not presented. “Science” always trumps “faith” when dealing in the secular world. “Religious” beliefs are always pooh poohed in favor of “science” even though much of what we believe about science is based completely on faith.

Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.” Even racism is built upon a BELIEF and not a fact.

FAITHISM would be defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different worldview based on the belief that one’s own belief system is superior.”

Faithism is rampant in our society. Those in authority do not allow both systems of BELIEFS to be treated fairly. The theory of Darwin is presented freely and openly to America’s public school children while the theory of Creationism is forced to the back of the bus. Faithism is everywhere you look and there has been nothing as destructive to our American society as the second class treatment afforded Americans who put their faith in the God rather than in Darwin.

“People of faith” are the most discriminated against citizens in this country. Most of our problems would go away if we simply taught ALL children the 10 Commandments of God.

Our schools teach our children that they evolved from apes and we are shocked when they begin to act like monkeys. Amoral education leads to immoral behavior. Christian beliefs are given second class treatment in this nation.

America’s Christian history is being rewritten. Statues are being torn down. Faithism is worse than racism. Content of character is more important than skin color.

Butch Paugh #fundie #homophobia newswithviews.com

Homosexuality, Worse Than Murder

Now while you recover from the shock of that statement and we will prove the reason for this statement.

A murderer may take the physical life of the victim, and certainly hurt the family and friends of the victim deeply, but there is one factor that he doesn’t pass on to the victims of his crime. The desire to partake of murder themselves, enjoy it and recruit other murderers! And he doesn’t directly destroy their eternity! Their souls!

The same cannot be said of the same sex sexual deviants! In order to exist, they have to recruit “converts” to their Satanic “religion” of sexual perversion! A murderer may take the life or lives of his victims, (born or unborn), but he does not influence their eternal destination. The same cannot be said about homosexuals!

The final and most important point of this article is that same sex deviants not only harm, and often kill, many of the victims they lure into their damnable perversion, they pretty much ensure their victims will spend eternity in a burning hell!

'Coach' Dave Daubenmire #fundie newswithviews.com

[old, but still relevant]

Our son graduated second in his high school class, was an all-state athlete, and model citizen. Before he was arrested at age 24 he had never had a brush with the law, not even as much as a parking ticket. Like millions of teenagers across America he discovered pornography at the age of 16 when we brought the one-eyed computer/monster into our home.

The internet was new, and most parents were unaware of what was readily available for viewing. Over the next 8 years, pornography began to sink it’s teeth into him. Eventually, his fleshly-curiosity led him to a file-sharing website where he downloaded onto our computer images of teenage girls. How many young men all across this nation are guilty of this crime?

But it was a crime. Because the girls were under the age of 18, they were considered minors. Downloading the images was considering “pandering pornography” and because they were “minors” it was a Class II felony—right up there with kidnapping, rape, and murder.

All hell was about to be unleashed on our son. He was about to lose everything he had.

Because he was the son of a “local minister,” and because of the bold Christian-stand that Pass The Salt Ministries takes, our son became the whipping boy for all who had a bone to pick with his father. The local media reacted with a vengeance. They tried to kill me buy destroying our son.

Please understand, I make no excuse for what he did, especially in our house, on our home computer. But if every 24 year old-man who had looked at naked teenage girls were arrested we would have to build more jails.

The media crucified him. They called him a “pedophile,” “pervert” and a “child molester.” The reports talked about “kiddie-porn” and “sex-offender,” and “little girls.” (Our society encourages young girls to dress like sluts and then calls those who look at them perverts.)

Dave Daubenmire #fundie newswithviews.com

The election of 2016 will go down in history as a watershed moment in the battle for Western Civilization. Against all odds the most anti-Christian Party in the history of American was jettisoned from their perch of power. The miraculous election of Donald Trump did not happen without the intervention of Almighty God.

We can argue all day as to whether his election was a blessing or a curse but no matter which side of the goal line you stand you cannot deny the Supernatural intervention. Donald Trump was God’s foot-in-the-door to the anti-Christ Clinton’s and their criminal enterprise with their machinations designed to heave the final shovel of dirt on this once Christian American Republic.

It is my belief that very few Christians understand how close we were to the criminalization of Christianity and the overthrow of Western Civilization. The fact that you think what I just said was hyperbole shows just how blind you were to the sword of Damocles swaying over our necks.

I believe in the very depths of my being that Almighty God has given us a temporary and final reprieve from the outpouring of His terrible wrath. Could it be that in His wrath he has remembered mercy?

Servando Gonzalez #conspiracy newswithviews.com


A few days ago, NewsWithViews Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri mentioned the possibility that somebody may have already carried out the first assassination attempt on Donald Trump.[1] In his article, Kouri mentions how Trump's personal Boeing 757, on its way from New York to Little Rock, Arkansas, had to make an emergency detour and landed at Nashville International Airport after the plane's captain reported he was experiencing problems with one engine. Fortunately, the plane landed safely.

Kouri is not the first to raise the possibility. In a July 2015 article, Dave Hodges mentioned the possibility that Donald Trump would be the victim of an assassination attempt.[2]

I think that the concerns raised by Kouri and Hodges are valid. In the CFR-controlled America, political assassination has become a common occurrence. The CFR conspirators have been very successful in assassinating anybody they see as a potential threat to their globalist designs.

CFR psychopaths inside the U.S. government have actively participated in the assassination of foreign leaders, among them Colombia’s leader Jorge Gaitán, Italy’s oil executive Enrico Mattei and Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the Dominican Republic’s President Rafael Trujillo, Panama’s Omar Torrijos, Chile’s President Salvador Allende, Congo’s Patrice Lumumba, South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem, Sweden’s Olof Palme, Pakistan’s Ali Bhutto and, more recently, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,[3] and Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski.

