
Mohamadreza Mehdinia #conspiracy correctpi.com

Incorrect value 3.141592653...for circle area & circumference & its subordinated values: 0.785398163..., 1.273239545..., 0.6366197724..., 0.2146018367...

The correct value for a circle is 3.125 and its subordinated values: 0.78125, 1.28, 0.64, 0.21875.

Also Mantle area and Total area even Volume of Sphere & Cylinder and Cube relationship are 2/3 or 3/2


I have investigated and researched on Pi for 35 years and it has taken me this long to come to these conclusions. To share my knowledge and discuss the contents of my book with fellow colleagues I have put a few words together on this site.

Old methods of identifying and calculating Pi have not been mentioned, discussed or used in this book. History of Pi has not been mentioned either. This book only considers a new idea and new formulas. To understand and get a complete view of the new formulas and ideas one has to study the book.

The first time I published this book was in year 2000 in Sweden and the second time in 2003.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part contains seven chapters, explaining the correct value for Pi. The second part contains six chapters, each chapter covering different mathematical areas. Part 1 explains the basic geometric shapes and how these are related to each other.

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