Maryam #sexist

Why do men despise feminists who hate men when the hatred for men is an intrinsic part of the female experience?

The hatred, the fear, the bitterness, the anger, the dread, the horror, at and towards men will always, and has been, an intrinsic aspect of womanhood till the dawn of humanity to the end of it. Every single woman in this planet has had a moment in her life when her dislike has overwhelmed her and driven her out of the bullshit and lies she tells herself.

Hatred of men wasn't a movement in the 20th century - my Pakistani conservative mother, my Pakistani conservative friends, my radical Muslim female acquaintances, all dislike men. Every single one of them. We avoid going out at night because we're scared of men. We don't piss off men because we're scared of them. We tell ourselves that "boys will be boys" because we know men. We yell at and create drama amongst other women because we do not have the emotional strength to do it against men. We serve men, we live with the systems men created, we normalize male violence, we protect ourselves from men, because men inconvenience us, and we know it. They inconvenience all of us.

Most women do not get angry at men - they cry or accept it. Every single woman in the planet knows men are different, but she copes and copes and fucking copes with bullshit upon bullshit till she takes her final breath with a good amount of delusion - but with the incapability of believing it completely. Feminism is simply addressing the elephant in the room. All women are wary of men. All women are inconvenienced by men. All women dislike men.

Various Incels #sexist

RE: [JFL] The kind of responses you get when you post the blackpill on soyyit

The foid on the bottom is correct. They don't need us, hence why they're extremely picky (Only top 20% of men - this may be outdated). No amount of personality or confidence will ever do anything for men as millions-billions of other confident men with better personalities also look better than you. As shown by the comments in that thread: it's over.

They don't need us. They can make their own wealth (sometimes) and have their rights. They can choose to be picky, but the men up top will only pump and dump them, because they have multiple girls throwing themselves at them. Why would they stay with one girl, when they have better options on the side. So the girl is getting pump and dump and then realizes. "Oh shit!" "These men don't love me". Then they try to find a simp or a betabux to marry and make his life a living hell and most likely divorce him and get child support. Women have fucked up the dating game and they don't care or realize it. Don't worry men. They will be miserable when they hit their late 20's or 30's and realize that no man wants her. Getting her back blown out by chad with fuck her over in the long run. Modern women are awful and we all know why. I rather get the fantasy of having the traditional family in a game, than real life.

these idiots never understand what you tell them. "you dont need sex to be alive sweaty :soy:". yeah no shit nobody ever said that. they can never understand how someone can be extremely sexually frusturated. "just work on yourself :soy:" is literally the only answer they can give when faced with the reality that many men are lonely and sex-less

Lebensmüder #racist #sexist #transphobia

RE: [Brutal] Today is International Mens day, and it's being saturated with Tranny propoganda

The Jewish wealthy mega-elite, like with most holidays and special occasions, just love to inject their wicked and awful agenda into this day. International Men's day isn't about men anymore. It's about mentally ill people who claim to be males, and instead of empowering the male, rather they seek to feminize him. I wouldn't be surprised if next "international mens day" ceased to exist, or if it did exist it would be renamed to "international transgenders day" or the content for international mens day would just be tranny pushing. Regardless, my opinions on transgenders matches the same as the Ku Klux Klan's, who make their opinion on this very clear.

They are incredibly pathognomonic for the Zeitgeist of our modern world/dystopia: It's easier to mutilate yourself with surgeries until you end up as a twisted parody of your former self that vaguely resembles a female at best and then being fucked by an equally grotesque man than being a normal man. It's unbelievable. It shows how fast the Overton Window has shifted and it's the best example that absolute morality doesn't exist. If you told that a man a few years ago he would have laughed at you, nowadays they laugh about you when you don't kiss the asses of these individuals. The surgeries they perform in these clinics are nightmarish, "vaginas" made out of fish skin and other shit. Almost nothing scares me, but these medical procedures do.

Trannies will be the downfall of feminism imo. Imagine a future where all female leaders are men larping as women, it's already happening :feelskek:

The only good thing about them. They really fuck up feminist communities.

Various Incels #crackpot #sexist

(Babica Yaga)
[Blackpill] [Study] [Juicy] Study finds foid scientists turn out to be shit without male guidance in their careers

In other words: Foids NEED to have male mentors if they want to succeed and have an impactful scientific career after their mentorships. Look at the reactions it's been receiving and the soy SJW lefty foid professors and PhD's responding on Twitter LMFAO. GarBaGe aLErT. HOW DARE YOU SAY WAHMEN CAN'T BE GOOD MENTORS LIKE MEN!! YOU FILTHY MISOGYNISTIC, PRIVILEGED, STOOPID WHITE MALES!!" :soy::soy: The paper was btw written by 3 sandniggers JFL. Gigabased.

The only appropriate place for foids in academia is under the desk.

This is a classic example of how if the scientific results of research don’t fit the sjw agenda they will just claim they are false with absolutely no evidence. What they want to believe (that women are equal or superior to men at literally everything) MUST be true and any facts disputing that must be false.

Women cannot be scientists because they think with emotions and not with logic, and also are completely oblivious to everything that is not themselves and Chad. If society was only made up by women they would still be in the stoneage.


The paper was btw written by 3 sandniggers JFL. Gigabased.

From searching on twitter, it seems these triggered soys were smart enough not say anything about that. Report written in Abu dhabi........ Based since I'm still in the city for the next few weeks.


Quick update: The paper has been retracted. Just felt the need to address this as it shows ((they)) will go as far as to censor scientific knowledge if it doesn't align with their belief systems. Truly saddening.

JFL, "I LoVE sCieNce" :soy: Yet when the paper shows women are incompetent at mentoring. "ThIS SiEnTIfic PaPer is my sogy kneeee" :feels:

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist

RE: [Venting] How am I supposed to compete when white men exist? Whats The Point?

I guess this is what black people feel like when cuckolds post blacked tbhngl

Either way, Chad or Tyrone only

I have indifference on ethnics on .co cuckolding to whites tbhngl. I mean I am a supremacist, and I do think whites are the most attractive and in general the best race by far. The reason the SMV’s of races are even near equal is because of Jewish propaganda. If Jews weren’t making shit like blacked and cuckoldry porn, a lot of these ethnic pro white .co cuckold fantasies would be legit.

