
Incog Man #racist incogman.net

The first teaser trailer for the upcoming superhero movie Black Panther has been released, and it offers us an exciting glimpse of how Africa would look if the White man hadn’t colonized it.

In summary, it’s “We Wuz Kangs” on jenkem. Flying spaceships, sprawling metropolises, advanced infrastructure— this honkeyless utopia has it all.

Moreover, in the trailer, Gollum tells Bilbo how it came to be: the primitive Africa we see in National Geographic is “all a front,” and that the real Africa – Futurama with Blacks – is secretive and hidden, presumably to protect itself from White slavemasters.

Some spic provides additional information about the trailer for Affinity magazine:

In the trailer within just the first few seconds we see a white man, Everett K. Ross, who is interviewing another man, Klaw, describing the most common stereotypes about countries in Africa. Soon he is asked about what knows of Wakanda, soon we see visuals of a place the interviewee calls “El Dorado” and how it is not in South America, it is in Africa and it’s actually Wakanda. He proceeds to explain how anyone who had gone to “explore” it did not come out alive.

Wakanda: Jew Hollywood CGI makes black fantasies come true! [INCOG]

That right there in just two minutes drops the trope of defenseless Africans who need help, and shows what African countries could have been without its colonization. Where instead of showing a story of a white hero who comes to aid the people it shows those who have hidden their culture to keep it safe.

Well— I don’t really know what to say.

Mocking this film is like mocking a child’s drawing; you feel bad for doing it, because you’re denigrating the work of undeveloped beings, but sometimes you just can’t help yourself.

It’s worth pointing out that while this film is ridiculous to us, a lot of Africans-in-America really believe in its underlying premise: that if Whites hadn’t traveled to Africa, then Blacks would have developed advanced cities that put London or New York to shame.

Though this film is a mostly Black production, Jews are to blame for promoting this ridiculous narrative throughout the decades.

Stan Lee, the co-creator of the Black Panther character, is a rat-faced kike.

The film isn’t out until February 2018 (aka Black History Month), but it’s never too early to state the obvious: no one should be supporting this trash!

I know it’s ludicrous and OTT, and we want to laugh at niggers pretending to be humans, but these films do genuine damage to our societies. They spit on the generosity we gave the other races, promote self-hatred among weak-minded Whites and, worst of all, radicalize Blacks into killing us because we stole their blueprints for theoretical computation systems back in 1500 AD.

Let’s vote with our wallets and give this film the Red Tails treatment!

Nobody paid to see Red Tails (aka “We Wuz Pilots”), and the studio lost tens of millions of dollars. We should do the same with other anti-White films.


You might think this crap is funny and all, but think again. The Jewish brainwashers are bound and determined to rewrite history making blacks look heroic — no matter if it’s patently full of BS. They are doing it as non-obtrusively as possible, so as to not awaken too many of us Whites to the deal.

You can see this BS all the time on TV like the National Geographic channel. They’ve been bought out by the international Jew media octopus and they’ve been pushing PC bull like crazy these days. All their documentary shows are now jam-packed with black “experts” and heroic black actors in recreated historical scenes. Except for the evil Nazis of course!

I saw a thing a month or two ago where they made the first “evolved” people to migrate into Europe as black (part of the long-running “Out of Africa” anthropology agenda), versus the White-colored, more primitive Neanderthals. Also, pay attention to the “History” Channel, too. They made Hannibal of Carthage black last year. King Tut was shown as black on a National Geographic magazine cover and ABC did a piece on the nightly news portraying Cleopatra of the Ptolemies as black. Total BS!

Blacks are pretty much the sorriest, most violent and criminal race on the planet. Always have been, actually.

How can they do all this? Because they can, that’s why. Say anything and they’ll call you a racist. Get the big head job they’ve pulled on us White people now?

Tell a friend!

