
Scott Renfroe #fundie denverpost.com

February 24, 2009, New York, NY – The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) today urged media to turn a spotlight on anti-gay remarks made by Colorado State Senator Scott Renfroe on February 23, 2009, during a Senate debate over a bill that would allow gay and lesbian state employees to share health benefits with their partners.

According to The Denver Post, Renfroe stated that "homosexuality is seen as a violation of this natural creative order, and it is an offense to God." He continued ". . . When we create laws that go against what biblically we are supposed to stand for, I think we are allowing to go forward a sin that should not be treated by government as something that is legal. We are taking sins and making them legally OK."

Proverbs 14_6 #fundie denverpost.com

[On a article about a atheist billboard]

This article is so hypocritical since those holding to leftist ideology make up most of government, nearly all of the media, and a overwhelming majority of our public educational systems. Thus, our society produces people who are uneducated, ignorant of history, are easily deceived, and who are dependent of what others can provide them that they cannot do for themselves.

In the name of "religion" billions have been educated, wars were ceased or prevented entirely, and positive change has occurred. It is simply false to say otherwise. Even the propaganda about the Crusades and other presumptively religious wars are misleading. Lies and myths have become folklore, which has become accepted history. If one suggests otherwise, they just don't know of what they are speaking.

And, face it, these people who like to bash "organized religion" are really attempting to bash the religion of Christianity, first and foremost. While they try to pretend others it is really Jesus Christ they try to hate, refusing to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Such foolishness has eternal consequences.

These people are not honest enough to proclaim their own religion of humanism or socialism or environmentalism or some other doctrine without real merit and void of any legitimate claims to having provided any benefit to the world. This is, of course, unlike Christianity, that has provided mankind with not only a path to eternity but solved many of the problems encountered throughout the human experience. For instance, almost ALL of the great scientists from EVERY corner of understanding have been Christian. Nearly all great humanitarians, with a few notable exceptions, have been Christian. Most inventions that brought about any positive change have been Christian. To attempt to proclaim that such a belief system as Christianity is not beneficial to our existence is not just boldly false, it's ludicrous!

anonymous creationist extremists #fundie denverpost.com

University of Colorado police are investigating a series of threatening messages and documents e-mailed to and slipped under the door of evolutionary biology labs on the Boulder campus.

The messages included the name of a religious-themed group and addressed the debate between evolution and creationism, CU police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley said. Wiesley would not identify the group named because police are still investigating.

"There were no overt threats to anybody specifically by name," Wiesley said. "It basically said anybody who doesn't believe in our religious belief is wrong and should be taken care of."

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