Hurricane Katrina: whole swathes of the religious parts of Louisiana devastated, and churches completely annihilated, yet the very 'Sodom & Gomorrah'-esque French Quarter of New Orleans emerged with nary a scratch.
That 2 mile-wide tornado that hit Oklahoma several months ago. Y'know, Oklahoma: the religious Midwest:
Holland: to this day, a mainly Protestant country (King William of Orange, and all that jazz). Yet, soft drug use is tolerated; also legal brothels in it's capital Amsterdam. And...:
Like I say: Holland. Protestant. [/paradox]
Your call, Ruptured Retards.
"Later on in that page, the Raptards were linking the pride parade to an earthquake."
Yet, nothing's happened (and the above legal amendment was before 9/11; what some fundies blamed on homosexuality) in Holland. Like I say: An explanation is needed, RR.
Why 'earthquakes' as a method of your God's 'wrath', and only in specific parts of the world? Nah, can't be due to that part of the world (and others) being in a tectonically sensitive area, eh?! [/hyper-sarcasm]. Like I say: Holland. Cannabis-using & sex-a-go-go in Amsterdam. And same-sex marriage not only legal, but approved by the vast majority of that mainly Protestant country's population. Explain, please RR, and no Bible 'Apologetics' allowed, neither. And so what if you being argumentally cornered in this way causes you to [i]question[/i] your be[i]lie[/i]fs, resulting in you becoming an Atheist? Not my problem.