[You declared that fish and amphibians are related. So I guess that makes you an evolutionist.]
Wow.....that wouldn't follow anyways!
Fish is a type of Amphibian in the first place. So thats just Speciation in action, not Evolution. <duh>
"Fish is a type of Amphibian in the first place."
No! And until you can find me a fish with 4 legs they never will be. Do these morons grow on trees?
Amphibians are 4 legged vertebrates while "fish" (a broader term couldn't possibly have been chosen) are animals that have a backbone but lack 4 limbs.
For more, please go back to the 7th grade.
"So thats just Speciation in action, not Evolution."
Riiiiight. Just like it's mutation, adaptation, natural selection, genetic drift, micro evolution etc. but what it's NOT is evolution.
I think scientist should adapt a new term for ToE then these mouth breathers would maybe crawl back to the hole from whence they came.
"Fish is a type of Amphibian in the first place."
Yes, and a rock is a type of bird.
"So thats just Speciation in action, not Evolution."
Just like putting one foot in front of the other isn't walking.
'most bewildering use of 'duh' award'?
... although, one could argue that a fish is a type of amphibian, or at least vice versa, within the continuity of evolution. 'fish' and 'amphibian' are just labels that have been given to the end processes of evolution that we see at present. when amphibians first evolved in the Carboniferous how would you unequivocally differentiate them from fish with leg-like fins etc.? Do you suppose that was what Yeshumarine was referring to?
"Do you suppose that was what Yeshumarine was referring to?"
Trying to think like a YEC (dangerous to my mental health, I know), they think organisms can change by losing information, but never by gaining it. Amphibians have gills and lungs; most fish have only gills. So by YEC logic, fish could have devolved from amphibians by losing their lungs and legs. Excuse me now while I go play some Scrabble to regain the IQ points I lost to think of shit like that.
The fundies are starting to realize that they can't deny the evidence. Soon we will hear, "Sure, I believe in descent from a common ancestor and natural selection working on random mutations. I just don't believe in evolution."
Right - oddly Catholicisms a little quiet about eating amphibians on Fridays...
And Jesus was a gigger of men was he?
Fuck idiot! Amphibians, like us and every other tetrapod, have pentadactyl limbs and evolved from lobe finned fishes.
Please buy a clue!
So thats just Speciation in action, not Evolution.
Do you do stand up? 'Cause the was fucking hilarious!
That post may actually be the most twisted comment on evolution I have ever seen.* And on this site, that is saying a lot.
~David D.G.
* (Well, within the top 5, anyway.)
"does anyone know what the original thread was about? I can't view it, and that post is so weird I'm really curious now."
Nothing interesting, just an argument about whether evidence was needed to support the claim that former evolutionary scientists had been converted to YECism.
The dividing line between fish and amphibians is blurred. Some have used the term "fishibian" to describe intermediate forms like tiktaalik , which were a complete hodgepodge of amphibian and fish features (scales, lungs, digits instead of fins, a rudimentary neck, a more fish-like skull).
Yeshumarine apparently doesn't realize his argument, if true, would shoot down the oft-stated creationist claim that there are no "transitional" fossils. In effect, he's claiming there are such fossils, but they represent micro-evolution. Creationists need to pick one hypothesis and stick to it.
CARM the gift that keeps on giving.
You are distantly related to fish.
Is mudskipper fish or amphibian ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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