
Ella #conspiracy comments.americanthinker.com

I was actually thinking that Obama was one politician who would not be caught with his pants down in a sex scandal cheating on his wife like Edwards, Clinton or Elliot Spitzer. I couldn't put my finger on it but I thought that something didn't sit right. I believe that Obama was being groomed to become president as long as 25 years ago. I believe his mom must have known Ayers. I belive he was told to become a christian and chose a church. I believe he was directed toward Michelle and told he needs to have 2 kids to fit the american idea of an average family. He was made a senator and the biography was writted by Ayers all to create a viable candidate and erase the poor student, pot smoking, Marxist student that he was. Who writes a biography when they are in their 40's? It was written to get his name out there and to take people's minds off of the questions we are all asking now.
As for the commenter swim-r-sink who says Obama is gay, if this is true it's never too late to bring this out on Fox News perhaps. But only if it is verifiably true.
I might add, if Obama's mother was alive he would have had a hard time running for president since she was a serious Marxist. It would have been very hard for the MSM to get around that.

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