Then why don't you jbwmaxxx and ascend?

Because the white mans SMV Has tanked. Did you not read what I typed? Our SMV is at a low point because unlike you, we're the target of the elite globalists. There is a massive anti white/pro racemixxing campaign sparked up by Juden. JBWmaxx can't happen anymore, because the Jewish television is telling all the cattle to fuck mongrels and minorities or themselves.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat the fact that yes, whites are superior in all things, including SMV. However our SMV and our race is under relentless attack which is why what's happening is happening. If you ever needed proof, there's a reason your people aren't the target and our people are.

Anonymous Coward 66172453 #conspiracy #crackpot

The 1000 Year 4th Reich Begins On August 2, 2022 And Will Last Until 3022 - The Final 7 Countdown Starts This August 2nd, 2015
2:22 on the clocktower on the back of the 100 dollar bill and the Skull and Bones number 322 explained.

The Nazi occult elite had a timetable in mind in keeping with occult numerology for the birth of their New World Order - The 4th Reich.


Hitler came to power on August 2, 1934

On August 2, 1934 the 88 year timetable for the installation of the 1000 4th Reich started:

[link to]

Note that the SS insignia is actually the numbner 88.
1934 plus 88 years brings us to 2022:
[link to]
Note that the time reads 2:22 (2022)

The 4th Reich is to last 1000 years.
2022 plus 1000 years is 3022:
[link to]
Note the Skull and Bones secret society number 322 (3022)

The final 7 year countdown begins August 2nd of this year, hence all hell breaking loose for what some call the 7 year tribulation - the final 7 years when the remnant of the plan must be swiftly and mercilessly carried out in order to remain in accordance with the Nazi occult numerology and insure success.

Or so the Nazi's believe...

And to believe what this thread says is true, one must realize that practically all of "conspiracy-land" is a result of these plans, their authors and the slow incremental clickity-click of their machinations.

The Nazi quest for the installation of this 4th Reich never ended, and the entire history of the world since 1934 is a direct result of the slow, methodical and monolithic implementation of these plans.

Gary Fields #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon

What is Orgonite?

Orgonite is a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings, particles or powders, poured into molds. It is said to attract aetheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators. Some people also add a couple of crystals to the mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working the orgonite. Thus orgonite basically is a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy. The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically, this apparently causes it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator. Although crystals improve the function of orgonite, they are not necessary for the orgonite to work.

These devices are built with easy to find materials. Orgonite is simply a mix (approx. 50/50 ratio) of metal and resin (polyester, urethane or epoxy). It can be poured into all kinds of shapes: pyramids, cones, disks, cylinders and pendants, to name a few.

A chembuster is made of copper pipes filled with double terminated crystals, sealed in resin and embedded in an orgonite base. These are designed for property protection against chemtrails, EMFs and negative energy produced from multi sources.

Conspiracy Theories Archives #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

On December 9, 2009, just on the eve of the Nobel Prize acceptance speech by Barack Obama, in the Norwegian skies it was possible to witness a singular phenomenon that began with the appearance of a luminous globe radiating rings of light, which they subsequently assumed spiral shape, becoming white towards the outside and blue towards the nucleus of origin and then resolving into a sort of spiral "black hole" larger than that the moon.

Two independent researchers, David Wilcock and Richard Hoagland, have hypothesized that behind the spiral there is HAARP, considered a space weapon of mass destruction, since a very similar installation would be located in Tromso near the place where it is the luminous vortex was spotted: Hoagland points the finger at the Ramfjordmoen EISCAT facility specially designed to transmit powerful microwave energy beams into space and officially operated by Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China, UK and Germany.
But that's not all: based on confidential sources, Wilcock revealed that Norwegian light would be part of the Project Blue Beam with a view to creating mass psychological conditioning aimed at creating the New World Order.
If all this were true, it could have been an effect created ad Hoc to try to simulate an extraterrestrial or "transcendent" aura around Barack Obama's Nobel acceptance speech, scheduled for the following day, December 10: although Hoagland, in his analysis, hypothesized that the Norwegian light may have been a warning to Barack Obama from those who use HAARP, it would be more likely that Obama himself was completely in agreement with the military using HAARP for the creation of the new global order. #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Based on the clues given in The Zelator we must conclude that the Eighth Sphere by definition encompasses all the nonphysical aspects of the Matrix Control System, the service-to-self (STS) hierarchy from top to bottom minus the physical levels of which we ourselves are part.

The Eighth Sphere would therefore include: the lower astral planes where carnal and demonic thoughtforms dwell, the hyperdimensional realms inhabited by so-called reptilian beings, the parasitic etheric lattice overlaying the earth comprising the very tendrils of the Matrix, the soul-pool of which spiritless humans are incarnate extensions, and the demiurgic creature positioned atop the negative occult hierarchy sucking into itself all energy gathered from the “tiers” below.

For instance, that spiritless humans have something to do with the moon is clear from the fact that they, being extensions of less evolved (“second density”) energies occupying human (“third density”) bodies, are essentially two-and-a-half density beings, which relates to the two-and-a-half-day pig. Pigs, by the way, are physically incapable of looking up at the sky which, in addition to the fact that they share many human characteristics and have genetics strongly suited to house low vibrational frequencies, makes them ideal symbols for the animal nature in man. That the moon shares an archetypal basis with spiritless humans is further evidenced by it being a second density planet reflecting light rather than generating its own, just as spiritless humans are not fully third density and merely reflect back the soul image of others.

Mario Murillo #fundie #wingnut

I will never believe that Joe Biden is the president of the United States. I will never accept that. Why am I opposing what’s going on in the Democratic Party, and in the high tech, and in legacy media, and all of it? Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s the only thing my conscience will let me do. And there is a kind of a serenity inside of me about the fact that I know now that I’m on God’s side on this issue and he’s on my side on this issue, and that’s all that matters.