“History” channel’s 2016 “Roots” producer Mark Wolper. His “daddykins” (“kins”– stupid Jew endearment appendage) was David Wolper, the original Jew responsible for “Roots” brainwashing campaign back in the 1970’s. Subversive Jew creeps like this little punk have been making dough jacking the homies and White liberals for decades. [INCOG]

Bob #racist incogman.net

Whites can start by refusing to watch or patronize any form of nigger ball. It is beyond me how an intelligent white person can derive any enjoyment at watching a pack of niggers chasing a ball. You have nothing better you can do with your time? Yes, they can do a few nifty tricks with the ball since they are jungle monkeys, but it is boring and if you have seen one nigger ball game you have seen them all. And who cares if one group of niggers wins some kind of “championship” over another group of niggers? How does that affect the white viewer? Plus you will probably get early Alzheimer’s watching this mindless nigger mush.

Hoff #fundie incogman.net

The faggot Black Obama is set to declare a national monument recognizing the right of men to have anal sex with other men.

It is good to know that Obama is focusing in on real issues. After all, the right of faggots to have sex with one another is a cherished and fundamental human right. It is recognized by the UN charter and is enshrined in the American Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson once said that America can not be a free nation unless men are freely allowed to violate each other’s rectums.

Takeaway the jews and there would be no everlasting homosex propaganda. Nada, nill, zero.

INCOG MAN #racist incogman.net

Time For A New American Revolution!

It’s Long Past Time We Teach The Stinking Spoiled Brats a Little Respect!

Are you not sick and tired of the non-stop Negro BS every minute? You can’t turn on the TV for a lousy GD five minutes before we have to listen to this out-of-control race yapping away over something bad a “racist” White did to one of their criminal street gangstas — “dindus” who never, ever do anything wrong (“he be good boy” they stupidly insist).

Then right away during the commercial break, we see them beaming — all happy and crap in nice, new, clean clothes — comfortably living over here instead of filthy Africa or Haiti. Plus, the backstabbing Jews in the media always make them out as the good guys and heroes in movies and TV — never, ever the murderous criminals and worthless economic parasites like most of them are in real life.

Here’s the deal, my friend: Nothing will ever please the truly spoiled and rotten black brats. The point to all the politically correct BS and latest ginned-up black victim tempest-in-a-teapot is to keep the White race intimidated and distracted while they destroy our morality, our political demographics and continue the gradual, silent genocide of us in our own lands. Up to now, the bastards have gotten away with it, too, because the White race has really been too nice for its own good.

You think I’m just being a big “hater” guy for no good reason? One who might run off and hurt some poor widdle innocent Afro Americans who never do anything bad? And it’s only us White people who can ever be racist, right? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE GD COFFEE. Blacks brutally murder White people all the time (click “continue reading” for a few). Racist black mobs even attack us on the street just because of us being White. The Jew media works hard not to report on all this — they want the regular White person to stay stupid and asleep — instead of getting all up in their faces with pitchforks and stuff.

Every so often, I do up a photo montage of recent murders of Whites by blacks and keep them on a page up under my banner called “WHITE VICTIMS.” Go there and scroll down for a minute or two and you’ll get what I’m saying.

The Nation-Wrecking bastards doing all this to our country literally bank on you keeping your mouth shut (the real motive behind “PC”). When they do succeed in re-engineering society (like the recent traitorous SCOTUS ruling for gay marriage and totally bizarre tranny crap), you can see them acting gleeful and smug all over the TV. The stinking, lousy GD punks have actually been in a silent guerilla war against our race.

These people cannot allow for any truth contrary to the sacred “PC” tenants to reach the masses. They never cared one bit when a White person gets victimized by the darker races. Sometimes the hypocrites even have the nerve to say “we had it coming” — like each of us deserve it because we’re White and possibly have slave holder ancestry or secretly conspire among each other to hold back the noble Negro.

If anything, us Whites have done everything possible to give the black brats a leg up.

And it’s quite unbelievable how wacked out the multicult freaks are. They’ve now got all kinds of ridiculous BS theories out there like “White privilege” they use to justify their White-hating programs and insane reasoning.

In fact, not only does the lying media, but the NWO government actually promotes such things in our lands. Little unpaid guys like me are doing everything we possibly can to warn you on what’s going down — and always on a shoe-string budget.

