
ElProximo #fundie movie-forumz.org

It's funny how when people bring up this debate that the topic is always brought back to Darwin. Darwin was a great man who came up with a theory that actually has nothing to do with modern Biology. But it is what has come since Darwin's theory was realized that has virtually proven that evolution did not and could not occur and is still continuing to do so. Genetics, the field of science established by Christian Creationist Gregor Mendel, the human genome project, which was headed by an Evolutionist who describes his work as 'seeing the very language of God' along with the many other mappings of other species DNA, better technology in finding and categorizing fossils that plainly show stasis and that a fossil, in itself does not become 'transitional' just because it is 'declared and named such' and many more fields of excellent biological research all lead to the conclusion that Evolution is scientifically impossible

It's only now the uneducated few who still cling onto the 19th century ideas.

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