AngriestTeacup #moonbat #dunning-kruger

The Soviets made an agreement that in the event of a war in Poland that there would be no aggression between Soviet and German military forces as long as they maintained spheres of influence. IE. The Soviets would not attack Germans as long as Germans did not cross into the region that was formerly owned by the Soviets.

Several weeks into the invasion of Poland the Polish administration FLED THE COUNTRY and left it completely undefended.

2 weeks after this occurred, the Soviets decided that moving into the region labelled as their sphere of influence was probably for the best as it would otherwise be occupied by the Germans as there was no central Polish defence force anymore.

When the Soviets moved in, the Polish Army maintained and official ceasefire with the Soviets, except for a few holdout fanatics who hadn't gotten over the Russo-Polish War.

Why is that? Because the Soviets weren't just taking the place over they were staying on friendly terms with the remaining Polish Army there which was leaderless and rudderless, moving up and defending the region from the Germans. This benefitted them of course by providing a buffer but it is absolutely not as simple as "haha they divided it up and planned it beforehand haha".

Only fucking liberals and fascists believe this shit. Don't be a fucking loser. Actually learn the Marxist perspective on the history.

Laura Wood #conspiracy

[From "The Golfing Idol"]

Why wouldn’t he play golf? He knows he doesn’t pull the strings. He knows there’s a plan. He may even win this thing, and precipitate civil war. He’s an actor, a pro-wrestler, a puppet, a pathological liar, another Masonic pedophile addicted to fame and lies.

Did he accomplish a few good things? Yes, but they pale in comparison to broken promises.

He never locked Hillary up for crimes against the state and that’s why we have Biden.

He disbanded the Voter Fraud Commission in 2018, handing us a disaster in 2020.
He led the wrecking of the economy, the shredding of Constitutional rights and the perpetration of one of the biggest medical frauds in history.

He sold future generations with trillions in new debt.

He let the cities burn.

He loves the villainous vax.

His fighting spirit inspired beaten-down Americans, but they were had. He made Israel great again, not America.
{i]Go home, real protestors. Go home, paid agitators. Neither of these would-be presidents cares a fig about you. Your children will be sterilized or sickened by the vax either way. Your small businesses will die either way. Your schools will be indoctrination centers either way. Your monuments will be toppled and your books burned either way. You will be infantilized and tortured by bureaucracy either way. You will be poor either way. You will have poisoned skies either way. You will be demonized for loving your heritage either way. The truth will be censored either way.

Tootie Smith #wingnut #dunning-kruger

An elected official in Clackamas County, Oregon has doubled down on her criticism of Gov. Kate Brown's coronavirus restrictions, comparing them to slavery.

Tootie Smith, the incoming chairwoman of the Clackamas Board of County Commissioners, took to Facebook over the weekend to criticize Brown after the governor announced new restrictions in the state to combat a surge in COVID-19 cases.

"My family will celebrate Thanksgiving with as many family and friends as I can find," Smith, a Republican, wrote in a post on Saturday. "Gov. Brown is WRONG to order otherwise."

In an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday night, Smith stood by the comment.

"This is a travesty that's happening in our state," Smith told Tucker Carlson. "How dare Gov. Brown think she's going to come out, send police into people's home and arrest them and fine them for having a Thanksgiving meal with their family."

Smith then went so far as to compare the Democratic governor's restrictions to slavery.

"I think our people have the intelligence, the education and the independence to make their own decisions," Smith added. "We are adults. We do not need to be treated as second-rate slaves in our own homes."

PinkPilled & Gunpowder #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia

“A man climbs into the women’s wagon in Mexico. They tell him to get off the train. The man responds by saying, ‘I am a woman.’”

A reminder that gender ideology only benefits men while erasing women and taking over their rights and single-sex spaces. This is exactly what happens when the reality of biological sex is denied for the sake of mentally ill men. This will continue to happen thanks to deluded TRAs who are actively trying to change the definition of the word “woman” to include men who believe they are women. This insanity needs to stop.

Hardly surprising. According to the new gender orthodoxy, men are allowed to remain as their own separate sex class, but women now have to include ‘everyone else.’ This is just the newest male tool in the colonisation of women.

GenGene & shii410 #sexist

[LDAR] Why I can't empathize with females, no matter their circumstances

I've read about or saw firsthand numerous ways that females can get into negative circumstances. Poverty, abusive families, drug addiction, asshole boyfriends... wait.

The time when a guy comes into the picture is when I stop caring, and that's 100% of the time. Even if a girl's parents are abusive drug addicts living in poverty she has the realistic option of just running away with a boyfriend who will gladly take care of her, and find a different one if he's not to her liking. I've seen this happen.

Stuff like this is apparent on places like r9k, where the males and females might share an identical life story (except the 'asshole boyfriend' part if that comes up), but the difference in their actual social security and being wanted is worlds apart. Only the men are the 'virgin losers', while females are sought after no matter what.

imagine being a truecel from a shitty low income family with drug addict parents, and just being able to download an app on your phone and instantly choose from hundreds of attractive women who are willing to provide for you and pay for all your expenses, as easily as ordering a pizza

that is how women live in 2020. tutorial mode

TheMostAncientcel #sexist

The reason foids wear lipstick is because they want to suck Chad's cock.

Think about it : why the hell should they embelish a non sexual part of their body whose function is linked to mouth and so to eating and talking? Because they want to make their lips SEXUAL so that Chad gets aroused and put his 8x6 inch cock in their mouths cumming liters and liters like there's no tomorrow. Remember that they bite their lips when in heat? They crave that Chad's sausage and they long to be on their knees in worship to their god. If all Chads of the world would die the lipstick industry would go bankrupt in a week tops.

Water is..

Wet. And their stinky vaginas too.

" The reason foids <insert any imaginable action> is because they want to suck Chad's cock."

Yeah this is even more accurate lol

VincentVanCock #sexist

[JFL] Mom coping about "when my son gets a girlfriend"

Third day in a row that she came with that bullshit of " oh VincentVanCock, when you get a girlfriend she's going to be a Very Lucky woman", this site came to my head at the spot and i started to laugh with her delusion, she asked me what was wrong and i brushed it off. She's in for one hell of a surprise, you ain't getting grandsons/daughters mama.

