
Save White People! #racist savewhitepeople.com

It wasn't until his death this Friday and all the coverage that I was able to understand what a disgraceful race traitor [Dick Clark] was. He hosted "American Bandstand" which was long before my time, as a young guy.

Dick was the pioneer of race mixing. He was singlehandedly responsible for dragging mobs of blacks into White audiences to observe popular singers and performers. He also was responsible for such promiscuous and filthy pop stars like Michael Jackson (I know he died a White woman, but he's genetically a black man) and others. It is fair to say that Dick Clark ushered in the age of race-mixing.

The black boys in the background preying on young White women on the dance floors while smoking reefers. Black boys asking blonde-haired blue-eyed White princesses for a dance. Posters that your daughter might have of "50 Cent" and "Drake" and "Lil Wayne" on their walls are ALL because of Dick "Race Traitor" Clark.

Dick Clark, up until about a week ago, had a positive connotation attached to my mind. Now after his death he is exposed for who they are. Hey, they do say you really get to know someone after their heart stops beating right? Well Dick Clark, I say damn you. Damn you for playing such a big role and making millions of dollars as a result of the race-mixing, anti-White downfall of America, which was once the last bastion of White pride and solidarity.

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