
Age of Shitlords #fundie medusamagazine.com

Hello Readers of Medusa Magazine. My name is {redacted} and I own ageofshitlords.com. Before I begin, I just want to state that yes, this website is satire. It has always been and will always be satire—. but I don’t blame anyone for thinking otherwise. Myself and the fellow Shitposters who operated and published articles on this website while it lasted pride ourselves on writing fairly believable satire with just enough retardation to keep our readers in constant doubt. This has been fun, but all good things have to come to an end. I am shutting down this website because recent events have proven to us that it is no longer possible to satirize the Feminist left.

To prove that this was a hoax all along, a couple months ago when I first got the idea for this website, I posted about it on my Facebook page.

The post is still visible on Facebook today:


Naturally, we waited a couple weeks before putting our plans into action, but the motive remained the same; to create a website to satirize the far left and the so-called “Social Justice Warriors” who infect it. Since starting the blog, our articles have been featured on several media publications like Info-wars, The Federalist, The Gateway Pundit, and several other websites that fell for our prank, including one Russian website that covered our article calling for “White abortions“, as proof of how politically correct the west has become.

But while everyone else was falling for our satirical articles, others weren’t buying it. Some users of Reddit’s r/kotakuinaction subreddit took it upon themselves to investigate and prove that the website was indeed owned by the same people operating Age Of Shitlords. Also, a special hat-tip to the nosy writer of the blog why evolution is true, who kept pestering and gathering information to prove that this site was indeed a parody. But then again, they were only able to come to that conclusion due to my own personal clumsiness.

As a general principle and for security reasons, I always use a fake name and identity when buying a domain name online. I just so happened to use the same fake name to buy medusamagazine.com that I had used to buy ageofshitlords.com a year ago. Ba Dum Tss. The rest of the deduction was easy from there. A few people made the connection between Age Of Shitlords and Medusa magazine and concluded that the later was probably just the owner of Age Of Shitlords taking a piss. In my defense, I didn’t bother hiding the ageofshitlords-medusamagazine connection because I didn’t expect the website to go viral so fast and as much as it did.

But back to to the original topic, we are shutting down our rather hilarious project because we can no longer compete with our competition. We have come to realize that our competition is not other satirical websites, but rather the people we are trying to satirize. About a week ago, after a short hiatus from the website and in light of the recent sexual assault allegations currently afflicting Hollywood, we put out another article titled “Why we should believe women who accuse right wingers of rape more than those who accuse liberals”. The article is a total caricature intended to be as ridiculous as possible, basically arguing that because liberals are good people, we should forgive them when they rape women. We thought no one in the world could possibly hold views as ridiculous as that, so we wrote it as satire and published it.

So imagine our surprise when an actual Feminist and self-proclaimed expert on “rape culture” wrote an article for The Washington Post no less, using the same rational and reasoning as our satirical article that was written just a few days before:


And this batshit-insane Feminist isn’t alone in her thinking, others seem to share her views on the topic:



And that is why we are shutting down this website. Because there is no point in operating a caricature website of Feminism anymore when real life Feminists are now more insane than any caricature we could ever dream up. If you enjoyed our content and are sad to see us go, then just go follow any legitimate Feminist blog or any of the many obnoxious Feminists on Twitter. Their content is the same as ours.

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