I swear down this quote and "You're so smart/handsome" is always fucking said to utter subhumans. No one is saying this stuff to chad, only incels like us

Hate that shit, you perceive that they are blatantly lying to you.

Do you plan to blackpill her anytime soon? It will eventually reach a tipping point anyways

Nah, she would freak out and think i'm a faggot so i will just keep avoiding the subject.

She's the kind of boomer foid that thinks her son is the most handsome guy in the planet, we used to go to gym together and she would always make up some lie about " look, this beautiful girl was checking you out" and then when i looked to the foid, she was looking at me on fear, anger and disgust JFL, most mothers are extremely and completely deluded about their sons' looks.

Various Incels #homophobia #racist #sexist


r/singapore 18-year-old admits to asking sister, 12, to carry out sexual act in exchange for Korean boy band BTS merchandise

He was too aggressive in his approach, was supposed to "get caught" watching a porn video and then leave the room with the video playing to see how she reacts to it and if she continues to watch. He didn't work up to it at all, no "grooming" was done, dude literally just grabbed her, carried her to a room and rubbed her belly down, then later got caught masturbating in her room, he sounds legit retarded. One of the most common things you hear about in stories about pedophiles is that they would give their targets erotic material and treat it like its something harmless. That accomplishes 3 things: 1. Normalization 2. Curiosity 3. Arousal

No moral faggotry please. When I'm mentally placed in a scenario I think it through in a detailed manner. I wouldn't do anything like this but its still interesting to imagine how I would go about doing it


”Source on him being an incel?” No source, but he is from Singapore so he might be curry cel

Curries in Singapore? And I doubt anyone in the forums would do this to their sister, don't compare us to that trash. Okay this was not an incel, this was just a sociopath who obsessed with BTS. Only Asian foids do this, so that's kind of suspicious

I knew a chick who said her brother made her do sexual stuff in exchange for pokemon cards when they were kids. Stuff is more common than you think. Studies show that the vast majority of people that are sexually abused as children suffer little recognized trauma from it as adults. Many become gay, but that isn't considered a problem in our society.

Jim Goad #dunning-kruger #elitist

The first thing that popped into my mind when I read that a monster quake had rocked Port-au-Prince was, “How the fuck will they be able to tell the difference?” I mean, it’s Haiti, for fuck’s sake. They eat fly poop for all three meals and drink AIDS-tainted blood for an evening snack. What we call trash dumps, they call houses. The media response has been typically hypocritical and vomit-inducing. Amid the outpouring of vigils and prayers and drum circles and outreach projects and relief efforts and humanitarian work and charity organizations and healing and cooperation and the inevitable flood of dirt-stupid, America-hostile refugees to our shores, I don’t see many people willing to actually move there.

HighestHorse #crackpot #wingnut #fundie

HighestHorse: The leader of my church says GOD wants the true shape of his Earth revealed to the people and Donald Trump is going to reveal it LIVE on TV on Christmas Day! Hallelujah! Soon globetards will be locked away for their lunacy!

zMrAnonymous: What gives you that impression?

HighestHorse: That's what my pastor says Gods plan is. I'm so excited :).

I can't wait to see the globetards admit they were wrong.

zMrAnonymous: Hmm. That would be the day.

HighestHorse: Where is your faith? Do you doubt your God and God loving President?

HighestHorse: Soon we will be validated! Can I get an AMEN?🙏📿✝️ 3:16

Dr. Christian Bogner/Kerry Cassidy #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT INTERVIEWS I HAVE DONE IN A LONG TIME…CONNECT THE DOTS….This interview connects, supersoldiers, adrenochrome (and the role of adrenaline) with the effort to create precogs and maybe more from Autistic children…. with the role of DMT inducing an altered state with…. THE MONTAUK PROJECT, MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL, POLTERGIST ACTIVITY, SUPER POWERS AND TIME TRAVEL…STRANGER THINGS, SATANISTIC PRODUCTION OF ADRENOCHROME…the role of Fear… The doctor says babies under 2 yrs have the greatest concentration of Adrenochrome…explains why the harvesting… The human ability to MANIFEST and change our world … see TV series Alex Rider, and related X-men movies etc. You have to listen to the end to get all this.


David Sereda #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #magick #mammon

David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich's non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based "Tesla Foundation" under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power. Next, Maglich appointed David as President of HiEnergy Microdevices, a new company (US Defense Contractor) using novel technology to detect burried landmines and to find hidden explosives and other contraband. David did all of the US military communnications about the technology contracts and accounts including US Customs and the Coast Guard!

In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!

In 2009, David was developing the first LightStream Wand as a means of pulsing real gems through the Pulsed Crystal effect whereby a gem will emit real energy fields proprietary to the crystal and mineral composite for human and living systems healing!

Humans Are Free #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot

Jeffrey Prather has released what we consider to be a bombshell video where he sums up the real war taking place behind the scenes: “The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening.”

As he explains it, the CIA, FBI and DOJ are all treasonous swamp creatures who are dedicated to bringing down America, stealing the election, and imprisoning all the real patriots such as Gen. Flynn (and Roger Stone).

Meanwhile, certain sectors of special forces operations and now Chris Miller as Acting Defense Secretary, are all aligned with Trump, the Constitution and defending America against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Yesterday, Chris Miller declared that all special forces operations units now report directly to him, bypassing the corrupt DoD swamp that works for the globalists and the Democrats.

This puts the many tens of thousands of special forces operations units and assets directly under the control of a pro-America patriot, and it points to the “Plan B” plan in all this, which is for Trump to invoke the NDAA and Insurrection Act, then dispatch special forces units across the USA to arrest all the treasonous actors and take down the Big Tech and Big Media traitors who are part of this grand conspiracy to overthrow the United States government.
The “Kraken” is actually a DoD-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state. Trump loyalists in the Air Force, Space Command and now in certain sectors of the DoD and even the NSA have all the evidence of vote fraud and election-related treason. Trump has all this now and will be using it against the enemies of America very soon.

