Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Support for the Unsupportable"]

Anyone at this late date who believes that Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “synod on synodality” later this year is an honest process of “discernment” is[…]out of his cotton-picking mind[…]Anyone at this late date who believes that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is “Pope Francis” and/or that the unprecedent heresies, apostasies, blasphemies, sacrileges, and reaffirmations of hardened sins is coming from the Catholic Church is also out of his cotton-picking mind[…]
What is excluded by Catholic teaching on the papacy is a period of[…]putative “popes” and their “bishops” denying the unicity of the Catholic Church, making warfare upon the nature of dogmatic truth[…]
Not even the weakest pope in Holy Mother Church’s history would permit the selection of an open enabler of the homosexual agenda to give a retreat (into the bowels of hell, I should add)[…]Bergoglio has permitted Jean-Claude Hollerich[…]to selected “Father” Timothy Radcliffe[…]
Men such as Jean-Claude Hollerich[…]cannot believe in the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture and think that God the Holy Ghost is going to lead them to “find” “pastoral solutions”[…]“include” unrepentant sinners at what is believed to be the “Eucharistic Liturgy” and to celebrate their “love”[…]
Bergoglio does not only refuse to this, but he has also gone so far as to call for an end to all legislation that criminalizes perverse acts against nature[…]
There is no such thing as a “homosexual person” and human self-identification is not based on the proclivity to commit any kind of sin. People choose to be sodomites or lesbians[…]
Catholic teaching informs us that the principal purpose of the civil state is for its leaders to foster those conditions in the temporal order of things wherein citizens may better be able to sanctify and save their immortal souls as members of the true Church



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