
wwwarea #fundie galactic-planets.deviantart.com

Any promoting of Hunting: Hunting is offensive it's self because it violates the rights of the other animal (Regardless of endangered arguments). If it's bad to "hunt humans" in protections of there rights, it's also bad to hunt other animals in protections of there rights too.

Inequality: Stuff like saying "Wolves should be hunted or partly so humans can live", "My sexuality is better", "Discounting other opinions of interest but your own", etc... Is highly banned here. Even saying "My animal is better than yours" is banned too.

Anti-Sexuality of any kind: That includes anti-zoosexuality. Due to actual arguments I been hearing, I get in rage to see hatred against those kinds of people. Remember, I said no hatred of any kind, and that includes that. Period. Otherwise, I would abuse my spiritual view. The anti-sexuality of any kind even includes "pedo", it's self by the way.

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