
Victoria Jackson #fundie radaronline.com

[Tweeted after the announcement that Obama had been reelected:]

Jackson tweeted on Tuesday night: "I can’t stop crying. America died."

It was just the beginning of the vocal Tea Party supporter’s commentary. She also told her followers: "The Democrat Party voted God out and replaced Him with Romans 1. In the Good vs Evil battle—today—Evil won."

wrong is wrong #fundie radaronline.com

Why do you mock someone that is against gay marriage? I believe in God, if you don't that's fine. You're differing view doesn't change what I know. We are God's children and he has a plan for us. There is a reason we are on this earth. We're here to grow and become better people. God wants to allow us to become more like him but that can only happen when we follow his plan.

There is eternal truth in this world, whether you accept it or not. If you think beyond this cold little rock we live on, you'll find we're part of something bigger. There is a plan and there are rules. What's wrong is wrong, and it ALWAYS will be. God wants a man and a woman to have children and raise a family much like he is now raising us (when we acknowledge him).

This world wants to do whatever it wants and expects everyone to just say it's ok. Some people have feelings within them that will not accept this; it's called character. It's standing up for what you truly believe in instead of just going to church on Sunday and forgetting the rest of the week. Why would you mock someone that believes a truth and then lives by it?

The world wants to label you as "in-tolerant" if you do not accept wrongdoings along with the people that practice them. I agree that people that practice homosexuality should not be denied every human right, but a perversion of marriage is wrong. IT ALWAYS WILL BE. Love the sinner but hate the sin.

Should I just let everyone live how they want to and mind my own business? Sure, until you affect my community, society, government, and world views. I have to stand against that, and I always will.

Seneca #fundie #homophobia radaronline.com

[This is a comment at Radar, a cool secular site. The article this person is commenting on mocks attempts to make opposition to same-sex marriage look "hip".]

It's not "sad." The chickens are coming home to roost for the militant homosexual sub culture. Marriage between a man and woman, in church, still results in a legal civil union. Smart homosexuals know that it's the legal commitment that binds us in the eyes of the law. Homosexual attacks on Christianity are hate crimes. If you want a legally binding union with your partner, then get it handled and live your monogamous life.

Our pop culture has allowed the media to make heroes out of men who knowingly engage in high risk (heath by AIDS) behavior. These criminals who have unprotected sodomy with other homosexuals should be sentenced to life in prison -- just like any other person who attempts to infect a victim with a deadly decease.

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