
faithandpeace #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

Assalamu alaikum.

So now we know that Malala has just exited the fold of Islam via her heresy and blasphemy. May Allah (swt) guide Malala back to the straight path and may Allah (swt) help all of us in the ummah to expose the munafiqueen and avoid or fight them as needed. Ameen.

Umm Sulaiman #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

Another detail you missed is that [Yezidis] purposely do not shower and keep their homes filthy to attract jinn (along with Shaytan) as they revere them more than mankind.

Of course the newer generation of Yezidis are a bit more tidy but I've seen the aforementioned generation of Yezidis myself.

May Allah guide them.

Abdul Hasan #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

First people were asking Allah to aid the Peshmerga, some even labeling it a defensive jihad...and now some are crying about the treatment of the Yezidis.

Islam, jizya or fight to death - 3 options that the Sahaba gave every kafir village, town or city they came to. ISIS does the same and there's an uproar from MUSLIMS?

If the Yezidis are fleeing, what's the problem? They don't want to become Muslim, don't want to pay jizya (difference in opinion has been mentioned earlier) and those who chose to stay and fight were killed. Again, where's the problem?

Seriously, ISIS have plenty of faults for people to legitimately criticize but when their hate drives them to take stupid positions, such as we've seen in this thread, you know there's a problem.

As for the Peshmerga, why are the local Kurdish people feeling the need to 'defend their homes and land' such that they need to join a secular, kafir army such as the Peshmerga? It's not like ISIS will kick them out of their homes, go house to house and slaughter them etc. Did they do so in Mosul? Fallujah? Tikrit? Nope. What's wrong with simply locking your door and staying home?

Abdul-Rahman #racist forums.islamicawakening.com

The fighting that happened was not a genocide, and only extremist Armenians try to claim such today. These extremists Armenians are supported by anti-Muslim Western politicians to attack the Turkish Muslim nation.

Even a Jew scholar like Bernard Lewis admits there was no "genocide" by the Ottomans (and he would surely try to use this against a Muslim nation like Turkey if he could); "There is no evidence of a decision to massacre. On the contrary, there is considerable evidence of attempts to prevent it, which were not very successful."

ChicagoSalafiyyah #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

The Pope had to approve homosexuality because the Catholic Church has allowed too many sins thus far, like pork, adultery, idolatry, and unclothed women. Those things are banned biblically, you're not supposed to eat swine in the bible, have sex outside marriage in the bible, make images or pictures, and the women should cover themselves which is why 90% of idols and paintings of Mary (as) her head is covered. But they allowed all these things in the church by the religious leaders practicing them or not forbidding them among the congregation/people. They allowed sin after sin after sin to the extent that they rendered themselves irrelevant in any moral issue or social debate. Even gays are standing bold in front of them. Why would the public listen to a church who says homosexuality is banned but then allows OTHER sins in society? This is the danger of religious institutions allowing small individual sins, because sins are like an avalanche. Once one layer of snow slides and tumbles down the mountain, other layers of snow will become loose, weaken, and slide down as well, and soon you'll be buried by a mountain of snow from all directions. Islam is the last religion left with the moral high ground to challenge the world's current issues, the Jews and Christians committed moral suicide a long time ago.

August Kreis #racist forums.islamicawakening.com

[Aryan Nations member explains his attraction to Islam]

Those who understand their "identity" realize that just because the armies of ZOG try to press us to call their enemies "terrorists" realize that this is not true and know that we actually share the same common enemy, the yehudi-shaitaan, whom are called jews today, the sons and daughters of the Wicked One of the bloodline of Cain.

I hope that you saw the need for me to better explain myself and why I am drawn to Islam. Islam has not been as warped by infiltrating jews as has judeo-christianity although I do see that the minds of the masses within Islam are being drawn to what is being called "moderate Islam." Trying with the help of their jewsmedia to steal the minds of true Islamic Believers and point them to a "love everyone" doctrine as they have done with True Israelites whom, as Ishmaelites were once powerful warriors of old.

