Wayne Allyn Root #fundie rootforamerica.com

Donald Trump Is Already the Greatest Conservative President in Modern History

Up until now Ronald Reagan was my favorite president in modern history. But remarkably, Donald Trump has passed my hero Reagan in his first 6 days.

Trump makes Reagan look like he was standing in quicksand. Trump makes Reagan look like a slacker. Trump makes Reagan look like a liberal (almost).

I was honored to be opening speaker at each of Donald Trump’s six events in Las Vegas, Nevada in the past year. At each of these giant rallies I recited a “dream wish list” of everything Trump might do in his first term. Conservatives responded with wild applause and standing ovations for each line.

Then I added, “Trump will do all of that on day one. Can you imagine what he’ll accomplish on his second day?” The crowd roared with delight.

But I was joking. I was dreaming out loud. These were my wildest expectations. I was hoping and praying he might pass some of them in his first 100 days, or maybe his first year, or in his first term.

I never expected in my wildest dreams to be guilty of UNDER-promising!

I was among the first to endorse Donald Trump and predict his victory- over twenty months ago. I said over and over again that he would be our generation’s Ronald Reagan. And that his “CAN-DO” businessman’s attitude would make things happen—fast.

But THIS is ridiculous.

Trump has gone straight from “CAN-DO” to “Already Done.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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