Hoosier Daddy #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

[From "Carrington 2021"]

As I sit beneath the unseasonably warm glow of the brilliant sun in Greater Dixie, an area also known as southern Indiana, I am filled with optimism knowing that we have genetics, history, culture and faith in forces greater than ourselves on our side during this turbulent and exhausting November.[…]

As so many of our stories go, this one begins in England. September 1, 1859 would find the curious Richard Carrington carefully studying solar spots on our sun when he detected a brilliant white flare emerge from the magnificent star. The largest solar weather event of recorded history was underway.[…]New England Yankees could read the sanctimonious sermonizing of Henry Ward Beecher and accounts of madman John Brown in their newspapers at night with no need of artificial illumination.[…]It was an unprecedented event, but one our resilient and resourceful ancestors handled with little drama or panic.

Can we say the same? Will this tenuous and technologically-dependent collection of widely diverging states be able to calmly and carefully handle the paralyzation of our medical, financial, transportation, retail, and government sectors? If the great COVID scam of 2020 is any guide, we all know the answer to the above question is a resounding no.

We have surrendered our existence to Silicon Valley sociopaths who construct dystopian digital gulags with line after line of subpar (at best) code constructed by third-world diversity hires.[…]
Everyone smart enough to read this website already knows that being surrounded by family, strong rural communities, ample food and land, and weapons to defend everything we hold dear are the foundations of survival.[…]The political unions of a bloated GloboHomo, Inc are quickly dissolving. It is up to us to prepare to bring about the strong, patriarchal nation of our ancestors so that we may pass it down to our descendants with pride.

Potbellypos #racist #quack #crackpot

[Serious] Why do normies stand up for trans rights, female rights, minority rights, etc. when the real victims are ugly people who are universally opressed?
Think about it. Ugly people can be part of any group. Ugly trannies, ugly women, ugly men, ugly minorities. So ugly people are literally the biggest victims of oppression on the entire planet. The number of ugly people being discriminated against is larger than the number of blacks, for instance. The 80/20 rule dictates that females literally want to genocide 80% of the male population, but somehow society only wants to stick up for the .6% of people that want to cut their dicks off or the 13% of the population that commit 52% of violent crimes.

misandrist & basedandpinkpilled #sexist

I love hating men

hating men makes me feel amazing. wonderful, even. i hope they all choke on their own dicks and die. I used to be hesitant to hate men because i thought that my hatred for them might show in my everyday superficial interactions with them and it will make me at risk of male violence but it actually did the opposite. I’m literally much safer now from male violence because my misandry makes me view men as depraved parasites that are to be avoided at all times.

Hating men is simply a rational response to the reality of this world. Also, women are most likely to be raped by a man they know and murdered by their current or ex- male partner. Avoiding men is an easy way to immediately cut down on many safety risks. Men and their handmaidens will keep trying to gaslight us out of this but deep down we know the truth.

StSausageCel #sexist

[It's Over] My sister heard me venting to myself about how lonely I am in college.

She then came into the room and gave me some bluepilled advice about getting hobbies and reading novels.

Then she asked me if I have no friends. I told her, "It's not like i don't have friends, it just gets lonely sometimes, you know?"

She laughed and said "What? I can't relate tbh". That sentence snapped me out of it and I realized I was talking to a woman. Of course she went through college with tons of guys and girls wanting to be her friend. She will never truly understand the loneliness I'm feeling.

So I replied, "Of course you can't relate, you're a woman..."

Then she laughed uncomfortably and left.

College is hell on earth for me. I don't know why I thought my sister would understand. The utter surprise she had on her face when I told her "college is lonely" utterly destroyed me. These whores are living on tutorial mode.

watcher #racist #sexist

[RageFuel] Bunch of Brazilian whores in the heat thirsting over convict subhumans

A bunch of Brazilian monkeys did a live stream (this is Brazil after all...) and the whores watching it (mostly women) all started treating them like they are gods. To make things even more absurd they are mostly ugly as fuck so you can't even say this is lookism in action, just whores being whores and treating criminals well like they always do.



"Do a tour around the cell!!!! show the daily's received" (I don't know what the hell she is talking about)
"Do a live stream of your conjugal visit" JFL
"You are cooler than the free people here"
"Do a video trying to escape from prison"
"Only gift from god" wtf?
"I loved the tooth"

These bitches have really broken Portuguese so that's why my translation look weird, they are too stupid to write simple sentences, and they want to fuck these animals. These are the "people" populating the world after we are all gone, literal half-human half-chimp mongrels who live by pointing guns at other people's faces. This is what women want to fuck and reproduce with. They are not tall, they look ugly and they live inside a cell with other monkeys where they probably fuck each other in the ass when they feel horny. And women would rather fuck them than us.

TheMostAncientcel #crackpot #god-complex #sexist

There's a chance that we are actual GODS

Imagine you are a god. You are eternal, beautiful and have unlimited powers to do whatever you want. Every now and that you look at mortals and laugh at their pathetic life. Why should you not? Even a multibillionaire TeraChad is a balding indian janitor compared to you.

But,..after aeons you start getting bored of an existence of eternal power and pleasure so you think it's time to find something really entertaining that would not be spoiled by the fact that you mog the whole fucking universe.

So you think and think when suddenly...eureka! You realize that in orther to find a real thrill you have to nerf yourself and incarnate as a human being.

Of course since you are really bored you rule out the option of reincarnating as Chad or Chadlite as it would pose no real challenge. And being a normiecuck would be too bland.

You then realize you have to play nightmare mode and descending into earthly plane as INCEL. The more subhuman the better! Even better if manlet or with a short penis (optional).

That would explain not only our existence but also why non subhumans lack self awareness and are ultimately NPCs.

It's over for godscels.

Various Incels #psycho

RE: [Discussion] Did anyone else take out their anger on animals as a kid?

well, i did set a honey trap for gnats earlier this year. i particularly enjoyed when the motherfuckers stuck to the honey-rich notes. it was lulzy watching them crawl for their lives and then squishing them to death

(Transcended Trucel)
Based i did same thing with ants and spiders. This is what they get for being lesser beings tbh

I used to kick my dogs and hit them with various sticks when they jumped on me

I fucking hate the animals people like to keep as pets. I'd fuck all of them up if I could or it was socially acceptable to do so.


