Terrie Briant #fundie topix.com
The bible says that we are not to marry outside our race. To believe what we are told in the bible, does not make us misfits! God knew ahead of time the turmoil biracial relationships would cause, because he designed it that way! To keep us from doing it! If we do not want this kind of confusion, don't go against what God told us not to do. He warned us of what would happen! Look and see for yourself! God is a lot more powerful and smarter than we are. Research the bible. And after that, some of you will be more the wiser. You will then rethink your responses, and know that it's wrong! Everyone here who thinks it's not wrong, you KNOW it's wrong in your hearts. I'm proud of that judge for doing what was only RIGHT in the eyes of GOD; for the good of any children they may have had, for the good of family, and for the good of society. Just as Barrack Obama said,"it was time for a change". We can't change God's word! So Barrack Obama, "You keep the change".