
Falcon #fundie birtherreport.com

Obama is a conflicted bag of crap. Believes in Communism, Islam, and Homosexuality. Most people knew this when they heard him open his mouth for the first time. Some it repelled, and some were drawn to it in a satanic trance, and they haven't awoke yet and never will.

Lori Patriot #conspiracy birtherreport.com

President Chester B. Arthur was illegally in office too. He was born in either England or Canada. He lied and covered up his records too and it came out after he left office. At least Arthur was not an Arab plant Marxist. Obama ran first in the New Party---MARXIST. His church preached NON CHRISTIAN Black Liberation Marxist Theology-collective salvation. Obama said his salvation was dependent on others salvation. Oprah went there too. If you look at the speech Dr. King made in 1963 in DC, black Muslims were behind him. They radicalized the Civil Rights Movement and took over pushing a hybrid faith because blacks would not give up their instilled faith and embrace Marxism which is atheist in its' doctrine.

Obama was in Kenya and Pakistan as a college student. He got his first passport compliments of Brennan (the convert to Islam) who is now CIA director--as a US Senator 20 years later. HOW DID OBAMA GET INTO KENYA & PAKISTAN IN COLLEGE---especially when no US citizens were allowed in Pakistan in the 80's? He is not only a foreigner HE IS ILLEGALLY IN THE US. Obama is not just ineligible, he is an illegal alien and sleeper agent.

Lori Patriot #conspiracy birtherreport.com

No, the Speaker will be in charge until the replacements are put n place. The REAL winners of the election were Mitt & Paul. LOTS OF BACK UP ON IT ---that's why Obama used the IRS to neuter TrueTheVote.org ---they did voter and election fraud investigation. President Chester B. Arthur was illegally in office too. He was born in either England or Canada. He lied and covered up his records too and it came out after he left office. At least Arthur was not an Arab plant Marxist. Obama ran first in the New Party---MARXIST. His church preached NON CHRISTIAN Black Liberation Marxist Theology-collective salvation. Obama said his salvation was dependent on others salvation. Oprah went there too. If you look at the speech Dr. King made in 1963 in DC, black Muslims were behind him. They radicalized the Civil Rights Movement and took over pushing a hybrid faith because blacks would not give up their instilled faith and embrace Marxism which is atheist in its' doctrine.

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