Trust me: Once they have any kind of success, the White-haters want even more. Every day, it will get much, much worse for our race and Christianity. Before our eyes, they are turning us all into a degraded, satanic, moronic, spat-upon minority in our own lands.

Arm up (while you still can), speak out to friends and family — spread the message of what the creeps are doing. You, reading here RIGHT THE FLOCK NOW, can contribute a little something to the now rapidly growing awakening of the White race.

Thank you.

Phillip Marlowe #racist incogman.net

Well, it now looks like the nutcase Andreas Lubitz, the German co-pilot who flew the plane with 149 people aboard into a mountain in France the other day, might have been a crazy Jew homosexual. I would not be the least bit surprised. Jews and homos are not only disgusting perverts, but also wacked enough in the head to do practically anything to perfectly innocent stranger goyim (regardless of any fellow Jews onboard).

Lubitz is a common Jew surname for Slavic Jews. [...] It's also rumored the guy visited Israel 10 separate times in the last year alone. Why is unknown. Maybe he had an Israeli lover boy there. Maybe he was trained by the MOSSAD, or simply liked sex vacations to the self-proclaimed homo capital of the world: Tel Aviv. Or maybe even all three, since the MOSSAD likes recruiting those with solid blackmail potential. Hard to tell when the media stays silent on so many Jewy subjects!

Yep, Jews and homos are birds of a feather. One possible clue to gayness is what appears to be bipolar depression he suffered. Gays often become confused suicidal psychos from their immoral, insanely filthy behavior (especially when high and drunk) or their deeply held fears that they might be damned to the burning fires of hell!


Let me just state for the record: Most straights have little idea of how nasty and foul homos are. Either that, or they purposefully blank such crap out of their heads. Like with the ever-so-innocent Negroes and Jews, they know it’s PC dangerous to talk bad about the gays, too. Besides, it makes a regular person puke!

Also remember, is that homos are often quite nutty, depressed and alcoholic. Your usual brainwashed libtard might find such individual types endearing or entertaining in some twisted way, but getting exposed to a lot of them together would quickly turn their stomachs with how they act. They really are depraved and disgusting.

Getting back to Lubitz boy, the German Kamikaze co-pilot who smashed 149 living people into a mountainside in France: Yep, it’s quite possible the dude was a nutjob Jew homo. Don’t know for any certainty, but it’s my “edJEWcated” guess that he was.

Phillip Marlowe #racist #homophobia incogman.net

I remember back when I was in college, I used to live in this small, nicely renovated 1930’s era building [...] Beneath me lived this skinny, kind of freaky-looking Jew. Obviously gay, too. Crudely bleached-blond spiky hair, lisping voice, pinched, rat-like face, always acting excitable or depressed — given to wildly alternating swings in demeanor — the whole nine yards for weirdo Jew homosexuals.

For some reason the homo thought I was a nice guy (I really am kind of personable). Maybe I didn’t treat him like other straights or maybe he just had the hots for my sexy White tushie — I don’t know. I hung out with rather wild people back then, even went out a few times to this nearby homo nightclub with my totally debauched and bootylicious Art Department girlfriend — a fetching auburned-haired girl who liked dancing to disco and booming electronic music of the time. Ah: The things I once did for love!

And I was completely sure the downstairs homo knew I was straight, considering all the college babes hanging out at my “pad” with me and my Neo-sixties hippie Jewish roommate (yep, INCOG lived with a pot-smoking Jew for about a year).

One day the downstairs faggot stopped by for a visit. He wanted to give me something since he was moving down to the New Orleans to join the homo “community.” What on earth could it be, I wondered?

We went out to the nice little porch we all had overlooking the street, where he unwrapped it for me. It was GD dog skull! Immaculately cleaned with all the teeth perfectly in place. Bizarre. The morbid freak told me he collected various animal skulls as a hobby and had an extra one to give me [...] I later gave the skull a decent burial out in the woods. For real. I was scared the gayboy might have gave me some bad faggot or Jew juju. Who knows? As for him, I never heard anything more, thank God. Chances are, he turned into a shambling petri dish and croaked during the AIDS “holocaust” by then starting to spread across gay “communities.” Hell, thinking back, it looked like the little homo already had “slim disease” (and no, homo-loving libtards, I’m perfectly clean, even have a solid rating with the American Red Cross for blood donations).


