"The common denominator between mass-murderers Margaret Sanger, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung was a devotion to Charles Darwin's teachings on Natural Selection (aka, the survival of the fittest garbage)."
The phrase "survival of the fittest" wasn't coined by Darwin, Gilligan J. Sandusky. it was coined by a Herbert Spencer, and Darwin himself condemned the phrase.
Also, Darwin's work was banned in the Soviet Union, because they had more or less the same comprehension of the theory as you do, and thought that it was "capitalist science" because of its dog-eat-dog connotations. In response, they adopted a state-approved pseudoscience, known as Lysenkoism - the implementation of which probably contributed to the Ukrainian famines that killed millions.
Meanwhile, hardcore capitalists and robber barons - with the same grasp of evolution as you and the Soviets - tried to justify their cruel, heartless, predatory business practices under the guise of "social Darwinism" (another concept Darwin objected to). But I'm sure Gilligan J. Sandusky would never come out and say "capitalism is evil because Darwin".
Finally, Comrade Jesus was a proto-socialist. The early Christians lived communally (as did the ancient Hebrews). And here in America, the first socialist movements (including many that pre-dated Marx and Engels) were very, very Christian in character and philosophy.