
Mitzi Quinn #fundie bastropenterprise.com

Regarding an atheist student's fight to not have a prayer at his high school graduation.

Mitzi Quinn has been on the staff at BHS for almost 25 years, much of that time as a senior advisor. In the past, Quinn said there have been students who were atheist, agnostic and other non-Christian religions who “had no problems” with the prayer.

“They respected the majority of their classmates and didn’t say anything,” Quinn said. “We’ve never had this come up before. Never.”

Throughout her time working with the student, Quinn said they never expressed their personal beliefs or that they had any problems with other students’ Christian faiths.

“And what’s even more sad is this is a student who really hasn’t contributed anything to graduation or to their classmates,” Quinn said.

Bastrop High School seniors #fundie bastropenterprise.com

Regarding an atheist BHS student's protest of a prayer at this year's graduation ceremony.

At an impromptu gathering of students Thursday afternoon outside First Baptist Church in Bastrop, many of the more than 40 graduating seniors assembled expressed their disbelief about their classmate’s protest.

“I’m wondering why,” said Kari Payton, class valedictorian. “This is something that’s been done for years - forever - and now that we’re graduating we can’t show reverence and honor to our God?”

Jasmine Davis’ feelings on the issue were shared by many others.

“Why does one person get to decide what more than 200 of us do?” Davis said. “It’s obvious (the student) is in the minority, yet the rest of us are being denied to pray to our God.”

In addition to the students, a similarly sized group of adults gathered at the church.

Rita Stuckey said a fellow member of Bonne Idee Assembly of God informed her about the school’s decision to remove prayer from the program and the gathering at First Baptist. Her children have already graduated from Bastrop High.

“When I was raised here, Christ as the center of our community,” Stuckey said. “I think the children should have the right to pray and shouldn’t be prohibited from sharing their belief in Christ.”

As the group crowded the front steps of the church, they discussed a plan that will still allow prayer to be heard at graduation. During the time of “silent reflection,” adults in the bleachers in the football stadium at Bastrop High will stand, followed by the students, who will turn to face the stadium as the group recites the Lord’s Prayer.

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