Abu Yusuf 74 #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

Once you have abolished slavery you have essentially made people literally worthless, the rise of genocide and the liquidation of millions following the abolishment of slavery is no accident.

Better that one child is sold then the whole family dies because of famine but that would be immoral wouldn't it.

Is it more moral for a women to sleep with just one man than the whole town I think so and I could think of a few women that would be more moral as slaves.

If there is more benefit in something than harm Allah has made it lawful for mankind Alhamdulillah

ali #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

[On evolution. Yahood means jew, kafir means unbeliever.]

actually what it probably is is that since allah cursed the yahood (some of them) to become to apes then later on in history they wanted the world to believe that they also came from apes and they would probably use the proofs from their own brethren of apes and swine to say "see, we told you" to the world

yeah rigth yahoodi kafir. we wont fall for that.

nomad #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

My son, although only in high school, has been in some lessons where they touch on adaptation, and evolution. He adds his point of view accross and has untill now been issued with 2 negative points! He pointed out that if the human adapted to its surrounding, why didnt the humans that live in cold climate evolve with fur? Wwhen we look at all the animals that humans are supposed to evolve from, why didnt humans evolve with more usefull functions, like a built in sting from a scorpion, or a knife like claw on hands etc. and where did humans get the ability to think from? And, obviously some animals will have adapted wrongly, for example a sheep could have had the thought to evolve wings, and then died out. why cant we find evidence of these wrong adaptions? Of course the teacher can only say, we have to move on now, thus omitting her obligation to answer these questions, and my son keeps on and on with such questions and gets a negative point!

LionofIslam #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

When I mean monkey i mean it in terms of all primates or primates that became extinct. You have proved my point and my argument against atheism, you don't even have a proper definition of what a human is because science has no criteria, My point is that fossil records are not enough to prove evolution, those properties that the certain fossil records have can be argued to be human, what i mean by here is just because there is maybe a little difference in the shape of the bone there are other features that are more human. For instance, The homo erectus is said to be a different species because of its skull contents and big eye brows, but we have humans today with the same features so how can we consider them a different species?? This is my point.

AbuMubarak #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

[A non-Muslim points out that homosexuality is found in animals]

they look at themselves as having evolved from animals, thus, it makes sense for them to look at animal behavior as what they should emulate.

they copulate with each other without marriage, just like animals
their women run around naked, in heat, like animals
their men sit around basking in the shade while the women work, like animals
their children dont know who their fathers are, like animals
their men have no gheera, like animals

so why are you surprised that he looks to the behavior of animals to be his example?

Mansoor Ali #conspiracy forums.islamicawakening.com

["Obama warns world against gay and lesbian discrimination"]

President Obama is nothing more than an agent of the banking dynasties who are following the script of the Protocols of Zion, which calls for an attack on those things that make society cohesive such as religion and family values.

Promoting homosexuality is a way to try to substitute God's guidance with satanic mindset, it's a way to weaken society's resistance to the plans of the bankers.

I'm sorry to sound like a conspiracy theorist again but we need to know who's controlling Obama so we can find out what's behind his statements.

rainbow #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

[On the Saudi woman who was sentenced to lashing for driving a car]

Two things I wanted to mention about women driving. First, the seat-belt between the breasts. Second, the stance you have to have when you park a car using reverse gear, it expands the woman's chest...

These are good reasons to dissuade any good Muslim woman from driving.

Abu Shawarma #fundie forums.islamicawakening.com

["my sister killed herself a few years ago because she was a lesbian and did not want to be. and i am just having a really hard time accepting the islamic position on it"]

Shaytaan is using the death of your sister to make you doubt the Laws of your Creator. It is most likely a test from Allah, 'Azza wa Jal.. life is all about tests.

Also, if your sister did not practice homosexuality and only had these un-controlable desires then she would not be executed according to Shari'ah (as far as I know). The penalty is for doing the act and/or being public about it.

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