Stan #fundie

[Note to moderator(s): The quote itself is a little long- I'm sorry, but it's so fundamentalist I wasn't sure what to cut. You can cut it as needed, of course.]

Do you have any idea how many Vietnam VETS have been, and continue to have all kinds of "Psychological" problems? If there are no apparent reasons for your nightmares, etc., the cause is this - During the war, and maybe even today, the Vietnamese people placed VOODOO and WITCHCRAFT curses on their "enemy". If you don't believe in DELIVERANCE, you will probably not believe this either.

Start doing Deliverance on all your symptoms. Break all curses that were placed on you. What have you got to lose? Nothing! What have you got to gain? Everything!

Become a Christian and go through DELIVERANCE! Be sure to break all the curses placed on you and your family.

Deliverance is a lot better than taking drugs.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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