
John McClain #fundie hbr.org

Men and women are valuable in different ways. For the most part men have historically been the innovators, leaders, and geniuses of society because of their sexual drive and the fact that unlike women sex is not given to them but it is something that must be earned. Men's drive for sexual relations with women pushes them to succeed, innovate, and create. If women stop feeding the sexual fantasy that men desire or if men are able to get some form of sex without a relationship, men tune out, turn off, and drop out and civilization goes into decline. For the most part women don't need to work as hard to get sex by becoming well known for something you contributed for to get people to respect you. When men reach the height of their careers or elevate in social status and power more opportunities for relationships with women become available and this is an ego boost for men. Same with comedy, notice how female comedians are not as funny as male comedians. They don't need to be because they don't need to be admired or respected to get sex. It's evolution in action. If you are a guy and can do something amazing you have a greater likelihood of attracting females and siring more off spring. Women don't really need to prove themselves in this way to get sex because men just want to know if you're healthy, fit, and can bear offspring. In this day and age more jobs can be done by women, so many have decided to find a sperm donor and raise children on their own but their is no innate need or drive to go above and beyond because reproductively they're more conservative whereas men it's high risk and high reward because a man if very successful can sire far more children than a woman who is limited by her reproductive years whereas a man can potentially sire hundreds of children.

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