TrueNameAmended #conspiracy #racist

If you’re ignoring the JQ, you’re wasting your time and might as well quit conspiracy research altogether.

Be forewarned, this will be lengthy.

Let me preface this by saying, if your gut reaction to someone bringing up the JQ is to screech “anti-Semite! Nazi!” then you are as brainwashed as the average MSM-watching average Joe who honestly believes Muslim highjackers brought down the World Trade Center. Literally no important distinction to be made in terms of critical thinking skills. You just have more diverse interests.

Acknowledging the JQ and its role in the events of the past, present and future, and its critical importance to almost all the conspiracy topics people have examined, does not make one a racist, anti-Semite, Notzee or any other buzzword created by the establishment to silence truth-tellers. Being a “Jew-hater” is absolutely not a prerequisite for honest examination of the JQ. Though, admittedly, the more information you absorb pertaining to the JQ, the easier it becomes to start thinking like those awful NOTZEES.

With that out of the way... The history of destructive Jewish behavior and contempt for non-Jews goes all the way back to before the time of Jesus Christ. The annals of (unsanitized) history are so full of examples of Jewish destruction that there is probably no single other subject that features so prominently. This is not a conspiracy, it’s fact. Jews have been expelled from over 100 countries throughout history. It’s safe to say, if you keep moving to a new neighborhood, and every time you do you’re thrown out, at some point you can’t blame your neighbors anymore. Their patterns of behavior and activities have forever remained unchanged, and everywhere they went, they wreaked havoc on the native population.

Also not a conspiracy, is the disproportionate presence Jews have in all the important sectors of western societies. Banking, media, academia, education, big pharma, publishing, federal agencies, the judiciary, big tech/Silicon Valley, and on and on and on. That a group comprising 2% of the American population wields the levers of power and influence to such an extent that they make decisions and exert influence over nearly all our country’s affairs almost exclusively, should in itself be off-putting to anyone with a highly-functioning brain. Again, this is not conspiracy theory, it is an easily verifiable fact.

Having established this fact, it stands to reason that most, if not all, of the conspiracies we study and discuss have behind them Jewish power players and Jewish influence. It also stands to reason that these actors behind the scenes driving these conspiracies are not acting on behalf of others, or towards the best interests of people or groups whose role in the major goings-on in our society and world are lesser than their own.

The next thing you must ask yourself is, what historical patterns are these people known for, and what are they working towards? What types of societal characteristics benefit them and reflect those patterns seen throughout history in other nations where they assumed powerful and influential roles? Who stands to gain from this conspiracy or that conspiracy, and in what way? And do those groups who stand to gain have a peculiarly ethnic profile? Go down the list of some of the major, future-altering conspiracies of the last, say, half century or so. Did the aftermath of those events produce favorable conditions or outcomes predominantly for one group of people? Name names, and the answer becomes clear.

When you take an honest look at the current state of affairs in the US and Europe, and you examine historical patterns, along with the groups and individuals spearheading these societal shifts, conspiracy theory becomes common sense. When you examine the former Weimar Republic, for example, and compare it with the transformation our western societies have undergone, they are shockingly similar. And the group driving those transformations is the same.

What one must understand about the Jews is, 99% of the time, their interests are antithetical to those of the host nation and population at large. At best, they consider themselves as “the other,” or perpetual outsiders, which influences their desire to disrupt homogeneous societies. It’s how they believe they protect themselves. At worst, however, consider their attitude towards Gentiles broadly, and white European Gentiles more specifically. Again, as a matter of historical fact, and their own words, values, cultural traditions, and most glaringly their “religious” doctrine (which, by the way, even non-religious Jews base their entire value system on). This is not conspiracy theory, though it can be said that not every Jew on Earth operates this way. Nevertheless, the cohesive group-mentality dictates every part of the Jew’s life, even those who do not consider themselves devout in this regard. They are all spiritually connected regardless of how strong their religious or cultural ties to the group are. All of this is a matter of historical record.

When you hear all the usual culprits thrown around in conspiracy circles — Illuminati, Freemasons, globalists, Bilderbergs, deep state, the corporations, etc — they’re used as nothing more than empty buzzwords to skirt the task of naming names and taking an honest look at the real issues. All these entities consist of, or are proxies for, Jews and Jewish interests. With adequate research, the Jewish connections to these groups is undeniable.

The French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the failed revolution in Germany around the same time, the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, the various conflicts in the Middle East during the decades after Israel was established, the Iraq war, the war in Afghanistan, the complete annihilation of Libya, the attack on the USS Liberty, 9/11, and almost every other major conflict in modern history was instigated by, fought for, or benefited almost exclusively Jews and/or Israel.

If you can come up with a reasonably plausible endgame for TPTB, taking into consideration all the various conspiracy subjects you’ve studied, and you envision that coming to fruition, I challenge you to lay out an explanation for how the Jews as a group do not stand to gain the most. Or, at the very least, I challenge you to arrive at that endgame in a way that does NOT include, in large part, Jewish machinations and Jewish power.

No matter where you look, their influence and presence is there. They control nearly all the means to which we continue to spiral into a tyrannical dystopia. It’s simply impossible to ignore, and therefore without the Jewish Question playing a central role in all these conspiracies we dig into, one is getting an incomplete picture at best, and is being willfully ignorant and dishonest at worst.

I could get into the details of Judaism specifically and its grotesque, hate-filled blueprint for world domination over all us “lesser than cattle” goyim; I could get into the vile and cruel things they teach about Gentiles and the ways in which those tenets are manifesting themselves in our world; I could get into specific examples of them acting out the Talmud in real life throughout history. But this post is long enough as is.

Whether you think all Jews subscribe to these ideas or not, and whether or not you believe the big picture isn’t in and of itself an explicitly Jewish conspiracy of world domination, you cannot with any honestly exclude the JQ from its rightful place in nearly all the conspiracy subjects we delve into.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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