
Elite-the-Protector #sexist elite-the-protector.deviantart.com

[Stamp: Sorry, idiots, but men cannot be abused/raped by women.]

I still can't believe that no one realizes this simple truth. All men want sex. As such, they always consent. There is no such thing as female-on-male rape.
All men like their women weaker than them. They assume they can push their women around. As such, they deserve what's coming to them. There is no such thing as female-on-male abuse.

Elite-the-Protector #fundie elite-the-protector.deviantart.com

With the release of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon today, I realized how much I fear for our youth. Our children are being raised to believe in false gods as their role models. Children are being raised to see demonic entities as something to be admired. Children are being raised to aspire to be "Pokémon Trainers". And with each games, they spiral downward, until they eventually end up stuck in this never-ending cycle of despair and hopelessness. They use the Satanic messages the games provide to escape from the parents who are simply trying to help their children understand that what they're doing is wrong. It's wrong to use these games to teach your children how to summon demons. It's wrong to use these games to teach children that keeping demons as pets is okay. It's wrong to use these games to teach your children that using demons to solve your problems is okay.
I am Elite the Protector, and thank you for listening.

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