So, you might say I’m relatively familiar with gay type people. Or at least the ones from a couple of decades ago. I’m fairly certain they are still just as disgusting and wacked in the head now, as they were then. Probably more so, looking at some of the photos coming out of places like San FranSICKO these days.

Phillip Marlowe #racist incogman.net

[On 2015 teen comedy film "The Duff"]

This suits Zio-Hollywood. They want the goyim's daughters to grow up to be shiksa. [...] Zio-Hollywood saturates its productions with inticing images of drug and alcohol use because it sees Jews as being relatively less vulnerable to these images than Goyim. Orthodox Jews, which are the reproductive core of the Jewish tribe, shield their children from Zio-Hollywood, and non-Orthodox Jews tend to be wealthy enough to keep their kids busy with healthier extra-curricular activities and are less dependent on the television set as a babysitter.


So it should be no wonder that Zio Hollywood is intentionally undermining the sexual morality aspect of what University of Massachusetts Professor Josh Lambert disparagingly refers to as America’s “family-friendly culture.” If young goyim get drawn into sex in their early and mid-teens, they will be less likely get into good colleges, where European Americans already face major discrimination. Combined with drug and alcohol use and saturated with an unhealthy and anti-intellectual mass media, the young “shiksa” are being put on a path of being a single mother perhaps to a single child where they will struggle to get by with low-paying, low-skill jobs. Meanwhile, Orthodox Jewish girls will stay at home and raise large families while non-Orthodox Jewish girls will tend towards more important and higher paying careers.

The bottom line: Zio-Hollywood knows that shiksa training films like “The Duff” are “good for the Jews.”

Phillip Marlowe #fundie incogman.net

Zionist Jew-controlled ABC News and blond Shiksa, Diane Sawyer, made an obscenely huge media blitz last week over an interview with one time olympic hero and reality TV show star Bruce Jenner. They made it out like he was such a nice, lovable guy who just simply wanted to "live as a woman." I watched most of the interview and let me tell you: The guy is a FREAK!


And it's not only "the bathroom issue" in high schools, either. I don't want to be wildly French kissing some babe I thought was hot, and then find out said babe has a big old nasty unit, once I get south of the Mason Dixon line with my "ministrations." Now that would really gross me the hell out! Go ahead, call me a big hater boy for being this way over things.

Now your stinking freelance social engineers and libtards would say "oh, you're just a latent homo, INCOG man, for even thinking that could happen." Total BS. It thrills homos to no end to fake out us straights, or whom they call "breeders." Faking one of us out, gives them proof positive of looking oh-so-hot.

And no, I've never had that happen to me before.


I remember one time walking in a city, when I turned a corner and found myself face-to-face with these two absolutely trippy-looking Negro cross-dressing homosexual prostitutes. [...] I might have talked a little with them. Sure, they were certainly scoping me out as a potential customer, but I assure you I wanted nothing to do with them, other than making my usual zoological observations to later fuel my hate-filled ravings here at INCOG MAN.


Another time, I was drunk as a skunk, pulling up to my city apartment [...] There was a tranny street walker taking a shortcut down this alleyway behind my building. It was a White guy (or Jew) dressed to the nines in a tight-fitting sequined dress and an honest-to-god purple beehive hairdo.

I rolled down my window to do a little jive-talking (I enjoy getting subtly confrontational with wackos for my own personal amusement). When "IT" leaned down, I could see a big as hell adam's apple in the glow of the street lights and also noticed black beard stubble starting to poke out through the heavy makeup base. Sexy. [...] I really was just a clean-cut young Whitey boy [...] way, way out of his league in the world of sin.

Phillip Marlowe #racist incogman.net

Other countries have Earthquakes - America has Blackquakes.

