
emprworm #fundie forum.dune2k.com

no it makes perfect sense.

how can you tell a supernatural claim apart from a natural one?

When a guy says to you: "That magician made a rabbit suddenly appear in his hat. HE REALLY DID!"

This is a supernatural claim.....

or is it?

With today's modern atheism, this is no longer a supernatural claim. FOr things can pop into existence for no reason at all! It is perfectly "natural" for water to change into wine, or a ghost to appear suddenly. There is an "undiscovered" natural law that allows matter and energy to just suddenly start existing in and of itself.

ha ha ha. Amazing religion, for amazing faith. Thus, the supernatural claims of atheism.

Navaros #fundie forum.dune2k.com

[What are your arguments exactly to support fascism? What do you call fascism exactly?]

i didn't read a bunch of technical jargon and hot air on the subject so i can't answer in a "formal" way but here's the way i see it:

the average person is a blithering idiot. so why then, would it make sense to have a mob of blithering idiots elect a government???! these blithering idiots are naturally going to elect a government which is also full of blithering idiots! is that "progress"? i say not.

think of Facism as a game of "Lemmings". the average person is a Lemming. The Facist Leader is the guy who controls the Lemmings for their own best interests to be met (ie: the "player" in a game of Lemmings).

better to have a genius who knows what he's doing take control of the blithering idiots and tell them what's good for them, since he knows better what is good for them than they do, because they are blithering idiots.

secondly, one thing the Bible says is true which can basically be summed up as: "All men are born evil". since all men are naturally evil, if given the opportunity en massse, they will naturally elect an EVIL lot of blithering idiots to make their laws. this results in the immoral cesspool-esque society that is now North America. if one righteous man takes charge, he can purge much of this evil away from the society and make it somewhat moral. you may say, "but the man in charge would be evil, too!" and yes that is true to some degree; but a smart, devoted man with strong convictions is still far less evil than your Average Joe Blithering.

Navaros #fundie forum.dune2k.com

Akriku: the problem with your babbling in the original post is that evidence itself is subjective

tell me: you believe in carbon-dating? if a scientist says that a rock is 50 million years old and he has "proven" that by carbon-dating, would you believe him? would you believe he has proved it?

if so - then you are believing him based on FAITH in the idea of carbon-dating. you do not KNOW that the rock is as old as he claims it is. but based on faith in an idea - that is what determines whether or not you accept something as valid "evidence" or not

this principle is not limited to the example i've used. for almost anything that you state which contradicts religious texts - i could PROVE to you how your statement has NOT been proven with evidence - but rather is based on faith and speculation on your part.

Navaros #fundie forum.dune2k.com

Right now I am having propaganda being shoved down my throat by a supposedly-reputable "NEWS"cast. This propaganda is advocating the freakish, abominable act of Satanism known as Test Tube Babies, or IVF.

Man is not God. Man should not pretend to be God. Test Tube Babies is going wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far.

All Test Tube Babies as well as anyone who in any way participates in any procedures that relate to the creation of such Abominations or laws that allow it - should be executed without trial.

Test Tube Babies are Unholy Abominations and just plain ol' Freaks of Nature.

For Men who see fit to play God, it's time for them to be executed without delay and go have some "Quality Time" with the one and only REAL God; whereupon they will receive just recompense for their participation in the evil, ungodly Test Tube Baby Satanic Rituals.

[What about people who cant have children but can if they put them in a test tube?]

then they weren't meant to have children! so they should stop OBSESSING over something they weren't meant to have!!!

i'd like to make $20 Million a year as a Professional Athlete, what about me?HuhHuh!!!!!!!!!! I can't do it, but I really really really want to!!!! So why doesn't someone invent a barbaric, demonic procedure to help ME out with what *I* want?

the reason: because I am not obsessed with trying to have what I was not meant to have! but with Test Tube Babies, there are tons of mentally-deranged sickos whose illness causes them to do perverted things like obsess over things they have no need to obsess over; and these obsessions cause them to partake in demonic acts such as making Test Tube Babies

Navaros #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth forum.dune2k.com

[Note the dialogue of Euthypho and Socrates: conclusion that what is pious is not because of the quality that it is loved by a god, but for a reason inherent in it, and that the god loves it because it is good.]

Socrates is in Hell right now, burning as we speak. He knew nothing of God, or what is good. So you picked a very bad example to quote from about this subject.

Humans do not have minds capable of knowing what is "good" better than God does. For example, you see many people on this site promoting and/or defending evil causes such as "homosexuality" (one reason why Socrates is now in Hell, by the way) and genocide against human children. They have no basis for saying these things are "good", yet they do. These things are in fact very evil. Many men who society considers "wise" are actually fools. So says God, and God is correct.

God knows what is good and what is not good. His opinion is the one that counts. Not the petty, evil opinion of man. Christ has said that mankind will naturally promote wickedness and evil instead of doing good. That is why you see things like "Gay Pride Parades" and genocide against children. Because the foolishness of man says that "these things are good!" It does not matter how many say that evil things are good - evil things will *NEVER* be good.

It is true that Atheists have no morality. Because a man in his natural state will almost always automatically promote and defend evildoings. Like Akriku and ACElethal and other Atheists promoting "homosexuality", for example. To be moral requires a man to leave his natural state and allow himself to become righteous. Atheists almost never have a reason to do this since they do not obey God's commands, and hence most Atheists have no morality

Navaros #fundie forum.dune2k.com

The God of the Bible is an angry jealous God. He says so quite clearly many times over. He is a tough guy. He does not tolerate any nonsense, and will not be mocked. He places His worth above everything else because He is the most important thing in the universe. If you created the universe, would *YOU* tolerate miniscule, filthy, immoral, repuganant creatures that you made to disrespect you by taking your name in Vain etc.? k bad example, *you* probably would, but most normal people would not. it is perfectly reasonable for the Head Honcho to call the shots and demand respect for Himself as one of the most important laws.

Navaros #fundie forum.dune2k.com

the good part about this is that when God decides to rain down Fire & Brimstone upon these evil-doers [or whatever sort of other punishment He sees fit], He only has to target one very-specific building in order to nuke a whole whackload of them at once. this is essentially making God's job a lot easier. for that reason, i'm all for it.

and, it takes a lot of diseases like A.I.D.S. out of the public system so normal kids don't get it by accident, like the guys who would normally be beating up these "gay" kids and making them bleed. the amount of pestilence-carrying students will be dramatically decreased in schools which have these these "gay kids" removed to go to their own "gay school". for that reason, i'm all for it yet again

Navaros #homophobia forum.dune2k.com

[. Twist of nature, comparable to i.e.siamese twins...

...or to Down's syndrome.]

...or to the most similar of all mental disorders to "homosexuality": pedophilia

it has been scientifically proven that "homosexuality" is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain combined with an over-exaggeration of the need to be loved

just because it is a genetic defect, that does not *exscuse* it. pedophiles and serial killers are born with mental defects too; and that does not justify their deviant behaviour. neither does it in the case of "homosexuality"

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