They also planned and carried out the assassination of American leaders, such as General George S. Patton, Admiral James Forrestal, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, and probably even FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.[4]

They also carried out the assassinations of people who, for one or another reason, they have considered a potential threat to their plans. Among them are singer John Lennon, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, ex-CIA director William Colby, Clinton’s secretary of commerce Ron Brown, San Jose Mercury News’ journalist Gary Webb, George W. Bush’s biographer J.H. Hatfield, editor of George magazine and presidential hopeful John F. Kennedy, Jr., U.S. Army corporal and football star Pat Tillman, computer hacker and activist Aaron Swartz, journalist Michael Hastings, publisher Andrew Breitbart, members of SEAL Team 6, comedian Joan Rivers, and perhaps even authors Tom Clancy and Michael Crichton, just to mention a few.

The CFR globalist conspirators have always use assassination as a tool to control U.S foreign and domestic policy, and the CIA has been their main executor. Proof of this is that in 1976 President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905 banning assassinations. It clearly stated: “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”


Trump’s threat to the globalist conspirators

Currently, Donald Trump has become not simply a potential threat, but a real and present danger to the globalist conspirators. Proof that Trump has become a nightmare for the conspirators is that he has been a subject of discussion at the recent secret meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the World Economic Forum.[15] Just recently, the Washington Post’s Editorial Board called for the GOP leaders “to do everything in your power to stop Trump.”[16] One may wonder if “everything” includes assassination.

The fact that Trump has been consistently attacking George W. Bush for his handling of the 9/11 events indicates the possibility that, if elected president, he would reopen an investigation of the role of the Saudis in the event. But the Saudis are intimately linked to the Bushes and Cheney. A truly independent investigation would open a dangerous can of worms. To top it off, Trump has recently said that, it elected he would prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server[17] — which most likely would lead to a new investigation of the Benghazi affair.

Moreover, we must remember that, like many Americans, Trump suspects that Obama is an impostor. He even went to the point of offering a 50 million dollar reward to Obama if he presented his birth certificate as proof of being a natural born American.[18] If he pursues this issue, it would open another can of worms very dangerous to the conspirators who put Obama in power.

Even worse, everything indicates that, if elected president, Trump plans to approach Putin and stop the current U.S. and NATO aggressive anti-Russian policies. This would mark a catastrophic defeat to the conspirators’ globalist designs. No wonder they are horrified about the possibility of Donald Trump becoming the next President of the United States.

Recently, Twitter has been awash with threats on Trump’s life.[19] But those have not been the only threats. In October, after an unidentified woman called the Worcester Telegram & Gazette mentioning the intentions of the “Worcester gangsters” to “Kill Donald Trump” in Massachusetts, the Secret Service began providing protection to Trump.[20]

The most recent threat to Trump came from New York Times’ columnist Ross Douthat, who tweeted about how an assassination attempt could end Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The tweet included a link to a video clip from the 1983 movie The Dead Zone, which features a character played by Christopher Walken attempting to gun down a political leader played by Martin Sheen.[21]

So, it seems that the only way the globalist conspirators can get rid of Donald Trump is by killing him. But how?

How will the CFR conspirators try to assassinate Trump?

We must discard up front the lonely nut assassin technique involving a Manchurian candidate psychologically programmed to kill. After the assassinations of JFK, his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King, it has become very difficult to fool the American people with that type of assassination.

Also, the type of suicide by shooting yourself 4 times in the head has become so evidently false that I don’t think that they will try it again.

Another option may be friendly fire. One of Trump’s Secret Service “protectors” may kill Trump accidentally while trying to save his life from an assassination attempt in which the would be assassin would also be killed — dead men don’t tell tales.

Would they resort to the oldest trick in the book: a heart attack? That would be an interesting possibility. But recent efforts to open an investigation on the death of J. Edgar Hoover — a powerful CFR enemy — and the current reaction of the public asking to open an investigation on the “natural death” of Justice Scalia indicates that this option would not work anymore.

So, given the circumstance, they may be forced to resort to a technique they have used over an over with great success: the airplane “accident”.[22] The best thing about an airplane “accident” is that it will take a long time to prove it was actually an assassination, and if someday it is proven, it will be too late to do anything about it.

Donald Trump, America’s last hope

Donald Trump is America’s last hope to solve in a peaceful, legal, civilized way the conundrum into which the CFR globalist conspirators have put our country and the world. As Americans who love this country, we must consider it a cardinal moral duty to defend and protect Trump’s life. But how can we do it? I think that the most effective way is to tell the CFR conspirators that things have changed in America and warning them that killing Trump is not a good idea.

Thomas R Horn #fundie newswithviews.com

The Apocryphal books of Enoch, 2 Esdras, Genesis Aprocryphon and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans. The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, says, "After the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord"(4:18). This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that "animals" were included in whatever cross-species experiments were being conducted, and that this activity resulted in judgment from God. The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying that after the fallen angels merged their DNA with women, they "began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish" (7:5,6). The Old Testament contains associated reference to genetic mutations, which developed among humans following this activity, including unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood and even lion-like features among men (2 Sam 21:20; 23:20).

What if, by corrupting the species barrier in which each creature was to recreate after its "own kind," Watchers had successfully mingled human-animal DNA and combined the hereditary traits of different species into a single new mutation? An entirely new being—Nephilim—might have suddenly possessed the combined intelligence and instincts (seeing, hearing, smelling, reacting to the environment) of several life forms and in ways unfamiliar to creation.

Will modern biotechnology resurrect Nephilim?

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