Anon #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The White House-ordered FBI arrest of young airman Jack Teixeira at his family home, marks the beginning of the end of a hopelessly misguided war in Ukraine.

As the youngest member of a patriotic family of Air Force intelligence officers (his stepfather and step-brother are also AF intelligence officers in the 16th Air Force cyber-intelligence wing), airman Teixeira was assigned to late night communications at Joint Base Cape Cod, near Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, where he picked up alarming reports from Ukraine and other trouble spots.

The ethical challenge that confronted Teixeira, whether to disclose the facts to the young military men in his Discord online circle, arose from the ever-wider gap between glowing White House promises of victory in Ukraine versus the reality of brutal losses spinning into imminent defeat for the puppet NATO alliance and the criminal arms-dealing Zelensky regime.
The despicable liberal media has tried to disparage Teixeira as a rightwing gun nut, whereas his profile is typical of patriotic servicemen, who after all are expected to be proficient with firearms along with the more powerful weaponry required by their stern decision to protect this nation. As for reports of his antisemitic comments, the disdain of military personnel toward Jews is largely justifiable due to the cowardly refusal of the vast majority of Yids to take up arms in defense of this society ever since the battle of Lexington and Concord.
Jack Teixeira is a honest man, which nowadays makes him a courageous hero.

We can only hope that the next president will issue a pardon and encourage him to rejoin the USAF with honor. Nowadays, during this time of tribulation, justice is far off and so we must never surrender or concede to the criminals in high office or nestled in the news media who have betrayed the Constitution. Airman Teixeira, may this nation of lost sheep someday salute you as their shepherd in a time of crisis.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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