Xantrawler #fundie libertydwells.com

Look for you non believers let us start at the beginning. First billions of qwantrillions years ago before time was discovered there was... Nothing. Got it, nothing existed. Now this nothing sat inside another big nothing and inside both nothings there was nothing. Then one day (I'm not sure which day since there was no days back then, just nothing) the nothing blew up and became something. Now the nothing was something and it spread all over the nothing that was now something. Within this something's nothingness dust grew into a flowing orb and spewed forth the Earth, upon which over time two nothing something came together and formed an ape. The ape being an animal and not knowing any better leaped from the trees and in midflight discarded its apeness and walked upright and called its self man. There does this explain everything to you, no God involved, just nothing. Hay this is what they believe and they say we are nuts for believing in God.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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