No, I'm not a worthless fucking piece of shit who feels the need to intimidate innocent animals. no, everyone who hurts animals for no reason are fucking degenerate retards. Animal abusers are scum. I wish you a slow, painful death if you harm any animals.

so much bluepill / it on this topic i'm not even going to argue

I wish i could do the same to foids and make it physical


Most kids do this. You're not a snowflake.

A lot of my friends did too. Nor is it anger that motivates it. It's curiosity.

It's also fucking stupid to believe that this is a precursor for violence, almost all children do it.

exactly. at least insects and probably higher forms. that's why i feel animal activism is so hypocritical. when you're young you don't have care for animals, it's not instinctual and it's learned through propaganda. human beings wouldn't have been able to farm and hunt otherwise if they're constantly in tears for the suffering of animals like they pretend to be today.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #magick #wingnut #racist

When the Dark Forces, in very ancient times, stole the Ancient Aryan Mysteries, they got hold of the Ancient Wisdom that had been built up over thousands of years, and which was (to them) a source of might and power which they could use to control situations and people, and to further an agenda that has come to fruition in our era.

The rather idiotic term 'Woke Culture' has arisen, not surprisingly in an era of 'controlled insanity'. The term typically uses incorrect English in a way that suggests it stems either from an illiterate source, or is a kind of 'take' on what is right. These people are far from 'awake', but like the 'enlightened' or 'illuminated' they can dream! With this came the destruction of our past, our history, which started through 'Black Lives Matter', a front for a Marxist Revolution that would destroy the past, thus paving the way for a 'New World Order'.


The Great Darkness is growing, but we have passed the Yuletide of the Great Year (1933 - 1939) when the seeds of a New Order were sown, and at this time (The Winter) we can expect a period of destruction, dissolution and chaos. The Yuletide or Midwinter is the time of the Longest Darkness, so our time is when the Light Forces are waxing again and even though this is a harsh and violent time the Forces of Light will grow and grow in strength until finally the Last Avatar will appear to destroy the Darkness and Chaos.

The 'Star Wars' films were based upon the battle between Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, between the 'Empire' and the 'Republic'. The military leader is Daath Vader, whose name is based upon 'Daath' which is the reverse-side of the Cabalistic Tree of Life - the Shadow Realm. 'Vader' is the same as our own 'wate' or 'wod' meaning 'movement'. Daath Vader uses a form of 'physical magic' through the 'Light Sabre'; above him is the Emperor who is an Evil Sorcerer. He is a 'Hidden Power' that uses Dark Sorcery, and he is the ultimate power in the Dark Empire. We should keep this in mind because this is the structure that we face within the Dark Forces.

Greg Stephens and Mark T. Barclay #fundie

[concerning Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines have been accused of deleting Trump votes]

Greg Stephens: Barclay, I hear Dominion software, it makes me angry because the believer was given dominion, and... how dare they use that to steal an election? That name — something rises up in me, this whole Dominion software thing, there in Michigan.

Mark T. Barclay: 99%... 99% of anybody who uses the word “Dominion” is Christianity. And, again — this is just how I see it, guys, and I think I see it right. I mean, I don’t want to sound arrogant, but look — They’re stealing Christianity and everything important that’s us. It’s called Anti-Christ. They steal Christmas from us. It turns into Santa Claus and flying reindeer, etc. They steal Easter from us and it’s a bunny with eggs... and this word “dominion.” That’s our word. That’s a Bible word. It’s almost like, how dare you even use it in this context?

And then, if you look into Dominion — you know, I’m not an IT guy, but I’m not deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid either — you look into this software, and what it does, and how easily it can be manipulated. And by the way, who’s manipulating it and who’s governing it? This is Anti-Christ, anti-America, anti-justice, anti-fairness — and it’s being proven! And so they need to do something about it, like maybe just get rid of it.

Scrod #sexist #psycho

[ in response to this article regarding a boy being acquitted for raping a girl depite the girl clearly saying no and fighting back ]

Question for the other guys out there:

How many of you had an experience in college where a girl was initially pretty unresponsive or even kind of weakly defensive but suddenly really got into it after you made a few moves? I certainly did, and it wasn't a situation where she was blackout drunk. She just ended up in my bed on some pretext (I think her roommate was hooking up with someone, but she had other options besides climbing into a twin bed with a single guy so it seemed pretty clear what her intent was). Her actions after getting in bed left me pretty confused, she was totally unresponsive to kissing and groping but didn't stop me. However, when I did the right thing she was suddenly all over me. I kind of figured out the boundaries through trial and error. On subsequent nights, I kept pushing and they gradually expanded too (lol).

I wasn't some sort of sexual predator, I was just a shy kid. I read the (nonverbal) signals correctly and it worked out, we dated for a few months after that.


That's why, when I hear something like this, I think: here's a guy who's gotten the wrong message, but he's young and hasn't figured this whole dating/sex thing out yet. Make sure he knows that what he did is very wrong, punish him, but nothing that will impact his life long term. He deserves the chance to prove whether he's learned from his mistake.

Adunaiii #racist #moonbat #psycho

See, my ideal ideology will be in tune with the realities of Nature, and thus the liberation of the working class is only a tool towards the salvation of the race.

I believe, it is obvious to any honest materialist that when women are corralled into factories to assemble tanks for war, the race has a higher chance of survival than when muh' patriarchal values are preserved, but the front breached. Egalitarianism should be an instrument, not a virtue in itself.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Mark of the Beast: Joe Biden’s People Want to Tie Coronavirus Vaccination to Benefits"]

I just can’t even tell you how bad things are going to get if Joe Biden somehow manages to assume the throne.

You are looking at the absolute Book of Revelations.

The Biden CIA allies Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins University have released a document entitled “The Public’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccination: Planning Recommendations Informed by Design Thinking and the Social, Behavioral, and Communication Sciences,” which says that basic government benefits should be contingent on getting injected with the experimental gene-altering coronavirus vaccine.
Joe Biden is deeply tied to the Johns Hopkins University, and is employing their resources in building his plan for an absolute hell on earth in response to this alleged “pandemic.”

