
Anatoly Karlin #fundie akarlin.com

Russian women achieved the vote in 1917. Criticize them as you will – and I do – the Bolsheviks early on inserted equity feminism into the foundations of Russian society. This was a generation or two ahead of similar developments in the West. And it was a good thing. Today Russian women get paid more relative to men than in America or Britain, probably because spending a fortune on a Womyn’s Studies degree and then ranting about the “global patriarchy” at Jezebel or The Guardian when they find out no-one wants to hire (or marry) them isn’t a commonly accepted lifestyle choice.

When American women started demanding more rights many of them embraced gender feminism as the solution. Unlike equity feminism, which corresponds to classical liberal notions of legal equality, gender feminists want to feminize men and institute matriarchy. Matriarchy is of course an oxymoron and in practice means rule by alpha males, coupled with wanton repression of beta males (achieved in the West via alimony law, “rape culture”, harassment lawsuits, etc). Alpha males don’t take shit from feminists and as women they admire them; respectable betas follow the rules, as is their wont, and get shafted for their troubles, because no woman can truly respect a man who submits to her whims.

What you have then is complete social dysfunction, as a result of what is a deeply reactionary and anti-human ideology. It is ironic that (real) Marxism shielded Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe from the much more ruinous scourge that is cultural Marxism.

Glossy #fundie akarlin.com

“Japan is similar to Germany, but with 1.5x its population, several times its problems (e.g. even more rapidly aging population—”

I don’t see aging as much of a problem. Ethic diversity, however, is a huge problem, since it always, without fail, 100% of the time leads to conflict. Germany is getting more and more diverse, while Japan is mostly staying homogeneous. Japan 1, Germany 0.

By the way, the riots that recently went down in Moscow would have been unimaginable in the Moscow of my youth. This is because the Moscow of my youth was far more homogeneous than the modern city.

“the current government is disinvesting in the future (university education)—”

We disagree here. Educating the best of the best minds is always important, but that’s not where most of the money in modern higher ed goes. It goes into wasting the most productive years of millions of average minds on stuff they don’t need and cannot possibly find interesting, and on creating meaningless work for the people employed by the system. Britain’s spectacular past was full of world-transforming geniuses (Newton, Darwin, Faraday, Turing, etc.), yet for centuries the Brits seem to have only had two universities. It was enough. Civilization is moved forward by a few.

“Though at first glance India might appear similar to China, or at least following in its footsteps, the real situation is far gloomier.”

The Chinese tend to be proud of China. In contrast, I’ve heard Indians badmouth India on numerous occasions. This is because they tend to reserve their pride for their castes or religious communities instead. If no one identifies with the state, then no one will feel any compunction stealing from it and the state will always be weak. When I think of this sort of stuff, I’m always reminded of the phrase “?? ??????? ??????” (“I feel sorry for the country”) from White Sun of the Desert. You can’t have a powerful state unless a lot of people feel that way.

“This makes [Turkey] a role model – and possible future leader – for many Muslims in the Middle East—”

That’s what the guys at the New York Times and the Economist want to believe. I don’t think secularism is likely to make anyone a role model in the Middle East. And as the West’s importance wanes, any prestige associated with being Westernized should go down, not up.

savethechildren #racist akarlin.com

So with supply and demand then, fewer males means females must compete more. More needly and willing females means males don’t need to be as commited or marry. It seems that that would have a negative effect on population numbers.

So queerness really supports the white genocide agenda of the anti-white global elites.

Awareness of the ongoing genocide of white people is an idea whose time has come.

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