
hirayama_ronin #fundie snew.github.io

[Responding to a post about an anti-fascist group posing as a Neo-Nazi woman online and tricking a Swedish Neo-Nazi into entering an online relationship with "her", then blackmailing him into revealing his fellow Nazis. Formatting from original.]

Hortén shared lots of material, not least dressed pictures and explicit audio files, and expressed in the conversation expressions of violent sexual fantasies that included, among other things, uncalled stripping and punishment sex. Hortén also acknowledged that he recently had a perennial porn addiction, which started already as a 12-year-old.

I always enjoy it when men shame other men for their own sexual practices. I makes me realize "MOT SEXISM" is really ultimately about hating men. (How is invoking a male's masturbation history not sexism?)

Then kidnapping, then black mail.

What a wonderful story.

[you must have missed the bit where he's a fucking nazi]

[Yeah, people seem to have this notion that normal rules of social conduct apply to Nazis.

It's like that Kentucky nazi who was killed by a drunk driver. Like, don't drive drunk, but if you do and kill a nazi, nothing of value was lost.]

You know what Nazi's believed? That if you killed a Jew, nothing of value was lost. You espouse, literally, the same moral attitude as the people you claim to oppose. The only difference is in who you want to eliminate. It's a fine line.

BasedMcCulloch #racist snew.github.io

[In response to a post titled "Italian "Trump" runs on deporting 500000 illegal immigrants. #MIGA"]

You're right. 500,000 is the tip of the iceberg. There needs to be a fucking purge. And none of the, "You have 18-months to leave..." bullshit. It needs to be a case of you leave tomorrow because after that you're to be treated as a hostile foreign invader and shot on sight.

It's time to put the fear of God into these third-world scum. Europe can no longer be the classless whore who spreads her legs for these brutish savages. Muslims and Africans alike need to fear Europe and speak of Europeans like one speaks of a bogeyman that disappears people in the night.


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