What we got, folks, is an ugly, brutal race destroying America. Lincoln and plenty of others wanted to ship them back to Afreaka after the Civil War. Hell, they even had a country already set up to return them (Liberia, with the capital city of Monroeville named after a US president). True fact, look it up, fool.

Instead, us Whites are being made to make our beds with this race by the "powers that be." Ever think about that one?

Yep, the filthy lousy Jews have been using this race to slowly and methodically destroy ours. You think that's BS? Plenty of things have been come out over the decades clearly showing this to be the case. They've planned all this since day-friggin'-one.

And yeah, sure, Whites do commit horrible crimes, too. In fact, even that is getting worse by the day. The filthy, immoral Jews have been driving all of us crazy - black, White, brown, yellow. Every time you turn around, they are pushing for some kind of bizarre social change - in addition to ever-increasing sick, insanely violent movies and TV. Any race of people, including our own, are apt to go nuts with Jewry having a free hand.

Plus, they've relentlessly been propagandizing us about Hitler, the Nazis, WWII and black victimhood across the entire media spectrum. Surely, you've noticed?

Someone once told me that "blacks are the symptom, while Jews are the disease." Now I know.

Phillip Marlowe #fundie incogman.net

Notice how FOX news (so fair and balanced) spends all it’s time on ISIS and “the threat of Muslim extremists” and reports hardly anything on the advance of the Gay Agenda (especially the brainwashing now going on in schools). This is because FOX people actually supports faggotry. Do you really, honest-to-God still think this channel gives a flying monkey’s ass about decent White Christian America?

Jimmy #conspiracy incogman.net

I have seen with my own eyes how Satanists and Freemasons work for the Jews. Satanism and Freemasonry are just gentile extensions (servants) of the Jewish agenda.


These Jews practice sorcery and witchcraft spell casting which is devastating to our people who are not aware of it and how it works. Our useless Freemason infiltrated Churches are not engaging in spiritual warfare because they are with the enemy and even deny it exists.

This woman Andrea Herrington [a.k.a. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich of Joy of Satan] is working for the Jews, she is a Satanist high priestess and her husband Cliff Herrington was leader of the American Nazi party, they are plants to lead white people nowhere and to make white separatists appear crazy fools, see the 60 minutes show on the American Nazi party, how they could agree to a Jew network interview and co-operation is beyond me. Only because they are plants infiltrators to trash and smash white hopes. That 60 minutes did what it was supposed to do, portray the American Nazi party as losers and thus defeat the idea of white liberation in the minds of the white nation.


She used the name Maxine Dietrich to front this organization because it is German sounding.

So she is promoting the Nazi Satanist image yet is not using her own name but a German name.

This is a deliberate attempt to smear Germans as Satanists.

The Jews do all they can to lead whites away from Christianity because there is real power in it to defeat the Satanic/Luciferian spell casting and sorcery they rely on. The Holy Spirit of Jesus gives true knowledge and discernment to a praying believer something Jews don't want.

INCOG MAN #fundie incogman.net

Someone here tipped me off to the Guardian UK's article about a lesbian Jew couple living in San FranSicko, now purposefully raising a handicapped little boy as a girl. I went and checked it out, and sure enough it, the story was all to real (as if I would be surprised). Plus, it had some seriously Jewy photos [...]

Now called "Tammy," the two year-old deaf boy was adopted by two Jew dykes and somehow told them in sign language that he was really a girl. Yeah, like I bet that's what happened. So the Jew dykes used that lying BS story as an excuse to raise the child up as a transgender female (he still has his unit - at least for now).

But get this: The boy is now 11 and so the evil Jew dykes have started pumping him full of hormone blocking drugs to prevent normal puberty from developing his body into a male. What if the poor, screwed-up boy decides he frees himself from the clutches of those two Jew witches? What if they have his weiner whacked off first? [...]

The deviant Jews now feel free to parade any kind of vileness out in the open. They don't care. Say JACK, they'll just call you a "hater" or the usual "Nazi," and people will start giving you the HELL instead. See how great PC works for the immoral Jews?

