
Wil The Free #fundie anchorednorth.org

Wil the Free: Jesus upheld the entire levitical laws, thus I am right to call out people to sleep with the same gender.

Paula Kay: Do you eat bacon? Jesus actually spoke out against many Leviticus laws - when he disobeyed the law of the Sabbath and let his disciples eat corn husks. And when criticised he condemned the Pharisees who would have left a donkey in a pit to die rather than work on the Sabbath to get the animal out.

Wil The Free: Learn the difference between Moral laws, Ceremonial Laws and Civic Law in Leviticus and then get back to me. All you're doing is showing how ignorant you are about the Bible.

Wil the Free #fundie anchorednorth.org

Paula Key: Educate yourself. In March 2016, The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) wrote to the United Nations and world leaders. These doctors from 161 countries stated that homosexuality cannot be reversed, therefore, it is NOT a choice,.

Wil the Free: Political clap trap, based on skewed data and years of gay lobbying within mental health associations. Try harder.

Paula Key: As you continue in your hate and the dismissing of WPA, I pray for you.

El Vagabondo: You should really pray for yourself and the good doctors of the gay WPA.

Paula Key: This is a world wide organisation who have sat as individual psychiatrists and seen the pain and suffering of people being judged as gays and then parents who are counselled for the suicides of their gay children.

Wil the Free: It's a worldwide organisation poisoned by the gay activists. If you look at the actual research, it's far from what you re saying.

Gil Cain: What a warped, opinionated argument you present, twisting and turning to fit the facts into your view and opinion.

Wil the Free: Nah. It's all true. The only warped nonsense is that people who live in gay relationships and engage in same-sex behaviours have healthy outcomes

Gill Cain: It disagrees with your theory and therefore, is 'political clap trap'? Strange I thought it was the opinion of mental health professionals and a great deal of research rather than skewed data and years of gay lobbying within MH association and yes I am a mental health professional.

Wil the Free: The 1973 decision declassifying homosexualty as a mental illness was made under political pressure by gay activists within the APA. Anyone who looks at the health outcomes of gay people know they're a problem.

Wil The Free #fundie anchorednorth.org

Well, I'm calling homosexual sinners because the Bible calls homosexuals sinners. It's a point of fact, not a judgment. Second, I wouldn't be loving you, my neighbour, if I wasn't warning you that your continued sin would bar you from entering heaven when you die, as taught in the New Testament.

In fact, if I hated you, I would keep quiet. I can't do that. I love you.

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