Biden has Kabbalistically named a “council of 13” to a “Coronavirus Advisory Board.” It is co-chaired by the Jew David A. Kessler, and includes the diabolical Jew Zeke Emanuel.
How does a chemical communicate with your mRNA and give it messages to sent to your cells? I have absolutely no idea. I’m not a scientist. But the idea that this is a process that was just invented a few months ago but is now ready to be implemented on the entire population is completely nuts to me.
Understand: if this vaccine just starts killing people outright, with blood clots, cerebral edema, autoimmune responses or any of the other potentially deadly risks, the media is going to cover that up. They absolutely have that ability, as you well know.

CTBusters #quack #magick #mammon

The Succor Punch is a clever radionic device that’s used as a cloaking device and for broadcasting your intentions. It’s a quartz crystal that is wrapped with a special Moebius coil that is pulsed with the same 15 Hertz signal as is used in our Zappers. It’s powered by a nine-volt battery and fits in a pocket. The Moebius coil converts the 15 HZ pulse into an unorganized, chaotic scaler wave, upon which we can imprint our intentions.The scaler wave created by the Succor Punch is extra-dimensional in scope, in other words, it sends your intentions everywhere at once. The quantum effects observed from these devices are difficult to explain within the context of third-dimension science.

Andy’s Simple Instructions: Turn-on the Succor Punch. Hold it to your heart chakra and voice, out-loud, your intentions. State them as already being in effect, declare the reality you want as if it’s already here, “I am feeling better as every moment passes! I am infused with healing energy and I feel wonderful!” That’s if you’re intentioning health for yourself. A few years ago my sister had breast cancer. She tried to kill herself with chemo and radiation (satire) but I saved her life, everyday I sent-out something like this; “The cancer is melting away in my sister’s breast! Look at it run! It’s scared to death! Bye!!!” Throw your personality into it because that’s you. Your imagination is the most powerful tool you own. This device focuses and directs that energy. “Training wheels for Psychics” someone said. People use these devices to quit smoking and other bad habits; “I’m not smoking/drinking/overeating today because I feel great and don’t need that stuff!” Use your imagination, it’s very powerful.

Magenta Pixie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick

Magenta don’t you feel a responsibility to all your followers that you are brainwashing with your conspiracy theories?

My reply; I have said before and will say again, I do not have any ‘followers’. Aware and awakened individuals do not need a leader. They gain confirmation of their own inner knowings when they hear another say the same things.

There are no leaders or followers within this telepathic union, only brothers and sisters who are equal…each with a piece of the puzzle to add to the overall picture of truth. They are immune from brainwashing.

It is not possible to brainwash another aware individual, even if you tried to do this (which a great many do, for example mainstream media and world governments), it would not work. This is the reason they know the truth, because brainwashing doesn’t work on them!

Critical mass for that awakening makes a theory no longer a theory. Your comment is typical of one that is trying to cause a reaction in another, but this does not work with someone who is anchored and rooted in their own empowerment and sovereignty.

You will find there are many of those individuals also…a great many. It is time for those who hate, those who attack to step back now. To realise the battle for consciousness itself has been lost and that the Light has won. For when you attack us and ridicule us, all we see is your separation from Divinity and source.

You are playing out the old game, the old order and for us who stand in sunlight, those times are long since past.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #psycho

[It's Over] iPhone 12 Pro lets Foids measure a guys exact height from a distance


Just when you thought technology couldn't fuck up the dating market any more jfl
now thanks to (((iPhone))) foids can just point their iphones in a crowded room and immediately detect which guy is the tallest giga chad jfl
At this rate inceldom is directly proportional to the number of new inventions coming out, as every new big tech development (tinder, onlyfans, iPhone LiDAR height measuring capabilities e.t.c) fucks sub8 men's chances at dating
To solve inceldom - foids should simply be banned from using technology. Simple

Rick Wiles #transphobia #psycho

[concerning Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, who is transgender]

That’s a man in a dress. You’re mentally ill, Dr. Levine. You’re mentally ill, and no normal person should listen to you. You need mental health counseling. You need deliverance.

To the people of Pennsylvania: you are absolutely insane if you let that transvestite freak rule your life... You’re going to that transvestite freak? Seriously?

Chase that freak out of the state. Chase it out of the state. Rise up in Pennsylvania, and chase that freak out of the state! You don’t have to tolerate this stuff.

StartTakingNotes #sexist

(Context: Talking about a show about female vigilantes fighting rapists. It sparked a lot of rage and moralizing from incels)

Sarah A: sigh look, how many vigilante superhero shows/movies/comics exist? you don't see people getting up in arms over those shows; they're able to disengage and recognize it for what it is - fiction. Why does the fact that the crimes in this show are sex crimes bother so many people? Is it because it hits too close to home???

StartTakingNotes: the differance is most superheroes fight supervillans in the act of causing harm, not chasing down and stabbing people that were accused of rape. Some mental gymnastics going on in this comments section lmao

Sarah A: so is rape not 'causing harm'? also, due to its very nature, rape is harder to catch in the act and even after it's over most victims do not get the justice they deserve, often getting blamed themselves. this is an important topic that needs to be addressed in a show like this because of its prevalence in the real world. you don't have literal supervillains going around in real life, but women are raped on a daily basis. that's why a show like this is so deeply satisfying to watch.