INCOG MAN (Phillip Marlowe) #fundie incogman.net

Folks, this is much, much more than a war against greedy international Jew bankers and globalists; it's not just about Israel's genocides of the Palestinians or what they make America do to the Muslim world, either. This is also a war for our own race's morality and the very future of our White children.

And it doesn't matter if you're religious or not. This kind of thing takes us all into the gutter, whittling away what's left of the great America day-by-day. And don't sit there and stupidly blow it off as nothing but conspiracy nonsense: You know exactly what I'm talking about!

Do you want to see a country filled with all sorts of vile, twisted sickness - White children turned into street hookers, homos and freaky transgenders, while the entire country is overwhelmed with Third Worlders and crime? All the while, we just sit around twiddling our thumbs instead of our trigger fingers.

You think this is all BS from some Nazi guy? Just turn on your TV and channel surf for about five minutes and think back on what they used to not say or show a few years ago versus what they do now. And it will just keep getting worse.

This is what happens when we let the subversive Jews control the media!

Jews are doing it because they really hate White people, want to destroy our family life, Christianity, and social institutions, right along with being sick puppies themselves. Once they gain the least bit of power, they begin corrupting the surrounding White population with money, sex, porn, liquor or whatever evil vice out there. Jews know how to exploit the Gentile's weaknesses while getting filthy rich off it, too.

Anything now goes in the sick Jew World Order!

INCOG MAN #fundie incogman.net

Could Jews Get Any More Gay?

FACE THE FACTS, Jews: You love being Gay. The whole gay thing, or "lifestyle," is your thingy - another reason why you live in cities, why you loiter around public restrooms, why you're wearing that string thong up your butt crack as you now sit here reading this - gay crap thrills you to the core. You're a big faggot and it's high time you face up to it like a... well, not a man. Something sick, for sure.

And that's why you support Gay "Rights" so much, just in case you have to come out of the closet for good, but also to sleaze-up White countries (always fun for the Jews). But many of you have already come out of the closet, as we can see from the huge listing of Jews in the Gay business [...]

You Jews always try to turn every country you infest into sick, corrupt and vile societies. You tried to do the very same thing to the Weimar republic in Germany during the 1920's, but the people said "to hell with that" and elected Adolf Hitler to put a stop to your perverted visions.


[There is a picture of demonstrators from Dayenu, a Jewish LGBT organization.]

Not only do Jews dominate the Gay rights agenda, even being queer themselves is openly celebrated (like the Aussie Jews above). Jews have always been notorious buggerists and lezbos; the rest of Jewry - those few not really gay or bi - actively support the homo agenda (other very sick stuff, too) and openly use the whole gay schmeil to hide behind (they've succeeded in doing this everywhere). It's all a part of screwing-up the White race, Christianity and any decent values. Wake the hell up to these sick people!

Incog Man #racist incogman.net

While scrolling through my special Jew photo folder on my hard drive — seeing how massive it’s now become — this one huge, salient fact stared me right in the face: Khazar Jews* pretty much spend their free time protesting over just about anything — all the while taking pictures of themselves smiling happily and eating (often as they plan out more protesting).

I kid you not. Lots of times when you go to some Jew website, they’ll have a special photo section of themselves doing precisely this. While most regular White people relax, go fishing, golfing or maybe do some yard work, Jews are marching around with signs downtown, or inside eating pizza or bagels while training to be even bigger pains in the ass to a nation.

They love photos of themselves out protesting. From supporting a foreign country (Israel); to absolutely any kind of socially and nationally destructive movement (like abortion, homo rights and illegal immigration). You can practically hear them telling themselves: “Oh look at me everybody, I’m such the revolutionary! Just like Abbie Hoffman, huh?”

All this is so important to being a Nation Wrecker, you know. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it with these hypocrite trouble-makers!

It’s virtually certain all these soft Jews have cushy office jobs during the week (thanks, Uncle Ari!). So to get a little outdoor time, they like marching around and raising Cain about something. Either that or getting on the Internet (even here) and making pests of themselves for Jewry and/or Israel.

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