
Truth Quest History Series #fundie truthquesthistory.com

[a textbook sample from a history textbook touted for 5th to *12th* graders]

You knew it was coming! I told you in the last section Europe was on the eve of yet another
invasion! “How is that possible!?” you ask. Well, we know that pagans–who let their own
impulses rule as gods in their lives rather than acknowledging the supremacy of God and His
laws–are quite happy to prey on the weak. That is barbaric. Do you see? Paganism
automatically creates barbarism. Pound, pound, pound this truth into your head! When you are
tempted to be your own god by acting on your own wrong impulses, remember that you would
be acting like a pagan...which would lead you to do barbaric things, things which hurt others.

When the world around you says it wants to be free of God’s laws and makes that ‘freedom’
sound happy-go-lucky, a red flag better go up in your heart! For their quest is just a pretty
description of paganism...which will lead to barbarism. And to what does barbarism lead?
Destruction! Suffering! Pain!

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