
Lew White #fundie fossilizedcustoms.com


Governmental educators who normally shun anything “religious” in their school system will enthusiastically embrace the celebration of Halloween, declaring it to be a “secular” holiday. The customs stem from hidden (occult) Paganism, and even the word itself refers to the Catholic’s attempt to disguise the former idolatry, “cloaking” the observance in terminology that refers to one of their contrived “holy days”.

Modern secularism is a trend that ultimately ignores the true Creator of the heavens and the Earth, and embraces the idea that humanity is the highest order, and so Humanism has become the popular religion of the times. People are kept extremely busy, distracted, and pursuing the “lusts” of their flesh. Death is believed to be the final end of them, as if their end is no better than a dog’s end. This is a terrible gamble to make. Any experienced gambler will tell you that betting everything on one of two possibilities is foolish. If we gamble that there is nothing beyond our death to worry about, and we can live as dogs and never pay any penalty for our behavior, we are placing our eternal lives on this bet. On the other hand, if we gamble that there MIGHT BE a Creator to answer to, that revealed Himself in miraculous ways, and even gave us His Words to live by, and we live by those Words, then what have we lost if it turns out there is no Creator to answer to?

We can still live a good, happy life by obeying our Creator’s Words.

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