
Audi #sexist money.cnn.com

An Audi commercial equating women to used cars has riled up consumers in China.

The Chinese commercial opens with a young couple on the cusp of getting married, when the groom's mother suddenly interrupts the ceremony to inspect the bride.

After yanking the bride's nose and ears, and prying open her jaw to inspect her teeth, the mom appears satisfied and gives the couple the okay. She casts one last disapproving look at the bride's chest before the scene changes to an Audi driving through city streets as a voice-over says "an important decision must be made carefully."

The ad ends with a plug for used Audi vehicles, with the male narrator saying: "Only with official certification can you be rest assured."

It did not go over well.

yopni kov #conspiracy money.cnn.com

I admire your persistence but you are far too well-informed, insightful, logical and rational to be posting here. Those debating you have been swilling the Kool-Aid for so long it's doubtful they'll ever realize what's really happening; that is, just how powerful the ultra-wealthy really are (the 1% of the world's population that owns 99% of its wealth). The doctor who made the connection between autism (ASD) and vaccines (which is just one of their dangers) lost his license not due to incompetence but because those in power own, among other key industries, what cliche' loving automatons call "Big Pharma" and the largest media outlets (who broadcast the news they want us to hear). Ruining that British doctor/researcher was key to perpetuation of the illusion that vaccines are miracle-working drugs that have saved humans from myriad diseases, etc. The fact that, for example, the House of Rothschild is still one of the world's largest international bank and still, as it has for centuries, sets the price of gold every day in London, and does so with the blessing and assistance of their peer families (e.g. Rockefeller) is neither conspiracy nor theory (as you undoubtedly know). It's just the way it is but good luck successfully explaining that to someone who gets his/her news only from CNN, MSNBC, FOX, et al. (And, I'm almost certain that negative responses to this post will, at best be insults; usually making reference to tin foil hats etc. That's all they have because refuting the truth can't be done anyway.

[second post]

And, I'm almost certain that negative responses to this post will, at best, be insults; usually making reference to tin foil hats etc. That's all some people have because refuting the truth can't be done anyway. You won't read a single genuine refutation of the grip those populating the top of the pyramid have on the planet. You won't read a single rebuttal to the mounds of anecdotal evidence provided by the unfortunate parents whose babies have been brain damaged by vaccines. I happen to work in an industry that has brought me into contact with more of these families than I care to recall. Anyway, instead of beginning their "inquiries" without preconceived ideas and with some objectivity, they'll do what so many "sheeple" do: continue denying obvious truth in order to embrace lies because believing the lies feels a lot better. They don't want to believe that their governments are shams, their leaders are shills and puppets and that whatever their "government" may be, the welfare of the people whom it has subjugated is the lowest of its priorities. (They may want to consult, for example, the survivors of Hurricane Katrina for verification of this claim.) Anyway, they, and most of the rest of the world, will continue to grope for answers to the problems we face. They will scour everywhere except where the answer lies and in fact, ridicule those who dare mention the answer. Divorced from God, we can do nothing right and instead we invite calamity. Yet that truth, not only is sans any political correctness, mostly it serves to rouse the demons of those who have pitted themselves against God and His Christ. Anyway, time for me to go so you can read the derision (troll, Jesus-freak, tin foil hat wearing...etc. etc. etc.) that usually follows a post having too many "truth bombs"; another interesting phrase that's now popular though not anywhere close to my personal favorite: "common sense". Years ago it was...now it's more like "extraordinary brilliance". Best regards...bye for now.

Dennis Wright #conspiracy money.cnn.com

Vaccines are dangerous, that's why the drug manufacturers don't want to be held liable, why do you think this was created?http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html

Why aren't the big Pharma Companies just as liable for the effects of their products as I am liable for my actions that bring harm to others? How do they rate exemption from liability for the death and destruction their vaccine shots cause? Oh I forgot, cuz we are stupid and they have lots of money to foist pro-vaccine propaganda on the world.

Donald Trump #fundie money.cnn.com

In a speech at the U.S.S. Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, on Monday, Trump referenced the use by ISIS of social media as a recruitment tool. He recommended a discussion with Bill Gates to shut off parts of the Internet.

"We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

NetScanr #racist money.cnn.com

Univision should be banned. Official forms/documents, etc. should be in English ONLY. Hispanics get away with their refusing to learn English only because we let them. Its time to shut this down. Have everything in English. If they don't understand English, well they just found the perfect motivator to learn!

Marty Kirschner #conspiracy money.cnn.com

The Govt does not control the currency...the Federal Reserved does. The U.S Govt gave up tat right by an act of congress in 1913 when the Fed was created. It's a banking cartel owned and operated by the banks that control everything.

mark_p93561 #fundie money.cnn.com

You can't force people to bow down to your faith and belief systems of sickness, fear, disease and death or charge them money and imprison them if they don't, just because they believe in a Higher more powerful and Loving Eternal, Omnipotent, Omnipressent God that has All power over All of your false gods, blasphemies and idolatries you worship, Obama. God will stop you! Jesus the living Christ, God and The Holy Spirit power of God, which cannot be removed, is in and around us in the light, sun, air, water, sun, solar flare and substance, is our physician and you cannot force us to bow down to your idolatry, blasphemies and false gods Obama-nation king of babylon, your fire will not burn us as tried in Daniel 3, but your own fire shall be on yourself with the fire of Our God, The Righteous and pure Man's collective conscience against mortality, disease, greed, exploitation of wages, homosexuals, murderers, wars and death. The righteous and pure has removed the daily sacrifice and Obama has set up the Obamanation of dessolation.

Reverent Bill Lawson #fundie money.cnn.com

The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay [the same Kenneth Lay whose corruption scandals lead to the downfall of Enron] with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared.

"He was taken out of the world right at the right time," he said. "History has a way of vindicating people who have been wronged."

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