StartTakingNotes: I didn't say rape wasn't causing harm, don't put words in my mouth. I said supervillans in the ACT of causing harm like robbing a bank, planting bombs, trying to take over the city/world etc, and superheros are too busy handling that to break there moral code and go stab rape suspects. Also most supervillans are leagues above the local law enforcement, requiring hero's to take them down. Point is your analogy is invalid. Rape is a crime that takes place usually over a few minutes then becomes a he said/she said scenario afterward, and due to burden of proof, it's up to the accuser to prove the crime. it's not a perfect system, but it's better than the alternative. This show is the alternative, where people are accused of a heinous act, then get savagely beaten without a trial long after the act in question. The women portrayed in the show are lawless thugs.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #psycho

[It's Over] iPhone 12 Pro lets Foids measure a guys exact height from a distance

Just when you thought technology couldn't fuck up the dating market any more jfl
now thanks to (((iPhone))) foids can just point their iphones in a crowded room and immediately detect which guy is the tallest giga chad jfl
At this rate inceldom is directly proportional to the number of new inventions coming out, as every new big tech development (tinder, onlyfans, iPhone LiDAR height measuring capabilities e.t.c) fucks sub8 men's chances at dating
To solve inceldom - foids should simply be banned from using technology. Simple

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

My opinion is that we are being woefully deceived concerning this Coronavirus pandemic! I simply do not accept the idea that a deadly virus came out of Wuhan, China in January of 2020, which infected the entire planet virtually overnight, and now we are seeing a Police State lockdown across the globe. This is George Orwell's book about a dystopian future, 1984, come true, and we're now seeing the government's big boot stomping down upon our face! I'm curious to see what newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden is going to do, which I am confident will further the New World Order.
The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) is careful to specify that its mortality graphs combine deaths from Pneumonia with flu-like symptoms, deaths from Influenza (seasonal flu), and deaths from COVID-19. They call that combination “Deaths due to PIC.” You can read all about how the ungodly controlled media have fabricated a public panic, by artificially hyping infection numbers through so-called "testing," which is a blatant false flag operation. Just as I suspected, the CDC are including deaths from the seasonal flu (Influenza) in their infection numbers for COVID-19. That is extremely dishonest! Did you know that in 2017 to 2019 there were nearly 100,000 deaths in the United States just from the common flu alone? That is correct!
The preceding statistics from the CDC show that tens of thousands of people die EACH YEAR in the United States from virus infections, just from the common flu. Yet, why all of a sudden in 2020 are these deaths being hypes, sensationalized, and used to lockdown America?
It is obvious to me as a thinking person, and after seeing the blatant fraud of the 911 attacks, that the Coronavirus pandemic is just another False Flag Operation, a mere continuation of 911. We are headed for a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut

The 2016 presidential election will go down in history as the last. Now that one party can commit rampant vote fraud, and the other meekly accepts the fraudulent outcome, the US is a de facto one-party oligarchy. Simulated elections will still be held for show, but everyone will know them for shams. Tellingly, the only people trumpeting the integrity of the 2020 elections despite mounting proof of fraud are the same ones who shrieked about Russia rigging the 2016 race without any proof.


Don't mourn for Conservatism. At the last, it sold us out. Two-faced hacks like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, and Dan Crenshaw will slither off to their rewards at the megacorps that are crushing the people who trusted them. It will be interesting to see what kind of genuine opposition to the Death Cult emerges without Con Inc. gatekeepers policing the talent pool.

armis #crackpot #psycho #sexist

[Blackpill] Foids and chads are both soulless tools of nature and DNA

Foids and chads are very similar. Chad's brain is primitive, emotional and feminine. Similar to how foids use their pussy, chad uses his genetics, so he never has to be challenged and never develops any soul or character.

So it's clear why all scientists and great leaders were male non-chads, like Napoleon who was a bullied incel in his youth, and Hitler, who was an incel until he rose to power.

CrackingYs #psycho #sexist

[Experiment] [Poll] Are foids human beings with sentience and a soul?

This thread makes it clear theres many cels here that still believe foids have value beyond what their vagina brings and also believe a foid is even capable of love, let alone loving them. Love requires a brain with consciousness, higher thought processes, compassion, etc. Human beings deserve human rights because they are aware of their existence and experience feelings like love.

Do you actually believe foids have the brainpower necessary to be considered a human being who deserves the same rights as other human beings?

Are foids human beings?
Yes Votes: 15 23.4%
No Votes: 49 76.6%

Various Incels #sexist

RE: [ToxicFemininity] Wtf is this, JFL

Pink Pill Feminism

"RadFemTears" -- soon on reddit. Actually, wait. Wahmen are oppressed that's why they (men that they hired off their onlyfans money that is) had to create this totally not hateful site.

Women deserve to freely express their thoughts and opinions on the internet without getting censored or banned.

We all know what their "thoughts and opinions" look like: hate men, kill all men, emasculate 99% of men, round up sub8 men in concentration camps, etc.

Take the pinkpill JFL

take the pinkpill: no matter how privileged foids already are, they still will feel themselves oppressed as long as men exist.

when have women EVER been sensored for their radical feminist views?

(Just here to read)

Could you imagine if women suffered real sex based oppression? They would literally kill themselves in a week

B-But queens do get oppression you inkwell!

What retardation they have there. Man hate is everywhere, no one will take the pinkpill down, but they will try to take down the others. They are also not very mainstream, like reddit and twitter. image

starcrapoo & Bourbon #racist #sexist

[RageFuel] Noodlewhore writer for the (((New))) York Times JFL, Xi Jinping: the “protection of women’s rights and interests must become a national commitment.”

Its pretty simple. White Anglo + Jewish Chads benefit the most from a free liberal world order. And as well ALL know, free does NOT mean FAIR, decent, and just. They get first pick of all races of females and WANT all races of females to worship them and themselves only. Thats why they team up with ethnic women like Elsie Chen. The way to conquer a people without firing a single shot is to brainwash their women into hating the male counterparts of their race.

The Anglo Judeo world order is the worst enemy of human dignity and whats more enraging to me is that they claim they are for human rights and decency. Give me a break. If White Anglo-Judeo males TRULY had their way, all of Asia would look like San Francisco. HORDES upon HORDES of ethnic males (especially Asian) all alone while ALL races of females reject ethnic males at the same time worshipping White males (AND at the same time, saying that they are against white racism and white patriarchy).

i'd still choose a vietnamese or japanese noodle over a white bitch. Over they years of observing and experiencing white whores being total degenerates i've lost all hope even in being able to get a hug from one. and these feminist cunts need to be killed off, most of the guys i've seen talking about it say their asian wife doesn't know what feminism is if a noodlewhore goes to a developed 1st world western country or gets into the (((culture))) then she's ruined

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