
Amplar #conspiracy facepunch.com

[In a forum thread about Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "interesting" findings on Barack Obama's birth certificate]

honestly, obama brought this kind of shitstorm upon himself; there's no good reason on earth for a president to withhold his proof of birth such a huge amount of time. there's just no way it would be lost or anything. There is something suspicious about it. With the power of the us gov't, they could have just forged one; but the question is, why would they wait so long to release a forgery? Why wouldn't they just release a forged document from the get-go?

This logic should be in the minds of everyone, regardless of political side. There is something flat out suspicious about the president refusing to surface his requirement of office. End of story.

SM0K3 B4N4N4 #conspiracy facepunch.com

You wanna know the real reason we see so many pyramids as symbols and so many pictures of the Eye of Horus? Remember the roman empire and how it supposedly collapsed? Guess what, it didn't. It just ceased to be a state and became a religious institution. It still had massive amounts of authority over the kings and tyrants all throughout the middle ages and still has a large amount of power. The same thing happened with the Egyptian empire, except it continued on as very secretive cults instead of a religious institution out in the open. The cooperation between Egypt and Rome didn't end when Rome became christian, it just went underground, and as Rome still has power as the catholic church so too does Egypt still have power through secret societies, and they communicate to each other not through spoken or written word but through symbols as they did through out their empire with hieroglyphics and structures. If you look at architecture, carvings and paintings in the Vatican you can see the All Seeing Eye of Horus everywhere, even behind the pope's throne (which also has an upside down cross on it lol)

npx190 #conspiracy facepunch.com

[In response to user "Patall" who started a debate thread regarding the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life]

Patall, observing what appears to be your first post, with all due respect, how do I know your actually from this Earth, and not from some far away Council taking a survey to see if Earth would be accepting to extra-terrestrial presence?

But in all seriousness, I kind of feel like some places that keep their mouths shut are hiding something, take the Apple corporation for example, and how their technical innovators seem to have shrunk stuff down in size a lot. The original ipod was real fat, but only had 1gb, then they kept on shrinking it in size, yet it grew internally, and with better quality. They did not teach me the names of those who came up with that engineering, and such a fast rate of engineering within a decade's time, really raised my suspicions of how some of this stuff has become a reality.

I doubt everyone is who they say they are, they may look human, but maybe aren't. I have seen some real good fake human skin get made in the movie industry and what not, to know its not too hard to walk around as a fake human, where no one seems to notice you. Although, I really would like to know how these unexplained air-crafts go undetected to the radars, and can immediately jump from the ground and accelerate 0-60 seconds in the sky, and at such higher rates of speed.

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